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  1. O

    Stocking And Compatabilty Advice

    Hello, I currently have 2 banded leporinus about 6 inches each, 1 eclipse catfish 6-7 inches, a rainbow shark 4 inches, and a mono argentus about 4-5 inches in a 45 gallon. I know they are getting to big, so I am setting up a 165 gallon tank (tall) to put them in. Tank is 4 foot long, 2 foot...
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    Lookin To Buy

    I don't have any myself, but might I suggest craigslist. I'm in Ohio as well, there are quite a few tanks on there. Good luck.
  3. O

    Split from WTB - Rainbows

    Why are you looking to buy, when you supposedly already have all sorts of rare ones that you're trying to sell? Seems a little fishy to me.....