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  1. S

    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    Back after a while.Hi. Finally I've had my nitrite spike and ammo drop to 0ppm. Added enough to raise back up to 2-3ppm. Watch this space; )
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    I wouldn't want to kill fish off just to get my cycle completed, I have friend which has just completed a fish in cycle but it's not for Mr. And as for the hard scaping I have many ideas plus i can actually affird it this week :) plants will have to wait but bogwood and arick of some sort shall...
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    So every cycle is different in way,they all have there own personalities, mine is stubborn and awkward!! Reminds me of my 8month old son haha. I'm not going to obsess over the small points anymore, if it takes a month just to hit a nitrite spike it takes a month. I'm sure you said this...
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    Thanks for the reality check eagle,I think I am overthinking the whole process at the minute, I'll just let it run it's course and do as you recommended and research everything else I need.thanks eagle.
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    Hi again,I am starting to worry about my cycle,I wasn't happy with my ammo reading I had trouble distinguishing weather it was 4-8 ppm so i did a 40% water change,this was yesterday and it brought it down to 1ppm ,i checked again today and it was between 0.50-1 ppm but msybe it was 1 so decided...
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    Water Parameters

    Thanks for the quick response duckanddive, another quick question off the original topic,do you think these parameters would be ideal to keep,trigonostigma espei ,adolfoi cory,and maybe dwarf gourami or another small labyrinth fish as I only have 60ltrs? it will be planted aswell.
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    Water Parameters

    Hi,I have a question about my parameters, my tap water and tank water have a ph of 7.6 but my Gh is 125 ppm and my kh is 89.3 ppm. I thought a high ph goes in hand with a high gh but the gh is medium? Any help would be great,I am still cycling my tank at the minute so no fish to worry about as...
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    Fishless Cycling

    Just substrate, I'm waiting to add plants,but money is an issue for the next couple of weeks then I'll be adding rocks and bogwood. My Kh 89.5 Just substrate, I'm waiting to add plants,but money is an issue for the next couple of weeks then I'll be adding rocks and bogwood. My Kh 89.5
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    Fishless Cycling

    I did teat with high ph and it was the lowest on the chart,7.4.i have pettex premium aquarium gravel?
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    Fishless Cycling

    I was advised on using bicarb by lock man,my main question is, is this rise in Ph due to the tank cycling and lack of water changes and is this something to worry about once I have added my fish,I want to keep adolfi corys, flyweight tetras and maybe 2 apisto borelli or dwarf gourami. Is this...
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    Thanks raptor.
  12. S

    Fishless Cycling

    Hi,my tap Ph is 7.6 and my tank Ph at the start of my cycle was 7.6 I'm now 11 days in and I did a high range Ph test and it's showinformation 8.0! Is this possible? Would it be cause there hasn't been a water change? I know a Ph range of 7.0-8.0 whist cycling is preferred but I'm worried that...
  13. S


    OK thank you for the advice,although adding ammo remover wasn't even the question, I can see the link there. Ill read the links you have posted.
  14. S


    I'm in the same opinion that larger schoals of smaller fish are a lot more impressive. Once you are up and running you should post some pics,it sounds awesome. Thanks for the advice Mikey. I have just received my Kh test kit (API) and my tank water Is 5dkh well it took 5drops to turn from blue...
  15. S


    110Gallon! Very nice,now that is what you call a tank: ) I went for the Eheim as I read a fair few positive reviews, only problem is that it's an internal and takes up precious space. I'll check out the penguins, are they available in the uk?
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    Do you work in the aquatics trade eagle? I should have bought an external really, so much more space for media! Maybe on my next tank I'll invest in an external; )
  17. S


    Is there any proof of which filter/media is best for culturing bacteria and also any proof of which of these has cycled the quickest? I'm using an Eheim biopower 200 with one of the stages roved purely cause it was to tall for my has sponge in the first stage ceramic balls in the second...
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    I had no drop in ammonia at all only when I did the first water change because the ammonia was around 6-8ppm,I did a 40% water change which brought it down. There were no signs of nitrite at all.i have checked my tap water 0ppm ammo,5ppm nitrate. My dechlor question has been answered thankfully...
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    I Am Generally interested in learning as Mich about keeping water as possible but there is also a practical reason for asking. On the 31St of dec I started my fishless cycle by adding what I thought was correct by much calculations 4ppm of ammo but it turned out to be 6-8ppm I noticed it was...
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    Hi. Would it be possible that underdosing dechlor would slow a fishes cycle down,and also can you overdose dechlor? Sorry if these are generic questions. Rich
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    Urgent Help Needed! Tank Is Waiting For Help!

    I am using jeyes kleen off and it is working, although I think the %of ammonia is higher than 9.5% as my measurements were higher than what was calculated. Other than that it is getting the desired results, around £5 with delivery. £4 with delivery Strange! What I'm trying to say...
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    I have patients and time on my hands I just want to be thorough and accurate, it would have been a different story if I hadn't found this forum and the advice that I've been given freely. Like I mentioned in an earlier post I'm well and truly hooked and I haven't even stocked my tank yet,I also...
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    That's what I found the beSt way,natural light white background. OK so the patients factor comes back into play; )
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    Mr eagle,Mr lock,thanks for taking your time to answer my questions and even some questions that I haven't even thought of yet :) I like the idea of a divider which is perforated that seems like a logical idea,the heating is the tricky part bit as s you both suggest ,ill get over to the betta...
  25. S

    Starting A Fishless Cycle

    I'm no expert but the general word of the people I have spoke to say it is fine to add decor and fake plants, it's only live plants that You have to watch as their will be a build up of brown algae which isn't to good for live plants, as for fake plants and decor that's all good as the...
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    Thanks eagle,I'll get this tank sorted out first then I'll concentrate on my betta tank.
  27. S

    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    Congratulations,it will be here before you know it! Time fly's. Eagle, I take it your on about using an external filter? I was looking at the fluvel edge 46ltr, it would look nice in the bedroom and quite a small footprint so would be easy to have on a bed side table as such?.
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    Leighton87 this is weird, I'm getting married this August so saving is a big objective but come on it's only a ten gallon tank ;p And as for the ten gallon divided yes i like the idea but how do you filter/heat both sides consistently?
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    I'm already thinking about a 10gallon betta tank!! ;)
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    Ammonia is still 4ppm and no sign of nitrite yet,still early days though. Everyday is getting more exciting than the last though haha,I'm hooked!.
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    I suppose that makes more sense,I'm ordering my plants online so I'll need to get my timing right for when I buy the fish. I'll be checking my ammonia /nitrite in an hour or so, I'll poSt the results.
  32. S

    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    OK thanks for the tip,I've been cycling without the lights on anyway so a little longer won't harm,I'll look into the bogwood and a hide as I hope to have around 6 panda cories?.Do you suggest waiting till I am stocked to add the plants then?
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    I can't wait to get some plants and bogwood just so I'm not looking at an empty tank.; )
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    Just a quick update, my ammonia dropped to 0.5 ppm yesterday so I added just 2.5 ml of ammonia this time which got me to the desired 4ppm,came down this morning to a clear tank: ) I'll check the ammonia this evening and see if they're is any nitrite being processed aswell. Patients is the key: )
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    I like pompey there a good team with budget issues the same as us. It's all about money in football which is the biggest downfall, administration fees, ground rent it's all taking the spirit out of the game,unless your a team like Chelsea or man utd
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    Thanks Mr eagles, think I'll give it a week as you suggest and see if it clears. Thanks for all the great advice you have gave me: )
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    I just have the standard sun glo tube that came with the tank? It is quite bright but nothing special. It's now the end of the fourth day of much cycle, the ammonia has dropped to 0.25-0.50 so its going in the right direction but the milky water is still quite extreme,i need to add that i...
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    Hi, seems I have missed a bit of banter haha,I uses to play rugby in high school, wasn't the beSt but it was an experience, I prefer normal football now or as the americans say "soccer " ;p even though my team Coventry city are now in the worst position than they have ever been,and that's saying...
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    There's nothing wrong with American football I used to watch it myself. I want live plants in my tank definitely, is there a certain substrate that is needed ie sand or gravel? And as for stocking there are so many fish that have been on and off my list haha,illmake a final decision once I'm...
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    Third Day Of Fishless Cycle.

    This is what I love about this forum,even though I'm working a night shift and it's 2.44am here there are still people able to answer questions from across the pond. Thanks for the tip about sodium dosage that's a big help.