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  1. Fishies4Ever

    Can you change your name?

    Yeah that sound like a good idea 👍
  2. Fishies4Ever

    If you could have ANY fish tank setup with ANYTHING, what would it be?

    Could you put up a picture of what that looks like!!! I haven’t seen it and it sounds super cool. I am planning on doing a koi pond and maybe adding some different things like clown or dojo loaches or a Chinese high fin banded shark, but they get super big!
  3. Fishies4Ever

    If you could have ANY fish tank setup with ANYTHING, what would it be?

    I’ve already done one with the peacocks and haps on page one but I have another idea. When I was first researching plecos and fish I could put in my tank and just to gain knowledge I guess, I absolutely fell in love with the zebra pleco but they are really rare 😢 it would probably be a 100...
  4. Fishies4Ever

    Can you change your name?

    I don’t really like the name I have I would like to maybe change it to Fishies4ever if that is possible if not fish384 is good to
  5. Fishies4Ever

    If you could have ANY fish tank setup with ANYTHING, what would it be?

    I would probably go with a 500 gallon tank. With as many haps and peacocks as possible and with some females maybe to since they would have so much room. I am going to get a 60 gallon with a few peacocks and haps but I would do it on a bigger scale and it would give me a lot more options and...
  6. Fishies4Ever

    How do I get rid of this?

    I was not planning on doing this because I also do not know what it is, I have never heard of the term.
  7. Fishies4Ever

    What would you tell your past newbie-at-fishkeeping-self if you had the chance?

    That keeping live plants alive isn’t that hard
  8. Fishies4Ever

    Help! Honey gouramis unwell

    It should be ok until tomorrow morning but just try and do it as early as possible tomorrow
  9. Fishies4Ever

    How do I get rid of this?

    Ok thank you so much! I hope my fish will still be doing good tomorrow I will do a 50% water change and test for nitrate again. I will do a fast day tomorrow as well. I just fed them and I had the lights off for a few hours. I think I scared them really bad because they were really pale and it...
  10. Fishies4Ever

    How do I get rid of this?

    I decided to test the tap water just in case it looks pretty good at about 0 I will still do a 50% water change again tomorrow
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  12. Fishies4Ever

    How do I get rid of this?

    Just did about a 80% water change and test the nitrate. Nitrate - 5.0 - 20 but 10 and 20 look pretty exact on the color chart so it might be more like 5.0 - 10
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  14. Fishies4Ever

    How do I get rid of this?

    Ok thank you! I’ll do a water change now. Would red root floaters take out some of the nitrates as well because I have been thinking about getting some so the light isn’t so bright anyway. This is kind of a dump question but when you say water change do I just change the water or do I also...
  15. Fishies4Ever

    How do I get rid of this?

    I just tested my parameters! Ammonia - I think it is 0 but it might be .25 which is really worrisome Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 40 - 80 super concerning Ph - 7.6 but not sure High pH - little lighter than 7.4 so I am assuming it would lower I know these results are terrible and everything should...
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  21. Fishies4Ever

    How do I get rid of this?

    I want to get some red root floaters dot eh suck up a lot of extra nutrients?
  22. Fishies4Ever

    How do I get rid of this?

    I cleaned the tank a few hours ago. I took out the driftwood and cribbed it with an old toothbrush. I ended up taking out the snail eggs. I also vacuumed the sand for the first time and it actually work. In the past I had tried but I didn’t like really stick it in there because I thought it...
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  24. Fishies4Ever

    Betta tank, will this work?

    I want the long, because the high just looks like a taller 10 gallon or I might do a 29 gallon which I have in a garage in Colorado. We left is there when we moved to New York, but we are going to visit soon so I might see if I can grab it.
  25. Fishies4Ever

    Breeding green saums with other fish

    I think it would be ok. If there is a lot of aggression put the green saums back into the 75. This is just my personal opinion but I have no experience with these larger fish so take my opinion for a grain of salt.
  26. Fishies4Ever

    Betta tank, will this work?

    What about for a 20 gallon? I am planning on getting a 60 gallon for peacocks and haps but my plans might change. The 20 gallon will be for Cory’s and tetras.
  27. Fishies4Ever

    How do I get rid of this?

    It does have 3 different light settings but it is not programmable.
  28. Fishies4Ever

    How do I get rid of this?

    The balck bear algae has been on the wood for awhile. The plants just look like they have sediment from the water that condensed. The fungus is pretty recent and it appears to be on one of my plants as well. It has happened before but I think I just scrubbed it away. I used to feed my fish twice...
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  31. Fishies4Ever

    Is this ich??

    Thank you! I’ll do that a bit later today. I don’t have gravel I have sand and plant fluval substrate how should I clean that? I’ll also have to test my parameters I know they are all supposed to be zero except ph and what about nitrite?
  32. Fishies4Ever

    Help! Black skirt tetra not doing too well

    Could you put up a picture of the whole tank?
  33. Fishies4Ever

    17gal high tech nano aquarium journal

    Is that why my red plants aren’t very red!!!!! Well guess I need to go get an iron supplement. The tank looks great!! Do you have any ideas on what you are going to stock it with?
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  35. Fishies4Ever

    Is this ich??

    I was just looking at my fish and I noticed almost a whitish growth on its face. It’s not really super white like ich I have seen before. I am wondering if I have just caught it quickly? I have API ich cure should I start using it? That’s about as good of a picture I can take it is on two of the...
  36. Fishies4Ever

    Cloudy eyes? HELP

    It does look like cloudy eye to me this is an article I found that might help Colin_T is pretty good with how to treat this kind of stuff so maybe you could try asking him. To prevent future cloudy eye it would be a good idea to make sure you are...
  37. Fishies4Ever

    Help! Black skirt tetra not doing too well

    This is very odd behavior. I tried looking it up and I can’t find anything. Your parameters look good. I have had a serpae tetra up at the top of my tank hiding behind some driftwood. I haven’t been to worried about it but it is curios behavior. It could be do to poor water quality. I would do a...
  38. Fishies4Ever

    Could i add kuhli loaches to my aquarium?

    I had a dwarf gourami when I was little and it died a few months after I got it and I now realized it was probably from this. It’s to bad though because they are so beautiful 🤩
  39. Fishies4Ever

    Could i add kuhli loaches to my aquarium?

    Sounds like a great idea and some perfect little additions to the tank!!!
  40. Fishies4Ever

    Betta tank, will this work?

    For the ember tetras and the panda Cory’s how many should I have of each? Is there another species I could put in there as well? Maybe another schooling group or a show piece? Thanks for everyone’s help and advice!!