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  1. Oldspartan

    more "Suckies"... don't these look angelical???

    I think I hear harps in the background.
  2. Oldspartan

    What are you doing today?

    Today we hauled dead wood to the stream bed to make dead fall. Tomorrow I will buy a pick up load of soil after my pre-op ekg to fill in areas of the dead fall for planting.
  3. Oldspartan

    Marlon the Pleco

    Juvenile Molly
  4. Oldspartan

    🐠 TOTM VOTE NOW - June 2024 Tank of the Month Contest (16 gal & smaller)

    10 gallon refurbished tank. Found at flea market in March complete with metal wire stand. LEAKED when tested and had calcium scale. Stripped sealer and descaled with muriatic acid then sealed with Aquino sealant. Was done an a fun experiment and learning process. White colored gravel with a...
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  6. Oldspartan

    Marlon the Pleco

    I have decided my Plecos have Marlon genes.That is in Brando. Like him they make very rare public appearances, but when they do it is entertaining.
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  8. Oldspartan

    2024 MLB season

    Post away. You are a FANatic and that is a fun thing. My interest in baseball waned when they went to nearly exclusive night games. I do get MLB channel so I can watch the occasional non Mets oh Yankee gamers which I avoid. I am a Dodger fan dating from the Brooklyn days but can not get excited...
  9. Oldspartan

    Tropical Fish Outdoors

    I have heard of people raising fry outdoors in totes or other suitable containers. Because ny honey is for the time being obsessed with live bearers and their fry I am wondering if outdoors is suitable for this purpose. I can take steps to avoid predation but am concerned about temperatures...
  10. Oldspartan

    Pond questions

    Pond work is basically complete. I do need to dress the margins of the extended bog and the stream bed but that is mostly Linda work except for the rocks. We will minimize the rocks due to the fact I am running out of them in reasonably simple places to get them on the property, so we have...
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  17. Oldspartan

    What are you doing today?

    My wounds will be fine. My ego is quite another thing. A bit sore but the swelling has gone down thanks to gel packs. My own fault. I was hot, tired and in a hurry, a bad formula old people balance. The pain is worth the completion of flow adjustment to the bog extension and stream bed. Will...
  18. Oldspartan

    What are you doing today?

    Today I am injured. When making some adjustments to the rock dam I slipped into the smaller pond. I caught myself and I stepped out of the puddle congratulating myself on being so nimble thinking I had caught myself without any bumps or scrapes. Well as I climbed out another submerged rock...
  19. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    No, He swims and acts normally.
  20. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    The small black and orange fish in the photo is a juvinile female sword about 6 wk old. I am certain of it because we witnessed the birth and kept and another one. No Platty in our tanks. The salt is apparently working as the spot in question is greatly diminished today. No mucus upon very...
  21. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    What disturbs me about this potential fish pandemic is our maintenance is intensive. I can find no logical reason for the issue to appear. It is not like we have a gain of fungal infection lab in our closet. I am very interested in finding the causation because the infection is a symptom that...
  22. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    Poor choice of words. I was being cute. I did not remove the fish from the tank. I removed 7 gallons of water from the tank and Linda turned it into a salt solution using the formula based on your instructions. The salt solution was strong enough for the entire tank and was added slowly over a...
  23. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    We decided to follow Colin T’s advice and instructions and are starting the salt bath as soon as Linda returns with proper salt.
  24. Oldspartan

    more "Suckies"... don't these look angelical???

    Seriously I really like Plecos. Those are beauties.
  25. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    Thank Collin. Appreciated!
  26. Oldspartan

    Journey from dining room to fish room.

    Bog extention was completed yesterday. The addition makes the Bog perhaps 50% larger. I am not going to line it and with rubber and instead use compressed Peat Moss for the bottom. My neighbor has a pile of sandy loam that I will mix with clay for the bottom. I did make some small adjustment to...
  27. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    Thank You for the suggestion, Collin T. I have a BN Pleco in this tank I think I read somewhere salt is not advised. I may remember wrong as I have read somuch information my memory is sometimes a jumble, or is that jungle. At any rate, this morning the white spot seems to be reduced, maybe my...
  28. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    If fungal is Pimafix an answer. Or something else.
  29. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    Hopefully a little clearer.
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  31. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    I will try for a better photo. He refuses to pose so far.
  32. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    I also note he is swimming and eating normally. Acting his normal self.
  33. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    Hardness 244 and temp is 75F. He is an original so Feb this year. He and the male gold lyretail do get rambunctious at times. The gold is a bit larger and used to back off but no longer does. It is not constant action but it does occur. Up close it gelonous. Not spelled right but you get the idea.
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  35. Oldspartan

    Spot on Black Molly

    Picture follows. This white spot, looks like a bubble, appeared overnight, it was not present when we put the fish to bed last night. No other fish are afflicted at this time. 37 gallon tank WC 30 percent each four days Am 0 —- No 0 —— Na 10 —- PH 244 —- KH 120 —- PH 7.5 —- water temp 75F
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  38. Oldspartan

    Pond questions

    Back to the pond. The bog extension was dug this morning. I really had the old banjo singing a tune. The new section is a bit lower than the existing bog and I will need to make some adjustments so the original does not drain to fast. I am using rocks and peat to do that and also increasing the...