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  1. Crunchycrouton

    What was your first fish

    I had a betta named Arrow.
  2. Crunchycrouton

    WWYD with a PetCo betta?

    Honestly, I have a very good Petco and I get my bettas from there. I say put them in the quarantine tank and leave it for a week. I've never had a problem.
  3. Crunchycrouton

    Moths and Caterpillars

    Super cool! I'm into mantids. Don't have any at the moment, last year I had a couple. I'm gonna get into the moths soon! I really want some Chinese moon moths (Actias dubernardi). :)
  4. Crunchycrouton

    Black Moor white spot

    The fish looks like a female. I could be wrong, but my female goldfish have a “outie” which I call them, just like that. The males have a “innie”. It’s kinda hard to determine gender on fancy goldfish when people say the males are slimmer with their bodies, because fancies are bred to be more...
  5. Crunchycrouton

    Strange "Mini" Platy

    She might just be young, If you don’t want them breeding maybe you can give her to a LFS, or set up a tank with only females.
  6. Crunchycrouton

    3 year old fish with dropsy.

    Well, I went to go well, I didnt put him down because I noticed his swelling went down. His stool returned to normal, and he no longer has popped out eyes, and pine cone scales. Now vs last time.
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  9. Crunchycrouton

    3 year old fish with dropsy.

    Thank you so much
  10. Crunchycrouton

    3 year old fish with dropsy.

    so so sad. I'll be getting clove oil today.
  11. Crunchycrouton

    Sick beta ?

    Ok, thank you
  12. Crunchycrouton

    Sick beta ?

    She wasn’t biting it, she just curled in :(. I’ll post a emergency post..
  13. Crunchycrouton

    Sick beta ?

    Well guys, I don’t think she’s gonna make it.. here’s a photo from when I was transitioning her from her personal tank into a hospital tank. This for sure I know isn’t normal. Before she curled up she flung herself around. Here’s another photo of her in the hospital tank. She can atleast hold...
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  16. Crunchycrouton

    3 year old fish with dropsy.

    I will, and thank you
  17. Crunchycrouton

    3 year old fish with dropsy.

    I feed the fish bloodworms, brine shrimp, peeled steamed peas here and there, and tropical flakes. I will be putting the fish in a hospital tank where I will medicate him.. I'm going to do 25-50 percent water changed on the community tank he was housed in, I'm pretty sure there was a nitrate...
  18. Crunchycrouton

    3 year old fish with dropsy.

    I think i'm going to try to use aquarium salt, and antibiotics.
  19. Crunchycrouton

    3 year old fish with dropsy.

    I have a 3 year old guppy/molly cross (when I asked for two female guppies they scooped up him... he was in a female tank somehow) and he’s been a over all healthy fish. But today I noticed his scaled pine coned. He’s still active, and he ate today. I know that there is no “cure” for dropsy and...
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  23. Crunchycrouton

    Need help with cycling!

    I would keep the water that you have in there, your new beneficial bacteria will feed off the ammonia. If you wish you can get a bottle of beneficial bacteria to kick start its growth, it helped me a lot on my goldfish tanks.
  24. Crunchycrouton

    Lethargic platy laying on the gravel - help

    Could be internal parasites or a swim bladder problem... first, if your able to, put him in a hospital tank or a little floating breeder box and make sure he eats. If he tries to swim up and he sinks back down, then it’s likely a swim bladder problem. If his stool is discolored or stringy, then...
  25. Crunchycrouton

    Are my fish safe

    First, how many barbs are in there? I would recommend atleast 5, more the merrier. If they don’t have enough buddies they can get stressed. What’s your water peramiters? Any tank mates?
  26. Crunchycrouton

    Sick beta ?

    ofc. Thank you!
  27. Crunchycrouton


    The smaller ones on Goldfishisland are 35 dollars, and thats the smallest price i found. Fancy goldfish are oranda, ranchu, ryukin, any of the double tails, telescopes etc. So yes, ranchu are fancy goldfish, and since ranchu dont have any dorsal fins, only 20 percent of them hatch without...
  28. Crunchycrouton


    Yes, your welcome.
  29. Crunchycrouton


    Ranchu goldfish are more rare variety due to the fact that only 20 percent of ranchu offspring are actually ranchu, if you live in the US or Canada GoldfishIsland or Kingkoiandgoldfish have ranchu, good quality too! That's where I get all my goldfish. Ranchu goldfish cost 30-300 dollars...
  30. Crunchycrouton


    I don't know tooo much about the worth of long bodied goldfish, but prices can vary on size. Depending on the coloration, and quality too, i'd say 20-100 dollar range, if you wait till they are at least 5 inches. Also that wall tank, if I were rich I'd have something like that too, sounds so...
  31. Crunchycrouton

    Sick beta ?

    She’s in a 1 gallon container at the moment, I took her out of the main tank for a couple days when I noticed something was wrong. I put her in the container to make sure she kept eating... I’ll be moving her to a 6.8 gallon planted tank to live the rest of her life in, so there’s no competition...
  32. Crunchycrouton

    Sick beta ?

    It’s the normal color it’s always been, normal looking.
  33. Crunchycrouton

    Sick beta ?

    I love crown tails too, and yes, i've seen her eat yesterday, although she has not eaten today yet.. shes still using the bathroom which is good lol
  34. Crunchycrouton

    Sick beta ?

    It’s a female crowntail, i think your just seeing the crowntail part of her. Her home tank is planted with Java fern and Ludwigia.
  35. Crunchycrouton

    Sick beta ?

    Thank you, the water peramiters are good. She’s in a hospital tank right now until I figured out what’s wrong with her, now since i figure it’s old age, I’ll be moving her to a smaller planted tank so I can actually feed her.. don’t worry about her pale appearance, she’s always had that...
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  38. Crunchycrouton


    I couldn’t get the other oranda he’s fast so I’ll try again later LOL
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