Search results

  1. Donya

    Aquatic Fertilizer and Snails

    Depends on the amount of copper sulfate -and possibly also on whether it could build up over time if used a lot. Copper can be used to eliminate snails from a tank in high enough concentrations. Does it give any kind of measure or percentage associated with that ingredient or is it just in a...
  2. Donya

    Blue legged hermit crab...multiplied?!

    If both shells have crabs and you only got 2, the mystery "crab" is a shed skin from one crab, which gets cast away and will blow about in the water since it's hollow. You can remove it or leave it in for them or other clean-up animals to eat. I don't see anything abnormal looking that would...
  3. Donya

    Crayfish/lobster type that doesn't need shallow water?

    I may have found the origin of this weird 6" water depth thing; first result google searching crayfish water depth unfortunately. It's just straight up not true based on quite a lot of experience I have keeping various crustaceans at various depths and finding them in the wild, but this 6" thing...
  4. Donya

    Setting up a salt water tank

    First place to start is tank size and general stocking category. That will dictate a lot. A 100gal sw tank is a very different beast than a 20gal, and fish-only is pretty different from reef. So how big will the sw tank be and reef or not? It's usually best to start with the biggest volume you...
  5. Donya

    What is this crab?

    Green crabs are pretty much hard as nails compared to many other Crustaceans from the tropical hobby. Their hardiness makes them a real pest where they are invasive. They live coastally here and get into lower salinity estuaries and tidepools and such, which means they can survive some really...
  6. Donya

    What is this crab?

    Ah yep, that will be the source then and it will be a green crab. There may be other native surprises that show up over time too.
  7. Donya

    What is this crab?

    Actually just realized I can see claw profile from the reflection - ha! Looks like that 3rd category which adds weight to the green crab guess, also given it has 5 points each side of the right shape which is characteristic. Color is highly variable in the species and they are mean little...
  8. Donya

    What is this crab?

    Keep him out of the tank! He can live in a bucket for a day. At a glance my first thought was european green crab but I really need to see the claws to be sure of that without turning to books to remind myself of some of the key features. For claws, it's specifically the shape of the ends side...
  9. Donya

    Prime Seachem - does it doesn't it work

    Haven't used it personally but looks like it's still on Amazon? There's also Purigen which I have used - expensive, though can supposedly be "recharged" with bleach (which would then have to be detoxified from the media with something else). Never tried that since I really hate working with bleach.
  10. Donya

    Prime Seachem - does it doesn't it work

    OP can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what's in question here is not whether to use it as a regular regime dosing to a healthy, cycled tank but rather what can be used when something goes wrong in a sw tank and the cycle/filtration/LR isn't keeping up when there is little/no spare water...
  11. Donya

    Prime Seachem - does it doesn't it work

    Yes. Prime was an essential tool I've used in moving the contents of two 20gal marine tanks in a multi-day drive with everyone in coolers and then having to wait several days after that with everything for the tanks to be set up again with no RO unit hooked up yet (and thus minimal access to new...
  12. Donya

    New Shrimp in New Tank!

    I've never heard of such a thing and would never use it if it existed. An active, roaming shrimp that also eats is a healthy shrimp exploring its environment. Please don't try to "calm" them - just let them do their thing and settle in.
  13. Donya


    That's why I qualified my statement with "perhaps with the exception of basic cyanoacrylate super glue." However, I would not go as far as to simply say "it's safe" because there are multiple factors in what "safe" means from a reef standpoint, not just the chemicals themselves. Frequently...
  14. Donya

    Two Assassin Snails and a Nerite (20G)

    The assassin shouldn't have a strong grip; just grab it and scoot it gently around on the glass a bit if it doesn't let go right away. If the foot is visible, apply pressure to the sides of the foot gently and it should lose its grip pretty fast. Nerites are tougher but same general strategy...
  15. Donya

    Two Assassin Snails and a Nerite (20G)

    Never had assassin snails myself but have heard of them going after nerites. Whenever you have a predator and a prey animal together it's always a game of chance even if the predator is well fed; there are never any guarantees on what the predator species will or will not do. I would recommend...
  16. Donya


    The ammonia and such is most likely from dieoff in response to the toxin since you had animals in there that died. A lot of small organisms may have died too, like plankton, which can cause readings pretty fast upon death. The toxin may have not nuked all the beneficial bacteria though, perhaps...
  17. Donya


    Assuming the toxic components of those three epoxy resins are the same, I'm using Loctite as reference. It has the following listed as aquatic toxic. bisphenol-A- (epichlorhydrin) Pentaerythritol-POmercaptoglycerol 1,3-bis[3- (dimethylamino)propyl]urea possibly also...
  18. Donya


    Just looked up one of these. Was on my phone earlier where it was harder; on a PC now. What I am seeing is the 2-part squeeze tube ones with a plunger. Those are a biiiig nope for aquatic usage much more broadly than just those three types. I don't know of any safe varieties of that category of...
  19. Donya

    Dipping Into The Salty Side

    They can potentially eat a lot more than that, such as going after snails and other Crustaceans, particularly when other Crustaceans are soft after molting. I kept a couple of camel shrimp a long time ago and they're fun, but they need quite of bit of target feeding to stop them from turning to...
  20. Donya


    Net knowing exactly what the toxin was, it's hard to advise anything except running a bunch of activated carbon and letting the tank sit coral-only for some time to see if those are affected too (reactions can be slower). Do you have a link to the particular glue? Did it say anything about being...
  21. Donya

    White spots on a Nerite snails shell?

    White showing is always some form of damage - the protein layer on the outside is gone and the underlying aragonite is showing. Those areas will be more likely to erode further than the colored areas of the shell if the pH drops below 7.0. As for the cause, it's not just acidic water that does...
  22. Donya

    Aiptasia - salinity reduction

    Bristleworms may be "harmless" the majority of the time and in the majority of tanks, but they aren't necessarily very beneficial when a sufficient CUC is in place. There are many other less annoying worms that can fill the gap for that. If bristleworms are cleaning up uneaten food that the CUC...
  23. Donya

    Running cost 500 liter reef tank UK £

    Good point! Having been on well water for a couple years I forgot about the costs of being on metered water. Amount of water wasted is dependent on the membrane, but also heavily impacted by water pressure and water quality. Sometimes you can boost the efficiency of an RO unit with an extra...
  24. Donya

    Running cost 500 liter reef tank UK £

    Ah sorry I just realized I read the title as 50L! I was thinking nanos. But you said 500, which is a lot bigger lol sorry about that. Well, most of what I said still applies but if you have to buy water for that it will be quite a bit more obviously, and you will be looking at much higher...
  25. Donya

    Running cost 500 liter reef tank UK £

    Running costs will vary a lot with equipment and water source. You mainly need to look into prices on the following: RO or RODI water. If you make your own, check cost on filters, replacement time being highly dependent on your water. Usually it's DI filters that burn through fastest with bad...
  26. Donya

    Aiptasia - salinity reduction

    You got rid of large, visible ones, but keep an eye out for a few weeks before declaring success diffinitively - Aiptasia can sometimes survive brief exposure to extreme salinities (fw dip or high salt dip) and planula can hide in places that may not have been dipped. If there are planula tucked...
  27. Donya

    Dipping Into The Salty Side

    By the way, that squat lobster is excellent! I've seen some of the much more drab larger species at public aquaria from time to time but never seen any squat lobsters in shops. Lucky find! (those pics must have been there when I posted before, but they didn't load on my phone for some reason -...
  28. Donya

    Dipping Into The Salty Side

    In addition to the two things already described, I will add that some leather corals can aggressively snot on their neighbors to irritate/burn them (or in more refined terms, it is a deliberate sloughing of their slime coat).
  29. Donya

    Clown staying in same place, heavier breathing

    Any rough idea on how long the outage itself was? Outages lasting more than a few hours can sometimes cause mini-cycles or even larger cycles for longer outages due to the filters stagnating (more of a problem with canisters than HOBs). If that happened, the effects may be over already as far as...
  30. Donya

    Tap water for winter?

    I assume the issue must be that it's outdoors or otherwise somehow unheated like StevenF mentioned. Can you switch to a sink connector and run it out of a bathroom? I have a small unit that is connected to my sink and is slow, but slow is way better than dumping phosphates and/or carbonates into...
  31. Donya

    Ramshorn snails question

    If they are Planorbids like Helisoma anceps, those typically don't damage healthy plants because they can't rasp hard enough on the leaf for many types of plants - unless of course the plant species is quite fragile or the snail is quite large; there are always exceptions. IME holes in plant...
  32. Donya

    What is your favorite love song?

    I would say just don't post those at all please in the interest of not having things step over the line again. We don't accept things like asterix-ing out swearing here and that's basically what some "clean" versions do where they only cut out the last half of the word. If the inappropriate...
  33. Donya

    What is your favorite love song?

    Ok, I'm about to open the thread back up after this post of mine. Keep it clean! If you wouldn't be able to post the text of the song lyrics here without violating the rules regarding swearing, slurs, etc., then you shouldn't be embedding media of it in a post. I would also discourage posting...
  34. Donya

    What is your favorite love song?

    I have locked this thread pending cleanup of numerous shared songs that contain language inappropriate for the forum. If you share embedded media or some streamable link, the content needs to be family friendly and follow the rules of the forum.
  35. Donya


    Not to be a pessimist, but I don't think you'll find many actual cephalopod keepers here (not active posters anyway if you're looking for quick responses). Generally, octopi are very niche and should never be attempted unless you already have significant experience with marine tanks. Haven't...
  36. Donya

    Help me! Unidentifiable (to me) parasitic infestation, very persistent and untreatable?? Will not go away

    I've had a lot of marine tanks but mostly with emphasis on inverts - my fish experience is limited. I've never dealt with marine velvet and ich directly so all of my information for those comes from what I've read rather than experience, which is not ideal for giving advice. Just to check: is...
  37. Donya

    Moderators ?

    I have read it's a domain terminology difference (the USDA has some bizarre definitions of things like "poultry" too), but I will admit I've also wondered if it's some weird loophole like the way you can have "lobster" bisque made from a selection of other interesting crustaceans. :lol: There is...
  38. Donya

    Moderators ?

    Dude...there was one event from way back where if forum spam was real spam, I'd have scraped a lifetime supply of the stuff off the board.
  39. Donya

    New to Marine

    The short answer if it's against the wall is...with difficulty and with extra hands. If it has to be right up against the wall for weight distribution reasons, I would honestly rethink the size and/or location. Getting things behind a tank with only inches to spare and having to ask a family...
  40. Donya

    New to Marine

    They are usually more expensive than building similar setups from scratch (in terms of components present, not the appearance of it). If you want a sump for sure and aren't comfortable doing your own plumbing from scratch and don't want to bother with something like an overflow box on a glass...