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  1. 20160207_092940.jpg


  2. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Yeah, probably. Look at this dumbo octopus. Also, a tardigrade (an aquatic animal). Not sure how I found this. It is an extremophile, and can survive in space. I thought that was interesting.
  3. giphy.gif


  4. FQcRh.jpg


  5. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    I am too. Let's just move on to the Mariana trench, 'cause you mentioned that at the very start.
  6. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    When was anyone talking about greenhouses, as in the growing ones?
  7. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    cboatman answered the complications pretty well. Read his reply.
  8. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    I don't have exact figures, but in 2011 alone 38.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted. For more info, google "amount of CO2 emitted by humans each year". That answers the second part. Make sure to share the doc.
  9. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Also assuming they were weightless.
  10. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Assuming you didn't put them on his head, and they were thin. I think it's harder for the heat to escape because it has to go through more (the greenhouse gases), which are trying to keep it in.
  11. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Not really. The amount we are emitting is changing annually, and the amount we are emitting would have some effect. For example, if you took a cup of sea water, which is already salty, and added more salt in, the salinity would rise. If you are suggesting that CO2 has the same effect in...
  12. GobyMaster11276

    How Long Will My Betta Live Given Adequate Conditions?

    Okay. First of all, bettas need heaters. Even that much of a temperature swing will stress them. Plus, you need to heat your water before putting it in. And you didn't cycle your tank? That is a big mistake as well. Those large water changes, coupled with any ammonia/nitrites and cold water, a...
  13. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Don't worry, it's not over yet. :D Yeah, basically the Earth will change over time. Like now, we experience a world cooler than the dinosaurs would have. The fact is though that these changes are naturally small over long periods. What is happening now is that this has been made much bigger by...
  14. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Ohhh. Sorry. Been interpreting it incorrectly the whole time. :D Basically the problem is that greenhouse gases such as CO2, methane and such are massively amplifying the minor, gradual temperature changes of our planet. This is resulting in the global warming we are now experiencing. To help...
  15. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Is it alright if I continue on with your 10 myths post?
  16. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Here's a link to support the fact that coral appeared a bit more than 500 million years ago.
  17. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    What question am I dodging?
  18. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Just to let you know, the reason green house gases are warming the planet is because they're preventing heat from escaping (according to NASA). That being said, I had a quick look at the link you mentioned, and I believe that these factors would naturally keep the planet warm (without need of...
  19. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    I didn't say there was a problem with getting a simple answer.
  20. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Yeah, these quotes are getting out of control. I was just saying that corals weren't around 700 million years ago, as mentioned. No problem. Here's the link. I did read that by the way. Never heard that before. Always learning.
  21. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    I forgot to say in my last comment, CO2 is a main driving force, but it did not start the warming. I believe that the gradual temperature change our planet was slowly going through has been massively boosted due to the recent green house gas boost (starting with the industrial revolution) and is...
  22. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Could you please link/reference your sources about the ice cores? I found this when I tried to search for it: This website says: "The lag...
  23. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    The below graph shows a reconstruction of the controversial hockey stick graph you mentioned. It shows the Medieval Warm Period that you mention, but as you see that was much more gradual, and overall lower, than the modern rise.
  24. Moberg_Hockey_Stick.gif


  25. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Please look at these graphs. One shows that the was warming from 2001 onward, and another shows warming of more than 0.6 to 0.8. If there had been "natural" warming, why did it start with the industrial revolution (see my earlier reply)? And why have we recently had the warmest days/years on record?
  26. fig13-b.png


  27. 2016-01_p2.png


  28. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    What do you mean by "I can't see my hand against my eye"?
  29. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    You do realise how fragile corals are, don't you? Even a 1-2 degrees Celsius change for prolonged periods could kill them. If they get deeper it won't help them.
  30. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    This statement is incorrect. Even google it. Corals were around 542 millions years ago, and were scarce at the time (according to fossil records). Also, in terms of global warming, it can work both ways (making the world warmer and colder). Also remember that humans are damaging the ozone...
  31. one.png


  32. Two.png


  33. GobyMaster11276

    What would you recommend?

    Hi! Welcome to the hobby. My advice would be to do some research first. Get an understanding of the nitrogen cycle for a tank, then test your tap water. Once we know that, we'll be able to determine what types of fish are suitable (e.g. soft water fish). How much time/space are you willing to...
  34. GobyMaster11276

    Can someone help me identify my blue bettas gender?

    What type of filter do you have?
  35. GobyMaster11276

    New to this

    Was the tank cycled?
  36. GobyMaster11276

    My new sorority

    I'm sorry for your loss.
  37. GobyMaster11276

    Well.... Darn

    Coral bleaching is believed to take place due to global warming (which in this case is human caused). Basically, the CO2 being emitted is absorbed mainly by the ocean (not the Amazon Rainforest), and this in turn lowers the pH and increases temperature of the water. Corals are very delicate...
  38. GobyMaster11276

    All the gobies will be mine soon. Mwahahaha!

    All the gobies will be mine soon. Mwahahaha!
  39. GobyMaster11276

    My new sorority

    Wait, did the flooding damage the sorority?