Search results

  1. Paradise3

    Sourcing Sunset Honey Gouramis

    The Sunsets are the red ones.... They are also called Robin Red or just Red. The one you pictures looks like a Golden Honey Gourami to me which are deep orange-yellow coloured and normals are Honey coloured(hence the name).
  2. Paradise3

    Caring For Freshwater Puffers?

    I don't have a photo of my tank but it was pretty closely planted(reason for no pictures is that it wasn't set up long since one was dead within a week) and covered with snails. I usually treat new plants to eradicate snails but I knew puffers ate them and even needed them to grind down their...
  3. Paradise3

    Id Please

    E. dageti's reach up to 4 inch and she looks like an E. dageti to me....
  4. Paradise3

    Caring For Freshwater Puffers?

    Even in such a large tank I'm surprised your Puffers got on with the other fish. I had two dwarf puffers, and one killed the other. This was after moving them to a 2ft planted tank as well.
  5. Paradise3

    Caring For Freshwater Puffers?

    Hi there, both Figure Eight(8 Spot) and Green Spotted Puffers are brackish fish not true freshwater. They start out life in freshwater but need moving up to brackish when they are older with GSP's needing full marine most of the time when adult.   There are some true freshwater puffer species...
  6. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

    I resorted to using flash on the fish to get slightly more decent photo's of them! XD   So here they are     I wanted to properly introduce this girl. I got her last year with two other females like her. The other two females have since died but this girl is still going strong despite her...
  7. Paradise3

    Mischeivous Moggies Update.

      Ahaha, he's a nutter!      Thanks :)
  8. Paradise3

    Who's For A Gecko Update?

      See if she'd done it the day we got her I could understand it... But it's months since we got her and like I say, she started calming down. When we got her she didn't bite, she just flailed all the time when you touched her. But now she's taken up biting too :/
  9. Paradise3

    Help Me Identify My New Betta :)

      I agree with this 100% :)
  10. Paradise3

    Who's For A Gecko Update?

      Thank you :) We now have two albino strains so have to be careful not to mix them. Maybe one day we'll have all three lol. Yep, she's managed to actually get me once(oh so glad Leo's don't hurt!) and has gone for me a second time(right before that photo actually!) but missed XD   She's always...
  11. Paradise3

    Slithering Snakes Update.

      Yep, he's a big boy :) Fully grown now though lol.
  12. Paradise3

    Slithering Snakes Update.

      Leviathan is, he's 7ft long :) Cereus isn't that big TBF lol. It's just cause it's a close up photo of him ;)
  13. Paradise3

    Mischeivous Moggies Update.

    OK so my naming skills suck I know... XD   It's the furbabies this time... Well, two are furbabies and one is a furmonster.   Sox - Male Tuxedo Moggy.   Tiger - Male Tabby Moggy.   Bugsy - Female Black Siamese/Oriental cross.   OK, all done :) For now.
  14. Paradise3

    Who's For A Gecko Update?

      At the minute we have 10 lol. The little male Normal won't be staying here for good though hence why he doesn't have an official name(though I call him Nutter lol) :) We breed so nine of them are breeders and the little Normal is only of our hatchlings from last year. We're still adding to the...
  15. Paradise3

    Slithering Snakes Update.

    Done the geckos, now the snakes!   Corn Snakes first.   Sakana - Female Hypo het Amel.   Cereus - Male Butter.   Pandora - Female Amel Stripe het Caramel.   Vladimir - Male Caramel Stripe het Amel.   Amara - Female Normal het Amel, Caramel, Hypo.   Now the other snakes   Leviathan - Male...
  16. Paradise3

    Who's For A Gecko Update?

    As the title says, it's gecko update time!!    I've even done a "then and now" of the two APTOr's we bred ourselves, our little Tremper Albino has gone to her new home now so her update photo were taken there hence the different background.   Zara - Female Blood x G-Project het Tremper Albino...
  17. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

    More photo's! :P Tank - 18th March 15.   Oto! - Excuse the algae spots, needs wiping down.   And some sort of half decent livebearer photo's for jag51186 ;) Livebearers are not easy to photograph lol.
  18. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

      Thanks, I'll try and keep the photo's updated :)
  19. Paradise3

    Bloodworms, Assassins And Guppies.

      Mine get fed every 2 days as I said with no problems :) Apart from Sunday, Sunday is their no food day lol.
  20. Paradise3

    Bloodworms, Assassins And Guppies.

      Yeah I have rocks and wood in my tank lol. And yes, sorry Ardvark! XD
  21. Paradise3

    Bloodworms, Assassins And Guppies.

      Ah yeah... I like Nerite's, I just don't like all the eggs they leave all over the place which I've been told are extremely hard to remove. That and Assassins which I doubt I would ever find all of since I have tiny babies running round the tank too XD
  22. Paradise3

    Bloodworms, Assassins And Guppies.

      Yep, that's why I got the assassin's in the first place lol. I had so many MTS I thought they'd out-populate the Assassin's... I was wrong as my Assassin's are breeding XD I keep finding their little orange eggs in their sacks on the wood where my algae eaters can't reach.
  23. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

    My fiance wanted to set up my spare 5.5 gallon so I ended up trimming and moving a few plants over to that tank for him so mine has a little more growing room now :)   Picture from 13th March 15.
  24. Paradise3

    Bloodworms, Assassins And Guppies.

      Who, me or Ardvark? Lol.   I find they don't need them really I just give them as an every now and then thing :)
  25. Paradise3

    My Live Cam Setup - Pic Heavy

    Looking good but the feed doesn't want to come up here on mine unfortunately.
  26. Paradise3

    Bloodworms, Assassins And Guppies.

    I have assassins in my tank and they don't eat each other... I no longer have any snails and if I want them to eat them I have to go to a shop and ask for a bag of snails for them. I feed a mixture of things and find the assassins eating all of them. Tetra Prima. Tetra Prima Granules. Hikari...
  27. Paradise3

    Catfish Id

      Agree with this 100%.
  28. Paradise3

    What Reptiles Do You Have

    Five Corn Snakes - Pantherophis guttatus.   One Yellow Rat Snake - Pantherophis obsoletus quadrivitta.   One Western Hognose - Heterodon nasicus.   Ten Leopard Gecko's - Eublepharis macularius.   That's it for reptiles right now, we're still adding lol.  
  29. Paradise3

    Catfish Id

    My first thought was Pseudoplatystoma corruscans but it doesn't look right. It DOES have the "shovelnose" shape though... Which is confusing because it doesn't look like any of the Pseudoplatystoma..   Maybe a Phractocephalus x Leiarius?   Or similar.
  30. Paradise3

    Help Me Identify My New Betta :)

    Looks pretty tiny to me so could be a PK male too.
  31. Paradise3

    Lapis's Solo 5Gal

    Ooh! LIFE! :D   Looks good so far!
  32. Paradise3

    Nymphoides Sp. "taiwan"

    Plants: Nymphoides sp. "Taiwan"   Age and condition: Age once again unsure - Condition is healthy. Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: No longer have room for both my Nymphoides. Delivery or Collection: Both - Extra costs for postage. Sales price: £10 OVNO - I know this might sound expensive...
  33. Paradise3

    Pregnant Swordtail

    She does still seem to have some fry left inside to drop but I think the problem is that you instantly moved her into the breeder box when you saw fry... I personally leave them to give birth in the main tank, you'd be surprised how easily fry can survive if they have somewhere to hide.   So you...
  34. Paradise3

    Will He Finish Healing?

      I had a load dumped on me(mum spat them, shop wanted to get rid) and I only had one tank I could put them in. I had two tanks but they would have been eaten in seconds in the other as it had my BBG in who attacked anything but snails. Anyway, they grew up and I managed to sell most of them...
  35. Paradise3

    2X Cryptocoryne Beckettii "petchii"

      PM sent :) Sorry for the late reply.
  36. Paradise3

    2X Cryptocoryne Beckettii "petchii"

    Plants: Cryptocoryne beckettii "petchii" Age and condition: Unsure of age - Condition is very good. Quantity for sale: Two. Reason for Sale: Need to make more room in my tank. Delivery or Collection: Both - Extra costs for postage. Sales price: £3 each or £5 for both. Postage & Packaging...
  37. Paradise3

    2Ft - 15 Gallon Planted Tank

      So far I've only had one little one as my first three platies have not long since reached breeding age and I've only just added the two new females :)   However, the young will be left to fend for themselves and with all the adult livebearers and a betta in there to keep the numbers down low...
  38. Paradise3

    March 2015 - Fish Of The Month Competition Entries

    OK why not give it a shot lol.   Twiglet the Farlowella vitatta... Or twig catfish, hence the very inventive name XD   Hope the verification is OK lol.     



