Search results

  1. C

    Strange growth/scales/discoloration on male Betta

    Hello all, Some background first. 60L fish tank 1 male Betta 8 glass blood fin Tetra (I wanted to get 6 not to over stock but the pet store put 8 in the bag by mistake) 3 Otto's 1 red cherry shrimp Live plants, sand and bogwood Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10/20 ppm pH 7.4 Over a week...
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  7. C

    Male or Female Betta?

    I tried my best to get some pictures of him/her flaring but they're all a bit blurry, but I think you can kind of see the outline of the flared up gills... Thoughts?
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  11. C

    Male or Female Betta?

    Hi esjay, I've seen him/her flare before and I do think that the gills go all the way around. I might try get a picture later if I can. Nope, no females in the tank couple of Otto's and some glass blood fin Tetra. I was very close to starting a female Betta community, it's a good thing that...
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    Male or Female Betta?

    A few months ago my girlfriend and I purchased a female Betta for our fish tank. Over the last couple of days she/he has been making what looks like a bubble nest? I have attached some pictures, can anyone confirm the gender of our Betta fish please?
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    Maybe Sick? Need Some Help

    hard to say with no pictures could you upload some pictures
  21. C

    Job Interview!

    lucky i really wana work in my local pet store when im 16
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    I Got A Betta

    he looks really great i love bettas
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    Goldfish With Swim Bladder

    there is cure for it i read that greens beams help not shure though just go to kokos goldfsih forum and post a tread and they will give you the answer hope i could help :good:
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    seperate the male from the females
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    My Little Cute Babies.

    sorry for your loss :-(
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    Dalmation Mollie With Discolered Fins

    it looks really good
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    Any Reports Of Different Mollies Mating?

    yes they will breed if they have the right conditions
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    Female Swordtail Is Now A Male?

    cool :good:
  29. C

    Fish Addiction! Tempted To Buy Some Uaru Tomorrow !

    i think they are really cool too :good: :drool:
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    Fish Identification

    not sure but i got to say it looks really good very nice fish :D :drool: :good: not sure but i got to say it looks really good very nice fish :D :drool: :good:
  31. C

    What Cichlid Is This Please

    looks like Nicaraguan Cichlid to me :good:
  32. C

    My Male Betta

    very nice :nod: :drool: :hyper:
  33. C

    Stocking For A 7Litre Bowl?

    you cannot put a filter or a heater too small just get a betta its the best fish for it and you don't need a filter or a heater for a betta :good:
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    Female Swordtail Is Now A Male?

    ok :good:
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    One Of My Blood Mollie Died Today

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    My Little Cute Babies.

    hi just wonderring how is the baby?
  37. C

    Female Swordtail Is Now A Male?

    alri i sow that like a week ago and then i sow this post so i just coopied and pasted it :shifty: if you wanna see the webside just type in swordtail profile in google :good:
  38. C

    the little dragon hatched i pressed on it like 30 times

    the little dragon hatched i pressed on it like 30 times
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    Guppy Fry, Holiday And Releasing Them?

    not sure but i say they will look cool :rolleyes: :rolleyes: