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  2. Donya

    Donya's 55-Gallon

    Video of some Xenia I've been growing in the tank for a while.   People often have trouble getting this coral to do what it's doing in the video above; they can be finicky. It's always been happy in this particular tank regardless of...
  3. Donya

    How Much Does It Cost To Maintain A Saltwater Tank

    Have a look here if you haven't already:     I'm not familiar with "nutri" seawater...a brand I presume? You can mix your own saltwater from a...
  4. Donya

    Donya's 55-Gallon

    Been ages since I updated this thread. Tank's still doing well, although I had to move out the cabbage leather when an anemone got a case of the wiggles and the two got into a fight (anemone stung the coral and then the coral tried to slime the anemone; both are fine). I may be able to move the...
  5. Donya

    Rutger Hauer Or Uma Thurman?

    Anemones will change shape depending on flow, light, and many other factors, so Majanos don't always have bubbled tips (just like BTAs don't always bubble). I've always found Joe's Juice to be better at getting rid of pest anemones than Aiptasia-X, particularly when they're large, but if you've...
  6. Donya

    Rutger Hauer Or Uma Thurman?

    Those are unfortunately majano anemones, which are rather potent pests will irritate and/or kill corals they bump up against.    Keep an eye on the fish you said was acting odd; it is very possible that it nipped something that was a bit too spicy for it. Similarly, fish that accidentally nip...
  7. Donya

    Cloud Shape Things In Sand?

    Hard to tell from the pictures. Bacterial blooms can cause films and/or globs of mucous-like stuff to form quite fast on various surfaces. 
  8. Donya

    Classroom With Fish Tank Being Flea Bombed This Weekend!

    If the tank just has a betta, I would remove it and bring it back after the bug bombs are done, particularly since it will be happening repeatedly. Daily water changes in a small container would be less risk than having a fish locked up with toxins in the air and no way to check on it for days...
  9. Donya

    Cleaner Shrimp And Sps

    It's not just cleaners that do this. It's quite common to have to feed shrimp and any other fast-moving Crustaceans first and/or separately when feeding corals. Even hermits and emerald crabs can be a pain about it sometimes, although the results are often a bit more brutal then compared to what...
  10. Donya

    Is This Possible? No Tech, Planted, Snail Tank?

    If the mystery snail is a Pomacea bridgesii/diffusa (apple/mystery snails), that will be way too much bioload for an unfiltered 2.5gal, even heavily planted. If the mystery snail is a small species of Viviparid then it would stand a better chance at working, since Vivs also prefer cooler...
  11. Donya

    Odd Stripes On Coral Beauty

    As I said before, water contamination is a common cause of sudden deaths where the fish seem fine and are then dead within a day. Is there anything still living in the tank, and did the other fish show any abnormal behavior leading up to their deaths? There's no way to diagnose it without more...
  12. Donya

    Looking For New Homes For My Clowns And Corals.

    I've moved this from marine chat to UK marine classifieds; I hope you find a good home for your fish.    
  13. Donya

    Odd Stripes On Coral Beauty

    If it could be ich in the 40gal, don't move anything over to the bigger tank for a few weeks (including inverts, rock, etc.) even if all the fish died, since any remaining parasites would need to be starved out. However, are you absolutely sure ich was the culprit? Ich usually doesn't make...
  14. Donya

    Transferring 55 Gallon To 100 Gallon

    The brand new rock I'd leave just a tad longer, waiting a few days if you can spare the extra time. Aside from the possibility of die-off, if the new rock has loads of life on it, that can also mean an increased chance of undesirable hitchhikers. A few days would give a better chance to see if...
  15. Donya

    Transferring 55 Gallon To 100 Gallon

    Don't use RO to wash anything you don't want to kill off! A freshwater dunk will kill loads of things in the sand and make any nutrient spikes much worse afterwards. If you wash the sand, do as you would for rock and use tank water or freshly mixed saltwater. 
  16. Donya

    Transferring 55 Gallon To 100 Gallon

    You will likely get at least some small spikes probably just because you are disturbing things, particularly the sand bed. Moving rock is usually pretty easy, but if you have a deep sand bed or even just a fairly dirty thin bed then it could make a pretty big mess trying to move the sand over...
  17. Donya

    Anyone Using Overflow Boxes For There Sumps?

    Unfortunately I found the siphon an incredible pain to start without the pump. You have to put a bit of airline tube up the siphon to the same place and then suck out the air by some other means, usually by mouth. I got fed up with that quite fast, particularly since I could never seem to get...
  18. Donya

    Anyone Using Overflow Boxes For There Sumps?

    They are as reliable as you set them up to be really. You can add safety guards to just about any overflow to ensure that all the possible points of failure are covered in some way. I've been using an overflow on my 55gal for a few months now, although my only picture of it isn't that great.  ...
  19. Donya

    Threat Has Being Detected. Have You Been Maliciously Attacked!

    Huh...I just tried that specific search, for tropical fish forum in chrome. Indeed, Avast doesn't like it for some reason when searching for "tropical fish forum" with that exact wording, although without quotes. I didn't have to click anything, just do the search and a warning popped up...
  20. Donya

    Hitch Hiker Id

    Looks to me like a species of Elysia, Thuridilla, or a close relative. They are "sap sucking" sea slugs that feed on algae, often macroalgae where they pierce the waxy outer layer to eat the juices. I don't think there are any members of the family that eat corals. If these are the ones I was...
  21. Donya

    Threat Has Being Detected. Have You Been Maliciously Attacked!

    The links kept showing up as clickable and I couldn't seem to edit that away, so I removed them to prevent any absent-minded clicks from other users.   As techen said, malware will commonly try to do redirects like this. The URLs given don't look at all legitimate so I would recommend doing a...
  22. Donya

    Whats Eating My Star Polyps?

    If it is the emerald crab was caught red-handed eating coral and the crab really is Mythraculus sculptus, then it's likely not getting enough meaty food.   Have you IDed the slugs? There are many coral-eating sea slug species.
  23. Donya

    Back Into The Salty Side

    Finger corals and other leathers can sulk for as much as a week or so after being disturbed. Once it settles in, the "happy" appearance is usually more or less the same shape, but a bit more extended and with the tiny fluffy polyps out.
  24. Donya

    Bryopsis! It's Killing Me!

      That sounds to me like it's the root of things. The progression you saw (cyano then pest algae of some sort) is pretty normal when tanks get hit with excess nutrients. It's really common with hair algae and has happened to me more than once with nutrient bombs from things crawling off and...
  25. Donya

    Bryopsis! It's Killing Me!

    If chaeto dies off but the Bryopsis doesn't, that sounds like there is something a bit strange is going on. If it was a nitrate or phosphate issue, the chaeto should at least hang in there; it's a very good nutrient competitor. So, I would guess that either you are somehow overcleaning the water...
  26. Donya

    Bryopsis! It's Killing Me!

    How long has the algae problem been going on and what herbivores do you have in the tank right now? Also, have you tried growing any macro species grow in your system as a competing species - specifically, if you have, they thrive or die? 
  27. Donya

    Moving House

    In addition to the advice to keep the media wet, also don't leave it anywhere that can overheat, even for a brief period of time. On the last lengthy move I did, I remembered to take the fish out of the car right away whenever it was parked for any length of time, but I forgot to do the same...
  28. Donya

    Treating Clown Popeye Ammonia Help

      That's what I was referring to in my previous post as an ammonia binding product. They can be used in emergencies (again, make sure it works in saltwater), but doing more frequent water changes is preferable though if you can keep the levels in check with daily changes.
  29. Donya

    Salt Keeps Going Down...

    There are a few common causes for dropping sg reading: - Salt deposits forming around the edge of the tank. It happens from regular water splashes slowly over time, all the time. This is one of the reasons you need to check sg periodically and not just rely on a marker of where the waterline...
  30. Donya

    Treating Clown Popeye Ammonia Help

    Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the particular medication. If the medication is meant to be used daily, then add it right after you do a water change. If instead the medication expects that there is a minimum duration of some number of days between adding doses, you can try to scaling back...
  31. Donya

    Id Mystery Snails

    The terms "apple snail" and "mystery snail" are pretty meaningless when it comes to what species the snail actually is.    These snails are Pomacea diffusa, formerly called Pomacea bridgesii (the taxonomy of Amullariidae was shaken up recently by DNA testing). P diffusa is the only Ampullariid...
  32. Donya

    Site Swear Filter Blocks First Name Of Reseach Scientist

      If you wanted to cite the article with the authors' names, there were ways pointed out to you to do it without being deliberately disrespectful towards the authors as you have done here. Poking fun at someone's name like this is completely unnecessary, culturally insensitive, and quite...
  33. Donya

    Storing Treated Water

    Yes, that's fine to do for storing spare water. I've had to do the same many times when traveling and leaving my aquariums in others' care.
  34. Donya

    Id Snails Please

    Yes, these are trapdoor snails, or Viviparids (family Viviparidae). The ridged one may be a species of Filopaludina, but I'm not very familiar with the Viviparids present in your region.
  35. Donya

    Invert-Safe Plant Pruning Tools?

      I don't recall the brands or even how they were described on the packaging, but they were from a fabric/craft store. One pair was pretty massive and also required some force to use, so that may be why it needed something to keep it moving freely. The other pair though was pretty flimsy and...
  36. Donya

    Can Anyone I.d. This?

    Could be the nose of a peanut worm. If so, they are beneficial detritus eaters. Does it have tiny little hairs on the end? 
  37. Donya

    Invert-Safe Plant Pruning Tools?

    In this case I am less concerned about saving a buck than about getting something that is safe. What worries me is the mysterious black goop that was in a couple pairs of bargain bin scissors I've had over time. Not being an expert in scissor lubricants, I don't know what that stuff is, and it...
  38. Donya

    Controlling Nuisance Species In A Nano Reef

    Your title is specific to nano tanks, a term which is usually taken to mean 20 gal and under, sometimes 30gal and under. CUC are indeed are the primary means of algae control in a nano. Tangs, however, do not belong in a nano tank, and being in too small a space will stress them quite a lot...
  39. Donya

    Fluvial Edge 46L Costs

      If you have a good, trustworthy LFS with healthy stock, I would strongly recommend getting livestock locally even if it's slightly more expensive, at least as you're starting out. Seeing before buying is pretty important; marine animals are quite fragile and shipping adds another stress...
  40. Donya

    Fluvial Edge 46L Costs

    Have a look at these if you haven't already: Marine FAQ: Marine equipment:   Costs are actually rather hard for other people to estimate for you...