Search results

  1. K

    Salvinia Natans

    Plant: Salvinia natans Quantity for sale: two handfuls Sales price: £1.00 per handful Postage: £1.00 Payment methods: bank transfer (preferred), Postal Order, Paypal and Google Checkout (buyer covers all fees) The last two members that have bought from me on here have made sure to cover payment...
  2. K

    Some Advice Needed Please

    In that case, you should not put it in anything under 3 ft long and ideally it should be in at least a 4 ft long tank. Yes, at that size it is big enough to eat a small swordtail or platy. Have you asked the LFS that you got him from to take him back? Advertised it on here? On Aquarist...
  3. K

    Some Advice Needed Please

    If it is big enough to eat swordtails, it needs to be rehomed now as a 10 gallon tank would be much too small. If it is still a fry (under one inch), then it should not have been able to eat the swordtail. Basically, small tanks can only take small fish. Next time, do your own research, ask for...
  4. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    Yep and yep: best floating fry shelter I've ever had!
  5. K

    Aggressive Female Platy

    Puntius semifasciolatus grow up to 75 mm SL (i.e. longer including tail) and are a schooling fish, so need a much larger tank (at least 90 cm/3 ft long) and at least 4 other companions of their own kind, and ideally 8+ others of their own kind. It is possible that they are picking on the platys...
  6. K

    Mesh Cage

    That is most likely diatoms:
  7. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    I have another lot available, but made up of smaller plants than the usual (total volume will be the same).
  8. K

    Apistogramma Cacatuoides

    If that is the case, you would be better off going for a smaller tetra, one that maxes out at around 30 mm, because they are active fish and live quite long (5-15 years, depending on the species). All three species of rummy-nose tetras max out at around 50 mm, so once they grow up properly, they...
  9. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    Glad to hear that yours has settled in :)
  10. K

    [sold] Anubias Afzelii

    Plant: Anubias afzellii Quantity for sale: two reasonable cuttings Sales price: £4.00 each Postage: £3.00 Payment methods: bank transfer (preferred), Postal Order, Paypal and Google Checkout (buyer covers all fees) Given that all bar one member on here have not taken care of the fees when...
  11. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    I have one more lot going! Can post tomorrow if you're quick ;)
  12. K

    Starting Anew, What To Do With My Shrimps?

    Best defence is never a good offence when it comes to medications as most will stop working altogether if you treat them like that! I keep eSHa 2000 and Sera anti-whitespot in my cupboard for emergencies, but the first is quite expensive even here.
  13. K

    Starting Anew, What To Do With My Shrimps?

    Patience and research combined with a test kit should do you well… I'd actually pass on the salt as anti-microbial and anti-parasitic medications are considerably more effective, but research their effect on shrimp first! At the very least, you need to use a half-dose with most and they should...
  14. K

    Sparkling Gourami Fighting

    Ah, that's fair enough. I hope you have luck with the shop! Otherwise, you could try Aquabid, but I'd be careful with that. A 75 cm tank will take a school of about 15-20 D. margaritatus and should take 10 sparkling gouramis if it is reasonably planted.
  15. K

    Sparkling Gourami Fighting

    You are right, quick search does not show anything saying that they are schooling, but I have kept the species myself and they definitely were extremely social and did school when "danger" threatened. Are you in UK? If yes, there are a number of shops that post their stocklists online and do...
  16. K

    Starting Anew, What To Do With My Shrimps?

    Why do you think that and how do you think it will screw with the shrimp? The aim of water changes in a mature system is usually to remove nitrate, and in an immature system to remove ammonia and nitrite. Ammonia and nitrite are very harmful to live animals, nitrate is also, but nowhere near to...
  17. K

    Starting Anew, What To Do With My Shrimps?

    Freshwater? Probably not - it would be "safer" to keep fauna that is suited to those temperatures! Thailand has some wonderful fish, most of which are already very capable of living in that temperature range. The variation in temperature does not really matter if you keep fauna that has been...
  18. K

    Sparkling Gourami Fighting

    Sparkling gouramis (and D. margaritatus) are shoaling fish. This means that they should be kept in groups of at least 6 individual and ideally in schools of 10-15+. There are many reasons for keeping shoaling fish in shoals, one of which is to keep con-specific aggression spread out over a...
  19. K

    Geophagus Jurupari

    By the way, are we talking about Satanoperca jurupari, not Geophagus? That's a tough one… I would go for 6, but I would also want a larger tank for them anyway, so would only buy the species if I knew that I could upgrade to around 6-8 ft long, as they grow to 10" SL. But if I had a larger tank...
  20. K

    Geophagus Jurupari

    How long is it? They are relatively peaceful, so generally if the tank is big enough for 1, it is big enough for 6.
  21. K

    Geophagus Jurupari

    Beautiful fish! Even numbers are generally better than odd numbers in case all-but-one pair up :)
  22. K

    Geophagus Jurupari

    When are you picking up the rest of the school? :rolleyes:
  23. K

    Apple (Mystery) Snails And Bettas.. Good Mix?

    I advise against for two reasons: firstly, if your Betta is picky about companions, he is very likely to bite the snail's antenae/feelers, which would be quite cruel. Secondly, if an apple snail dies in a 5 gallon tank, it will release enough ammonia to kill your Betta, which is why one should...
  24. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    Pretty much last chance if anyone wants some: I'll be getting most of the plants out of the tank over the next couple of days!
  25. K

    Ram Id

    The effects will be long term as higher temperatures increase the rate of their metabolism, amongst other things. Given the species you have, I would personally keep the tank at 25 C, but that is a personal choice and a compromise for both species. There are other potential problems with mixing...
  26. K

    Ram Id

    That is why isn't not a great idea to mix fish from different environments. Rams can be taught to hand feed, so that's probably the only other option that is likely to work.
  27. K

    Ram Id

    Sticking to a generally good feeding schedule is the best course of action. That will take longer than target feeding, but you will not overfeed her that way. I generally recommend 2-3 small feeds per day with one day per week without any food. It is always best to feed a variety of prepared...
  28. K

    Ram Id

    It is indeed a blue ram, although I really doubt that it is from Germany ;) Mikrogeophagus ramirezi have red eyes, as can be seen in the photo, while M. altispinosus have yellow or pale orange eyes. The fish in the photo has a touch of fin rot and looks like it has missed quite a few meals. I...
  29. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    PM sent!
  30. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    Thanks :) PM sent!
  31. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (water Lettuce)

    I have approximately this much water lettuce again: Plant: Pistia stratiotes Quantity for sale: two large handfuls per week; if you want more or less, ask Sales price: £6.00 posted Payment methods: bank transfer, Postal Order, Paypal and Google Checkout (buyer covers all fees) Photo: You...
  32. K

    Mixed Bag Of Cuttings/trimmings

    I was quite willing to give it away for free if someone really could not afford to pay for it, but saying that a bag of mixed cuttings is worth a penny is quite insulting :rolleyes: I more wanted people to say what it was worth to them rather than what is the lowest that they were willing to...
  33. K

    [Sold] Anubias Barteri Var. Nana

    Plant: Anubias barter var. 'nana' Quantity for sale: 1 Sales price: £3.00 Delivery or collection: either Postage & packaging: £2.90 (£2.70 stamp + packaging) Plant: Anubias barter var. 'nana' - baby plant Quantity for sale: 1 Sales price: £1.00 Delivery or collection: either Postage &...
  34. K

    Mixed Bag Of Cuttings/trimmings

    I didn't want to waste my time with half arsed #101## takes :/ Shame you didn't post that offer a couple of minutes earlier, you must have added it just as I'd checked to see if anyone really wanted the lot! I'll give you a shout when I'm next clearing out the tanks, which will be in a couple of...
  35. K

    Mixed Bag Of Cuttings/trimmings

    I'm not feeling very generous today, so anyone taking the #101## won't get it :rolleyes:
  36. K

    Mixed Bag Of Cuttings/trimmings

    Plant: Mostly Elodea crispa and Elodea najas, as well as a little bits of Heteranthera zosterifolia, Bacopa caroliniana, Ludwigia repens var. 'red', maybe baby Anubias spp. or bits of rhizome that can grow Quantity for sale: 1 very large double handful Sales price: Best offer by 21:00 this...
  37. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (Water Lettuce)

    How much do you want? I am more likely to see your reply if you send me a PM or an email. This is how much I have left:
  38. K

    Wanted - Vallis

    What species? I'm planning to trim mine back this weekend. Please PM or email as I am likely to miss your reply in the thread.
  39. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (Water Lettuce)

    Going onto the compost heap now :(
  40. K

    Pistia Stratiotes (Water Lettuce)

    Replied to PM, one more bag left!