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  1. chelsiethegreat

    Argentine Sword?

    trying to bring mine back with flourish tabs ... also have a golden grass plant.. which i heard wasn't a true aquatic plant.... hmmmmmmmm....
  2. chelsiethegreat

    Planted Struggle.

    i cycled it about 2 weeks before i put any fish in it and it was clear until my 1st water change.. i tested at a local pet store and they said that everything came out normal then only thing that was a little high was my ammonia level and that was just barely.. its not getting any better, its...
  3. chelsiethegreat

    Opinions Please! ! !

    hmmm two totally different opinions..which makes it right to say that doing say a 20 % water change, if thats what i choose to do, shouldnt be harmful..?.. so thats good.. but i just really feel like i need to vaccum my gravel. didn't do it the first time i cleaned it because i thought i could...
  4. chelsiethegreat


    yeahh... didn't even think about that, if it was from the ocean its probly loaded with salt. driftwood is so pourus..
  5. chelsiethegreat

    Opinions Please! ! !

    ok.. so i have a 10 gallon, with 7 fancy male guppies... everything has been running really smoothly until my 1st water change... i had a dying plant in there, but it is now, hopefully, comming back to life but my water has stayed really murky.. and almost has a green tint now. my plan is, even...
  6. chelsiethegreat


    i would say yes .. i've read that it doesnt really matter where u buy or get your driftwood, its just that you soak it for a really long time before you put it in your tank.. an unsoaked drift wood is known to make your water more acidic..
  7. chelsiethegreat

    is the angela durante?

    is the angela durante?
  8. chelsiethegreat


  9. chelsiethegreat

    Planted Struggle.

    okay.. so its been a week since my first water change and ever since then my water has stayed cloudy. i have 7 guppies in a 10 gallon tank, an argentine sword plant, and what i belive to be a golden grass plant. my argentine sword was on deaths doorstep until some flourish tabs are hopefully...