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    What is wrong with my red tailed shark

    I need to separate two of my fish, she was terrorizing one of my cory cats. Her face is a grey/white color
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    What is wrong with my red tailed shark

    I’m not sure what could be wrong with her... she’s eating and acting fine. I do have a soft plastic barrier in the tank, I’m thinking she might of gotten stuck underneath
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    Swim bladder

    I think she might be okay, although she did show symptoms of swim bladder. I’m going to keep an eye on her though. I put api aquarium salt in the tank this morning and I read online that plain epsom salt can cure it
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    Swim bladder

    My red tailed shark has swim bladder, can aquarium salt help this? Does anyone have suggestions for treatment?
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    Stocking your fish emergency medicine cabinet...

    Not an emergency medicine but an emergency supply, I have a battery operated air stone, in case of a power outage this gives your aquarium circulation and oxygen!
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    Tank water temperature

    In the summer months the ambient temperature around my tank fluctuates a lot, the tank temperature goes from 75-77 degrees quite a bit. I’m wondering if this is okay for my fish? If not is there any way I can keep the temperature more steady?
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    Is pimafix effective in treating body fungus?

    I bought fish from Petsmart yesterday and now my fish have fungus
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    Can anyone tell me why my gourami is blind?

    At first it looked like it was on the outside but now the white looks like it’s inside of the black part of her eye. The other side looks like a little white haze on the outermost part of her eye but she acts like she still can’t see. After all of this I’m figuring that it’s genetics or a...
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    Can anyone tell me why my gourami is blind?

    About A month ago I noticed my goal gourami swimming into decorations and swimming pass the food I put in the tank. Since then her right eye progressively got cloudier and her left eye has just started to get cloudy. I cleaned the tank daily for a couple of weeks in hopes that it was just an...
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    Blind gold Gourami

    Okay gourami is definitely a female. I’ll give that a try and see where it goes. I’m not treating the algae with chemicals, I’m manually removing it and I recently got moss balls to see if that helps.
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    How do you know so much about fish? Do you work with them for a living??

    How do you know so much about fish? Do you work with them for a living??
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    Blind gold Gourami

    I changed my filter media a little over a week ago. After I found worms I’ve been doing religious water/ gravel vacs. I would really clean the gravel good and the next day I’d notice a lot of way too much poop for doing a cleaning the day prior. I have a 40 gallon my angel fish and gourami are...
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    Blind gold Gourami

    A couple of weeks ago I noticed my Gouramis coloring get progressively darker. I thought it was because he was getting older. Then I noticed he was swimming aimlessly bumping into the decorations also when I put flake food in the tank He would swim right past the food. I looked closer at him...
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    Does anyone know what this red mark, possibly sore? On my cory catfish is?

    It was difficult getting a good picture
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    Does anyone know what this red mark, possibly sore? On my cory catfish is?

    I recently found white worms in my tank, I cannot get rid of them, so I started treating my tank with salt and water changes to no avail. I found my Cory cat with this on his side last night, does anyone know what it could be from?
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    Found a worm in my tank...

    Before I noticed a worm I cleaned once a week, I started doing water changes every day now because now there are hundreds of little white hair like worms floating around. And I noticed a red bump on my sterbai Cory cats. I’m thinking about buying API general cure
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    Found a worm in my tank...

    Thank you for the tips. I do have Cory cats, angelfish, and a gourami. Will 1 tablespoon per 20 liters still be okay?
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    Found a worm in my tank...

    So I was doing a water change and saw a little worm on my nerite snail. I’m pretty sure it was a detritus worm, still a little unsure. I’m wondering if garlic or aquarium salt will kill them. I don’t have many options because I have scaleless fish, invertebrates
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    Looking for a 55 gallon aquarium hood...

    I’m having no luck finding a 55 gallon hood. Does anyone know of sites that have any kind of 55 gal hood or does anyone have diy suggestions??? Thank you
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    Terrible fish injury

    During the night one of my fish tore into my badis badis. The whole side of his face is practically gone. Surprisingly he is alive and eating a little bit. I moved him to a more peaceful tank. I’ve been using melafix. I’m wondering if there’s anything else I should do? How often should I do...