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  1. MaloK

    Frozen Food Left Out

    Developing enough generations of "bad" things would require at least, many hours melted. And frozen back would still not be enough to cause problems. The Toxins developed by the the bacteria are the noxious element... Enough bacterias as to build before dangerous output occurs. frozen bacteria...
  2. MaloK

    Frozen Food Left Out

    It depends on the condition when you put your hands on it... When you found out, was it all melted and hot ? I would discard. Was it still refrigerator "kind" of cold and not all melted, then, I would have no problem freezing asap and to use it after.
  3. MaloK

    Fluval Spec Five

    Beth molted again. This time the molt was so thick I thought she was dead... But she shows up weeks later going along... Or there was two of them ??? The algae layer has become so thick... 1/4 inch size o2 bubbles gets trapped under... And the bottom of the tank is getting really dark. I...
  4. MaloK

    Could plants fix this issue?

    Me too, the specification versus the real life results of devices alters the speed the water really flows in the tank at the end.
  5. MaloK

    Small Planted Setup

    Last water change has been performed, and now the water is completely replaced... I haven't done any testing the last month because the results speaks from them selves. I also resumed feeding the tank Until every one poops.... Because after thorough observation. Starving the colony... Is too...
  6. MaloK

    Fancy Guppies vs. Betta. Help!

    In reality, Even a single guppy could see the betta as a competitor. Check for aggression and don't add more. I had mean guppies in the past... They would even tackle full grown dwarf gouramis and anything smaller.
  7. MaloK

    Assassin snail to kill infestation? Or?

    I pick them when they are on the glass I use a net that I make sure will be running flat... I start slowly from the bottom making my way up jerking a bit up and down, scaring them and they fall in the net... Then I have "clean" glasses for a week. not much more. I have put nothing else but...
  8. MaloK

    Could plants fix this issue?

    Installing the filter media on the bottom is really going to get it clogged fast. The water should flow in the good direction of the media also. And the larger the contact area are, stronger the filtration system will become. If you can install you filtration media vertically it will go better...
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  11. MaloK

    Could plants fix this issue?

    If I understand correctly your Matala mat is installed vertically behind the piece of wood on the lower left of the tank. I have no experience with these mats... I'm still unable to imagine where the pump is located tho. But you overall design looks like a Matten filter... And I would think...
  12. MaloK

    Could plants fix this issue?

    Maybe the pump is too close to the bottom and trows back in the tank ? If the mulm deposit behind the wall, it's a good place to trap it and be able to siphon it out easily... Putting your pump higher will raise the flow rate and prevent deposit from getting sucked in.
  13. MaloK

    Could plants fix this issue?

    Explain that part a little more pls... Sometimes a well "situated" piece of fine mechanical filtering media (that can be easily maintained) can remove a lot of mulm directly from the water layer before it settles down.
  14. MaloK

    Could plants fix this issue?

    Dwarf sagittaria and crypt parva are excellent choices the roots provide a good place for: Detritus worms, Copepods, Ostracods, they are the best Mulm checker there is... Any bottom dwellers that moves the substrate is also great help. Water movement also plays a great part of the...
  15. MaloK

    Posting Question

    Laptop too, I always prefer a tangible operating system with real HID devices . I'm not fond of OSK's
  16. MaloK

    Platinum polar parrot fish swim bladder?

    Is he still in the same condition atm ?
  17. MaloK

    Potential disaster

    Solid solar panels are supposed to be covered with industrial strength poly-carbonate... I Think any panel worthy of his name will not shatter new. But... Leave it in the sun for a while... Poly-carbonate has a good photo-decomposition period... While very resistant to impact it has nearly no...
  18. MaloK

    Potential disaster

    Peoples who have the $$$, gets the Cummings "Whole House" that even runs the swimming pool and the spa... They quoted me something like half the value of my house... I went with an home made installation of a 17500W Generac... And it can run everything but the HVAC, the tumble dryer and the...
  19. MaloK

    Platinum polar parrot fish swim bladder?

    I would start by fixing the formation in question and I would put him back in his tank ASAP. If the fish has panic reactions... That is not helping. If the wound treatment was successful, The fish should be reintroduced immediately. He could probably be laying on the bottom, out of fear. Put...
  20. MaloK

    Discus help

    If you like an evaluation of your current setup. Give a try at AqAdvisor. For fish information, many members here are swearing by SeriouselyFish
  21. MaloK

    Is my tank ready for more fish? Is it cycled?

    Give it some time... Don't feed too much. You risk a sudden spike. I would expect that you will have sign of cycling process starting within the next weeks. Don't waste your nitrate test for the moment... Watch ammonia and nitrite. be ready to start doing water changes at moment notice.
  22. MaloK

    What is this strange thing in my aquarium

    Some Dragonfly species, like the Wandering Glider, can develop from egg to adult in as little as four weeks. While others, like the Golden-Ringed Dragonfly, can take up to eight years. I think, I wouldn't take the chance to wait.
  23. MaloK

    UV light

    What do you use to remineralize ?
  24. MaloK

    Discus help

    More of an affirmation than a suggestion... I think you are more than 200% stoked at the moment. I know experienced Aquarist that where maintaining overcrowded Ciclids tanks and they where always moving fish and decor around to prevent any sort of pecking order to establish... And when you start...
  25. MaloK

    Discus help

    75% and more per week is the kind of water schedule you should maintain. How is your nitrite readings ATM ? I 'm not sure if it's been mentioned before... But... Keep in mind that this tank is extremely overstocked by any standards... Filtration setup is unknown. But even with pristine water...
  26. MaloK

    RO water… may need a bigger reservoir if I’m going to do all the water changes the same day

    I bought a small 17 gallons last week at 175$ and the same is now 435$ this week... So don't wait too long...
  27. MaloK

    Meet Patches...I rescued a Betta from those little Petco cups

    Love the name... In Canada when people talk about "Patches" It's always related with some 1%teer Outlaw Bikers Clubs.
  28. MaloK

    Batman snails… Neritina auriculata… got a few of these on my last order… anyone tried them yet???

    Everytime I see one, I'm never sure in what direction it's supposed to go ;) !!!
  29. MaloK

    Prolapse, constipation, hemorrhoids, worms???

    They can do that just by swimming against strong current.
  30. MaloK

    Tetra aquasafe for stress coat?

    Make sure the product deals with both Chlorine and Chloramine.
  31. MaloK

    UV light

    Lucky you... Remixing with my tap water would defeat the whole purpose in my case :)
  32. MaloK

    Meet Patches...I rescued a Betta from those little Petco cups

    ze/hir/hirs beautiful !!! :) :) :)
  33. MaloK

    UV light

    At the moment my setup is all gravity driven, so I don't need pumps, it's slower and I like it like that. Knowing myself if I start using one, I will somehow find a way to end with an inundation. I will even install an overflow on the tank in case I forget it. My city uses Chlorine in their...
  34. MaloK

    New piece of spider wood

    Yes, nothing more to it, this wood has be cured for uses in aquarium, and they don't leach much.
  35. MaloK

    Those poor Bettas

    Isn't it desired ??? Yes, many bettas where rescued and thrived afterwards. The trick is to make you buy a suffering fish on impulse, then "big pharma" controls your faith, as far as you can pull it... Yeah I felled for that... Honestly my last experience with a corner store "commercial"...
  36. MaloK

    UV light

    Mmmmm... Maybe because I only rinsed and scrubbed the tank without any real sanitizing, before switching. The new tank has some porosity in it's composition and could drag lots of stuff over easily compared to the current one. But still I gave a good hard brush clean and a good rinse to the...
  37. MaloK

    Change of filter media to all foam has affected nitrates unexpectedly !!!

    The above lecture confirmed my stance. Not only you need a coarse porous media support (whatever it is), but as in a pond or very large filtering system... You need a free space for water to overflow all the way on top to the tank and have a much lower water movement in the lower filtering...
  38. MaloK

    UV light

    Thanks, I would rather not have another pump running for this job. I'm looking for something deadlier... And in plain view, for this task. I think I found something. If this lasts... Aquarium UV Sterilizer Lamp Submersible It would be great.
  39. MaloK

    Change of filter media to all foam has affected nitrates unexpectedly !!!

    At the moment I'm using a coarse sponge as my intake cover and 2 stages of 3 in my filter is the same one. I add a golf ball size of wool on the top (it's a HOB) and it seem to suffice to provide mechanical filtration requirement... I force the sponge on the intake to work more as a mechanical...