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The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Gruntle

    How Is Your External Filter ...................

    I have an Aquis 1000. Set up as follows, bottom to top:   Bioballs (small plastic hollow balls covered in slits). Thin (1/2") filter wool - this was not part of the initial setup, but the bioballs would float up the intake tube and rattle. First basket has ceramic tubes with a coarse blue filter...
  2. Gruntle

    Is This An Ok First Fish Community?

    As Shiny says, quarantine is usually to ensure your new fish are not carrying disease that can spread to your other fish. I usually don't bother because I'm very fortunate to have an excellent LFS so far as fish health goes.   It's devastating to buy one new fish, acclimatise it and put it in...
  3. Gruntle

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    Thanks TTA. I'll do a large water change tonight and start arranging the tank for the breeding process.
  4. Gruntle

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    Hi all, I'm halfway through setting up my 20l breeder tank for Cherry Barbs. Stole all of the filter media I needed from my Aquis 1000 canister (had a piece of filter wool used to stop the bioballs from rattling up the pipe - replaced with a new piece, 5 bioballs and a half dozen ceramics)...
  5. Gruntle

    Stocking Question For A 20G Long

    Nitrates are supposed to be high at the end of the cycle, it's the end product of all the ammonia you've added for the last few weeks.  Personally I would leave the filter alone, a bit of muck in the filter never hurt anyone (or any fish). Unless there's a massive amount of muck in the filter...
  6. Gruntle

    Need Help, New On This Line.

    Smaller schooling fish are things like neon teras, harlequin rasboras, cardinal tetras and so on. 31 gallons isn't a huge tank so do some research on what type of fish would suit the tank, then go looking at the LFS to see if you like them.   Depending on the length of your tank, neons may not...
  7. Gruntle

    New 40 Litre Tank How Many Neon Tetra

    The best advice I can offer is go to your LFS and have a look. Write down the name of anything that catches your eye, and do some research (the guys here are very helpful on what goes and what doesn't). Then have a think about what sort of tank you want, do you want groups of different fish, a...
  8. Gruntle

    Ask Questions About Cycling

    I found that after a couple of weeks, the ammonia was dropping to almost zero overnight, but the nitrites took a good couple of weeks longer. This is normal (I think). Nitrite eaters take far longer to establish a big enough colony to properly cycle a full dose of ammonia in 24 hours.
  9. Gruntle

    New 40 Litre Tank How Many Neon Tetra

    I check Gumtree and eBay, and have found a few bargains (but not too many) and bought two tanks for about 1/2 the cost of new ones. Check your local area, there's usually someone who bought a fish for Christmas and then it died (due to not knowing about proper care) so they ditch the tank...
  10. Gruntle

    Black Molly Gasping At Bottom!

    You can change all of the water with very little effect on the bacteria, they live on the surfaces not in the water itself. There would be a few floating about in the water but nowhere near enough to worry about. Sorry, I have no advice about your Molly.
  11. Gruntle

    Emaciated Platy

    Sorry for your loss. Poor Beatrice.
  12. Gruntle

    Need Help, New On This Line.

    I'm no help either but I'd love to see how your plants progress, and hope your fish don't do some gardening!
  13. Gruntle

    Whats Better, More Hight Or More Depth?

    RSV is right, and we're stuck on semantics.  Height vs depth (width). Perhaps if we were talking length vs width vs height it would be easier (as depth could be interpreted as either width or height).   Is there a standard terminology? A wider tank (from front to back) would have more surface...
  14. Gruntle

    Air Pump?

    I have airstones purely for the visual of having little streams of bubbles in the tank. I have a slight feeling my tall tank benefits from the extra surface agitation, since there's a reduced surface area for the amount of water, but the long tank has one purely for looks. I bought a 3' black...
  15. Gruntle

    How Long Do You Keep Lights On?

    It's a fairly dark room and just a standard fluorescent tube. It's just easy for me to switch the light on in the morning, feed, do a headcount, and go to work. Then come home from work, do a headcount and switch off.   After a massive house renovation later in the year the tank may find itself...
  16. Gruntle

    How Long Do You Keep Lights On?

    Mine is on for about 12-13 hours. On at 6-7am (when I get up) and off at about 6-7pm. Plants and fish seem to be happy.
  17. Gruntle

    Cloudy Water After Adding Heater?

    Welcome!   I can only join in with everyone else and say cycle your tank before adding fish, it may seem silly to have an empty tank (especially with a young child begging for fish - I know, I have three), but in the long run, the month or so is worth the wait. My first tank was not set up...
  18. Gruntle

    Need Information/advice/ What To Use.

    I'm struggling to understand what the question is. Is it the white hairs, or the gasping behaviour, or something else?
  19. Gruntle

    Tank Advice Pleas

    As long as you don't wait too long to put something in, you'll be fine!
  20. Gruntle

    My First Aquarium And Fishless Cycle - Please Help

    You might want a partial (25%) water change to drop your ammonia to 3ppm, shouldn't affect anything other than making sure when you eventually get nitrites, they don't go too high. Make sure you treat the water with Prime before adding it so you don't kill off any bacteria you already have...
  21. Gruntle

    God I Am Itching To Put Fish In

    I'm new at this so I don't know, but could you put all the media from the small tank into the big tank's filter and move all the fish, then when you're sure the new media in the small tank is cycled, move some back? Or wait a few weeks and move the media from the old filter back into the old...
  22. Gruntle

    20L Hospital/breeding Tank

    Hi all,   MTS has kicked in and I've secured a 20l Blue Planet beginner's tank.  Firstly I'll be using it to quarantine my Rainbow, who doesn't seem to be losing his/her growth on the gill, but otherwise seems happy. I'll put it in the small tank so I can properly keep an eye on it, and dose...
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  26. Gruntle

    Hello And Help

    Glad to hear the crisis is over. Well done, hope your fish all survived!
  27. Gruntle

    Fishless Cycling ..with A Fish?

    1. Where in Australia are you? If you're close to Brisbane I might be able to help with filter media.   2. Search ebay for "Aquariam ammonia" there's a pure aquarium ammonia, 30ml for (IIRC) $15 and free postage, arrives in about 4 days. Based in Sydney. I used about 15ml to completely cycle my...
  28. Gruntle

    Tv Shows And Fish Keeping

    They seem to concentrate on salt water tanks, but do have a few on the fresh side. The other one I watch is Fish Tank Kings, they seem to be exclusively salt water though, and I have no idea how they work so I can't comment. The fish are pretty though! The other thing was they put drum pads...
  29. Gruntle

    Tv Shows And Fish Keeping

    I'm not sure if this is the best place to raise this.   I've been watching a few fishtank building shows on TV, and last night one of them built a set of tanks in the shape of a drum kit. The 4 largest drums became saltwater tanks with a common filter system, but the 4 smaller drums were set up...
  30. Gruntle

    Crimson Spotted Rainbow With Pink Lesion

    So after a week there's been no change to the lesion, so MTS has kicked in and I'm trying to get a hospital tank (the Good Lady Gruntle said it's fine, at least I'm not breeding racehorses).  A smaller tank should mean less medicine required (so obviously cheaper).  Wil keep you posetd. Although...
  31. Gruntle

    Ammonia But No Nitrites?

    Keep monitoring your ammonia and nitrites. You might be headed for issues.
  32. Gruntle

    Buying Used Tank - Advice

    As long as it still has water in the tank and the filters are running, and the tank isn't scratched, you should be okay. I bought a second hand tank but the previous owners had emptied it so the bacteria in the filter weren't very awake and it took a while to cycle.   An empty tank can dry out...
  33. Gruntle

    Aggressive Algae Eater

    Sounds like you have a Chinese Algae Eater, and yes, they do that. Best to re-home him if you can.   Personally I can't understand why they're sold as algae eaters, because they don't eat algae after a while, and instead eat fish. I'll never get another one.
  34. Gruntle

    Hello Fishpeople

    Welcome to the forum.   I would hope your donor loved his fish and did the right thing setting up. Don't panic, like a lot of people have already said, get a test kit and test your water frequently until you're sure everything is in order.   I can't remember who said it, but "if it looks like...
  35. Gruntle

    Cycling Question.

    I think you might be confusing fishless cycling with fish-in cycling. Basically if there's no fish in the tank you won't be killing them no matter what the ammonia or nitrite readings are, but with fish in the tank you are at a very high risk of causing them suffering by having anything other...
  36. Gruntle

    I'm Back

    Hi and welcome!   Is it an AR620? I have an AR620T (130l instead of the 90l). If so, I've found the filter to be okay, pretty easy to clean etc. The only complaint I had was the carbon filter cartridges which I thought were necessary, $20 a set as opposed to $6 for filter wool the same size. And...
  37. Gruntle


    Welcome to the forum!   What part of Australia do you call home?
  38. Gruntle

    Aquaone And Other All-In-One Type Deals (Tanks)

    I bought an AR620T as my first tank. I'd say it's now been replaced by their new range but the basics are the same, by the looks. Never had a problem with the tank, other than the duck bill on the filter outlet. I set it up according to the picture and created a swift current, causing fish loss...
  39. Gruntle

    Fishless Cycle- Water Query

    You're getting there! Just don't get impatient now, it could take a little bit longer than you hope.
  40. Gruntle

    Crimson Spotted Rainbow With Pink Lesion

    I've treated with Aquari-Cycline (Australia's answer to Tetracycline) and salt. Now we wait...