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    Discus fish is not eating

    Hello Dears, i would like to get Help from you guys as i'm not totally beginner in this hobby but new to discus fish keeping, now i'll throw some info about my tank it is a 125G planted tank with a nitrogen cycle up and running from 5-6 months. with some angel fish and platy and tetras in it...
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    Problem feeding my arowana

    i will consider all of these variants ... thank you
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    Problem feeding my arowana

    Thank u a lot this might help hope she considers eating pellets after all
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    Problem feeding my arowana

    Dears: I bought my new arowana 3 days ago and am not happy to feed the aro gold feeder fishes so i want to train it having pellets or sticks..... the problem though i have 3 oscars and severum fish and when i drop into the tank those pellets they attack like crazy and don't give the aro the...