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  1. fish48

    No more fish tanks

    you are absolutely right I have had as many as 130 tanks way to many
  2. fish48

    No more fish tanks

    in the past I had known a few people to end up getting a divorce over fish keeping, I get moaned at a lot for spending too much time in the Fish House lol
  3. fish48

    No more fish tanks

    lol automatically change water every week, I sell the more common livebearers ,I pass the rarer ones on to dedicated fish keeper friends that have the same interests not too long ago I passed some very difficult fish onto a couple of friends that are doing very well with them when or if I needed...
  4. fish48

    No more fish tanks

    my fish room now holds 90 fish tanks that's where I've got to stop and all for the love of live -bearing fish although I do keep the odd danio /tetras , many of my rare livebearers need live foods in the diet to help and keep them in good conditions for breeding , keeping and maintaining all...
  5. fish48

    Which live plant would you recommend for betta fry so I can give them infusoria

    Yes, flake food can be fed in the same way also Live food should be added to the diet
  6. fish48

    Which live plant would you recommend for betta fry so I can give them infusoria

    duck weed is a very good food for apple snails they have produced 4 heaps of eggs in the last two weeks.
  7. fish48

    Which live plant would you recommend for betta fry so I can give them infusoria

    Yes, it can work. There are many different ways of feeding infusoia i use yeast because it's easier and quicker to set up the culture Flake food spirulina can be added, If you're feeling egg yolk, there is no need to feed infusoia How are you feeling the egg yolk to fry ? As already been...
  8. fish48

    Which live plant would you recommend for betta fry so I can give them infusoria

    First of all, you have too much veg in the jar. Also having the lid on it Is probably not going to help. If you're worried about flies or other creatures getting into the culture, just put a mesh over top of Jar. your culture will probably take two weeks To break down and get established. Also...
  9. fish48

    Which live plant would you recommend for betta fry so I can give them infusoria

    if your tank water is going cloudy then you are feeding too much, you also may be overfeeding the infusoria It should clear within two or three days.
  10. fish48

    Pregnant molly

    yes it's pregnant
  11. fish48

    Which live plant would you recommend for betta fry so I can give them infusoria

    it would have been better to start up a Infusoria culture before fry are born other foods for new born fry are liquefy or boiled egg yolk
  12. fish48

    goodea atripinnus

    male) goodea atripinnus. last week the female had 25 good sizes young
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  14. fish48

    xenotoca variata

    male Jesus Maria. they're really nice looking fish I have seen many goodeids give birth there's almost always the odd one or two come out head first I have also seen them give birth to more than one fry at a time ,
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  16. fish48

    xenotoca variata

    xenotoca variata giving birth
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  18. fish48

    xenotoca variata

    xenotoca variata giving birth
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  20. fish48

    Zoogoneticus tequila

    2 male Zoogoneticus tequila showing off colour in a friendly fighting mood
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  22. fish48

    Xiphophorus variatus La laguna ♂...

    nice-looking platys well worth the time and effort keeping them
  23. fish48

    living thing

    parts seem to break off and regrow
  24. fish48

    Live food for dummies

    natural green water would be more suitable sometimes it can be difficult to create green water inside/ shed with little daylight. during the winter months, there are many options feeding daphnia as I have mentioned bakers yeast, or brewers yeast can be used. Spirulina powder, spinach, lettuce...
  25. fish48

    Live food for dummies

    how i culture daphnia with great success, I fill tank/ container with old tank water I then add some bakers yeast to a jar of water and mix to a paste and slowly pour it into tank into the water goes cloudy, i add two or three bags of Daphnia the equivalent of what you would usually get from...
  26. fish48

    interesting goodeid

    Mexico. there are approximately 40 species of goodeid
  27. fish48

    living thing

    I thought maybe is food particles but then it's only a guess
  28. fish48

    Live food for dummies

    for best resorts a 10 gal plus would be better it's easy to culture and feed, when kept outside winter months in the UK most of the daphnia will die
  29. fish48

    interesting goodeid

    skiffia lermae, a really nice looking goodeid
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  31. fish48

    living thing

    probably a type of hydra it's been quite happy living in one of fish tanks for the past two months
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  33. fish48

    Live food for dummies

    a very good food for young fry and fish keep my culture in Irish Moss peat although it's very difficult to get these days i feed my grindall worms on ready Brek and have been doing so for 30 years
  34. fish48

    Live food for dummies

    if you put mosquito larvae in the fridge it will help to slow down the growth
  35. fish48

    Live food for dummies

    A bucket of smelly water will attract mosquitoes. my way to start up a culture and speed things up is to put a bucket of fish tank water and add old microworm culture I put the bucket just outside by the Fish House door , within 24 hrs I get mosquito rafts I have add as many as 80 rafts in a...
  36. fish48

    Keeping Giant Danios

    A very hardy nice looking fish easy to keep and breed not too fussy about tank temperature or water conditions . will eat any food offer to them they need to be kept in a tank of at least 3 foot+ with plenty of swimming space
  37. fish48


    just a pet shop stran, not a very good picture but nice looking fish
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  39. fish48

    Gold laser guppy

    just a fancy name given to this guppy, with a red / orange line through top part of the fish
  40. fish48

    Gold laser guppy

    male gold laser guppys. as usual difficult to get compatible females