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  1. 3CC773CD-2104-493B-8FB4-672A7A2B81B0.jpeg


  2. 4237F249-EA4E-4C2C-B25B-1A2822135955.jpeg


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    Skunk loach...

    Thank you so much for your help!
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    Skunk loach...

    What do you think of keeping 7 skunk loaches with some cichlids in a 55 gallon tank? Or should I go with 10 loaches alone in a 55 gallon?
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    Skunk loach...

    So will he be happy all alone?
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    Skunk loach...

    I hope I picked the right thread for this, anyways... I have one skunk loach and he is SO aggressive, I was thinking about giving him away but that doesn’t sit right with me. I’m wondering if I can put 4 of them in a 20 gallon tank, if not, can I keep 3 with them being satisfied with the size of...
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    Freshwater clams...

    I definitely made a mistake getting a clam... i didn’t know much about them before I bought it and now I’m here... can they live in a gravel substrate? And how should they be positioned? I noticed mine tries to bury himself but ends up half in the gravel and half out, I’m not sure if this is normal.
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    Is this a disease or just his markings?

    My gold algae eater is doing really well but I’ve been noticing black marks on his back, I’m not sure if it’s normal because he’s acting normal
  9. 6B428059-8853-4263-8961-0009044A1E7A.jpeg


  10. 3FD71B49-576D-4789-85C2-04C7E489671A.jpeg


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    Sick red tailed shark

    The tank has been running for about 4 months. I tested the ammonia today and it read zero, the nitrite levels were higher than I thought so today I put in API stress + zyme. I clean it regularly, I use a water conditioner and aquarium salt. He seems to be doing better today, swimming around...
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    Sick red tailed shark

    my red tailed shark has been acting strange for a couple days, two of my other fish(clown loaches) died and they were acting the same way. I don’t have a clue what’s wrong, I tested my water nitrate reads about 30, nitritereads .5-1.0, water hardness is very soft, chlorine is 0, total alkalinity...
  13. D6FEF891-276F-4AB8-A4B4-ABB04184B422.jpeg

