Search results

  1. P

    Cool Cleanup Crew?

    Hi I am looking for some cool fish that are good for clean up crew. I have a 20 gallon tank with one gourami and 3 zebra danios. I really want cory catfish but I don't think I can get them because my gravel is not smooth, i think? Post some pictures on this if u can on here of your gravel and...
  2. P

    Help Glow Tetras Not Eating Please

    Tried feeding them bloodworms and pellets and they won't go for that either i don't think the gourami is the problem anymore how long can fish last without food because i am running out of time and the petstore won't let me return them
  3. P

    Help Glow Tetras Not Eating Please

    I have read some people have found success in keeping gourami in community tanks
  4. P

    Help Glow Tetras Not Eating Please

    Hi I posted another one of this but nobody replied so i am trying again. I got some glow tetras on Thursday and fed them that day and they did not eat. That day the blue powder gourami was chasing the glow tetra around alot. The blue powder gourami still does it now. I tried feeding them...
  5. P

    Fish Deaths One A Day :(

    Maybe there is a dominant fish in the tank that is stressing everybody out and killing them. Keep an eye out on the tank and watch for agression because sometimes you get the aggressive fish. I would know because my freind has a neon tetra that kills his other neon tetras normally neons are...
  6. P

    Gourami Bullying Glo Tetra By Chasing Resulting In Glo Tetra Not Eatin

    I have a 20 gallon tank with 4 zebra danios, 1 blue powder gourami and 5 glow tetra. I just go the glow tetra on Thursday and fed them that day and they ate nothing. The day they got into the tank the gourami has been chasing them but the funny thing is the he has never chased the zebra danios...