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  2. Lanpenn

    My (very) low-cost 7.92 gallons tank

    Well, I forgot to post these two videos... Yesterday I gave some tiny BSFL for my betta. However, reading this article, I saw that BSFL fat is about 30 %. This fat level is simply huge for my fish. Am I correct or I misunderstood anything?
  3. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    What species is this grass? It looks like the grass from my mother's house.
  4. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Today I gave a ride to a neighbor and I made some money, although the roads here are terrible. Giant potholes, dirt roads, several (tall) speed bumps, and the valetas (I don't know if there's an English word for this). I also sold some adult artemias to a fishkeeper. Well, it's a 2013 Fiat...
  5. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    I'm sorry for your loss. What was this black thing around his snout? I had a Boxer for 13 years. She passed away last year and I wrote even poetry about her. Well, I'll try to translate to English: Thirteen infinite winters Rests here, the creature Sweet soul And bravery from a murmillo...
  6. Lanpenn

    What are you doing today?

    Besides trying to figure out my internship extreme bureaucracy (it's easier to get a tourist visa than this), yesterday I tried to draw my Betta splendens: The picture: Also, today I tried to pick more tiny BSFL for my betta (I have a BSFL culture). Tomorrow I should give for him and check...
  7. Lanpenn

    My (very) low-cost 7.92 gallons tank

    Well, let's bring updates? Probably my tank's now infested by cyanobacteria. I don't know what could I do about this issue. Also, these bubbles appeared. May be the aquarium glass, but the fact is that there're bubbles on the rock... Once again, this last weekend I fed the betta with...
  8. Lanpenn

    About Betta nutrition

    Maybe for the fact that being a Biology student and being on fishkeeping since 2012, I like several organisms, of different kinds. I started with this hobby involving live food in 2013, when I started culturing Ulomoides dermestoides, but eventually, this thing collapsed. Well, at least today...
  9. Lanpenn

    About Betta nutrition

    Today I fed him with some brine shrimp, but I realized that he's selective in some way (my zebra danios loved and ate even the largest ones). He prefers to eat the smaller ones, because the bigger ones he swallows and spits out. I even thought about giving daphnia, but these organisms are...
  10. Lanpenn

    About Betta nutrition

    Well, usually my betta ate the isopods without any problems. This betta I didn't feed any live food, yet.
  11. Lanpenn

    About Betta nutrition

    Does anyone know if small white isopods would be okay for bettas as live food? I didn't find anything relating to nutritional value.
  12. Lanpenn

    Live Food?

    What would be the problem with bloodworms, exactly, that doesn't apply to other larvae? Or this would be applied to other aquatic larvae?
  13. Lanpenn

    My (very) low-cost 7.92 gallons tank

    Finally! Well, I'm sorry for so many photos. Indeed, it's so hard to take some good pictures, because the betta is agitated, besides the fact that there's some light reflection. Today, I measured ammonia and nitrite, getting 0 ppm. Well, it's cycled, I think. Also, I did a partial water change...
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