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  2. fish48

    My new purchases of today

    nice selection , Alfaro cultratus. knife livebearer) it's been many years since I've kept this very interesting species
  3. fish48

    blue plume tail platy

    there are at least nine species of wild platys plus many subspecies, and as for domesticated variatus & maculatus platys there are many fancy names and colour varieties
  4. fish48

    blue plume tail platy

    sunset platys are very nice looking fish there are so many varieties of platys to choose from
  5. fish48

    blue plume tail platy

    yes I agree, there's nothing better than feeding them with plenty of live foods they soon recover
  6. fish48

    blue plume tail platy

    occasionally the Plume tail platy turn up in the tropical fish shops, a picture of the blue plume tail platy
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  9. fish48

    A very difficult Livebearer to keep

    Girardinichthys viviparous, has everything to do what has been mentioned except there is no aggression among each other , Girardinichthys viviparous are a delicate species and require a resting period during the winter months i find they do best at 60 to 62 Fahrenheit. and summer months I keep...
  10. fish48

    A very difficult Livebearer to keep

    Girardinichthys viviparous goodeid ) are very pretty difficult to find in the fish hobby and one of the most difficult livebearer to keep and maintain females are gravid so should see fry within the next two or 3 weeks
  11. fish48

    A very difficult Livebearer to keep

    Girardinichthys viviparous
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  13. fish48

    swans nesting

    I do lot of walking these days so decided to take my camera with me i like the wildlife that is so close to where i live
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  16. fish48


    thank you for the info
  17. fish48

    My nezzies...

    nice looking fish are used to keep them back in the early 1990s
  18. fish48

    Hawaiian Variatus Platy

    it was the only hihfin available they don't turn up very often in the shops lfs,
  19. fish48


    A picture of male Endlers I originally got this type from a friend i had to have some ,
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  21. fish48

    Hawaiian Variatus Platy

    I think there a nice looking fish it won't be long before have a thankful of them three days ago this platy gave birth to 30 young
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  23. fish48

    Hawaiian Variatus Platy

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  25. fish48

    Hawaiian Variatus Platy

    yesterday I got a pair of hawaiian platies from local pet shop
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  27. fish48

    skiffia multipunctata

    many years ago i used to keep the Black Beauty hybrid as far as I'm aware there no longer available
  28. fish48

    skiffia multipunctata

    one of my almost black
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  30. fish48

    skiffia multipunctata

    in my opinion the more black in the fish the better it looks
  31. fish48

    skiffia multipunctata

    A pair of my skiffia multipunctata females usually have no black/ coloration. (female below male
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  33. fish48

    yellow fin White Cloud Mountain minnows

    maybe Tanichthys albonubes I bought them from Pet Shop all the others in a tank were standard whitecloud with wait in their fins
  34. fish48

    yellow fin White Cloud Mountain minnows

    A little different than the standard whitecloud
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  36. fish48

    underrated danio

    I'm going to get them spawning within next few weeks it's been a few years since I last spawned Pearl danios I didn't do too bad with them I grew on 170 to adults
  37. fish48

    underrated danio

    an old favourite the Pearl danio / Danio albolineatus A very peaceful little fish inexpensive average price 6 for a tenner . Pearl danios are easy to care for and can take a wide temperature range. not to fussy about water conditions will eat any foods offered.
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  39. fish48

    Feeding butterfly splitfins from the top...

    Ameca splendens. nice looking goodeids reasonably peaceful it was first introduced to the UK fish hobby in 1972 it's become well established in home aquarium throughout the world. A View from the side. males with yellow edging and black band through tail
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