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  1. StellaThePlaty

    Pretty Fish For 10 Gallon Tank

    Iwas thinking maybe dwarf gourami... Could i keep one in a ten gal?
  2. StellaThePlaty

    Pretty Fish For 10 Gallon Tank

    I have a new 10 gallon tank, and i want some different fish from my usual tetras and guppies. any suggestions?
  3. StellaThePlaty

    Dwarf Gourami Tankmates?

    I have a new 10-gal tank in which i would like to keep a dwarf gourami, but i would also like some smaller fish for company. any suggestions? or could i even keep a dwarf gourami in it?? or is 10 too small?
  4. StellaThePlaty

    Prolapse Fixed On Its Own?

    She wasn't pregnant...i dont think. There are no males in my tank or babies either...
  5. StellaThePlaty

    Prolapse Fixed On Its Own?

    I had a prolapsed platy yesterday, and i asked about it in the emergency section. The replies said that i had to isolate her and medicate her for her to pull through, so i isolated her and made plans to get to petsmart the next day. But this morning, she was healthy looking again! Is it...
  6. StellaThePlaty

    Platy Has White Thing Coming Out Of Her?

    Is there anything i can do to prevent my other fish from getting it in the future?
  7. StellaThePlaty

    Platy Has White Thing Coming Out Of Her? that link might work, it is hard to get images from my ipod to the...
  8. StellaThePlaty

    Platy Has White Thing Coming Out Of Her?

    My platy has this thing coming out of her. It's like a white lump with some pinkish color. From what i have read, it looks like intestine, anything i can do? Will it affect my other fish?