New to this. Recently just had first batch of parrot fry approx. 50-60. If some of the batch are kept together will they mate and if so will any problems come of this?
Thanks J
HELP, My polar parrot cichlids have recently laid eggs for the first time. They’re now wrigglers. How long do I keep them with parents before separating them? Or do they need to stay with parents.
I have a very small angelfish also in the tank will this be an issue or will the parrots protect...
160L, pretty low stock at the minute as I’m wanting the change, the Sevrum is currently with angel fish and gourami. But unfortunately I was very keen on keeping the sevrum
I currently have a community tank with a Golden sevrum around 3-4”, I am wanting to change to an African Cichlid tank. How would the sevrum be along with Malawi cichlid ?