Search results

  1. ClownLurch


    After three months of steady ROing I‘ll soon to be going all in on little fish suitable to softer water than my liquid rock. Pygmy Corys are top of the list. I would’ve bought some from you a few months back when I was over your way if I’d known you were deluged with them. Then Rosy Loaches and...
  2. ClownLurch

    What will cut hardwood driftwood?

    Don’t use carpentry power tools on it unless youre able to clamp it down. Circular saws could create a nasty “kick”.
  3. ClownLurch

    Can you ID this fish?

    I adopted some from a friend who moved last year. He had 3 young LF Zebras Danios, 3 young LF Leopard Danios and 3 Glowlight Danios. All a similar size so I thought the glowlight were a zebra danio variant and assumed they’d be ok in the inherited gang. Their behaviour soon showed they weren’t...
  4. ClownLurch

    Worried about british winters.

    Power cuts will be no longer than four hours max and at night. If you live by a hospital, police station, prison, military establishment, fire station or royal residence I’d be amazed if you even get one.
  5. ClownLurch

    2022-2023 NFL Discussion

    Maaaan there were a lot of Packers fans strolling around London at the weekend. Loadsa merch on. I don’t even know who they were playing but I’m sure I didn’t see any of their fans. GBPs first time over here and they’re the last team to come over so I suppose whoever the oppositions fans were...
  6. ClownLurch

    What's the coolest and/or most useful aquarium related thing(s) you have bought.

    Python. A plastic spaghetti holder with holes drilled in the sides which I’ve attached to the Python at the tank end using electricians cable ties. Left on throughout the WC speeds up the process. Woman’s tights rubber banded to the python nozzle of course.
  7. ClownLurch

    Hi 👋

    Get some real floating plants to help dim the light at the bottom of the tank. They’ll also help cycle your tank faster. Your future fish will thank you for it later. Find out your water hardness and PH from your water suppliers website, it’ll help you choose fish that are more suited to your...
  8. ClownLurch

    2022-2023 NFL Discussion

    What on earth are the Lions doing? By far the biggest scorers AND conceders.
  9. ClownLurch

    Small freshwater fish

    Sweet Knowle are good.
  10. ClownLurch

    Small freshwater fish

    I’m sure I saw them in MAs IOW shop a fortnight ago as well.
  11. ClownLurch

    Small freshwater fish

    They’re in my local MA shop. Just four left on Sunday afternoon when I was in checking out small fish for a possible RO tank.
  12. ClownLurch

    Aquarium at my new job is in a terrible state and is not filtering at all. Tropical fish but with a marine type setup (sump, protein skimmer etc)

    Changing a bucket of water a day while trying to sort the filter will help. Do you know what fish are in the tank? I’m originally from up that way and there’s a few regulars on here live in the area, maybe some would give you a hand? Or if the worst comes to the worst take some fish off your hands?
  13. ClownLurch

    Aquarium at my new job is in a terrible state and is not filtering at all. Tropical fish but with a marine type setup (sump, protein skimmer etc)

    I know next to nowt but I’ve read the more knowledgeable on here recommend a series of small water changes over one huge one. Each using water conditioner obviously. Id try that first. Tell us the size of the tank measurements etc
  14. ClownLurch

    How do you dry out used tank sand to save it for reuse?

    Stick it on a tray by a south facing window after rinsing maybe?
  15. ClownLurch

    Hi from Toronto!

    Add as many plants as possible asap to help with cycling. Especially floating plants.
  16. ClownLurch

    Just getting started!

    You don’t need aquarium soil. Just sand or gravel. Aquarium soil will just add more problems to a beginners life.
  17. ClownLurch

    What are you doing today?

    What What a let down. Our caravan is bigger. Though it is in a former military gun emplacement toilet block. Didn’t buy a tee shirt btw.
  18. ClownLurch

    Can you tell female endlers apart?

    MrsLurch has six females in a 30L and they’re indistinguishable apart from one having a bit of black in her fins. Four have been in a honeymoon suite with a stunning looking light blue-grey male. The fours kids look just like a random PAH Endler tank mix apart from a few black n blue types.
  19. ClownLurch

    What are you doing today?

    Already been to a lot of them. We’re in our 50-60s so the fairground stuffs off the list. Also been to the LFS (Maidenheads) at Apse Heath. Very small selection but of those available there’s a lot of each breed. Only albino cherry barbs were “out of the norm” and I could get those in my local...
  20. ClownLurch

    2022-2023 NFL Discussion

    Welcome to the world of the EU (current and ex) proper FOOTBALL fan. The EU found that allowing only one broadcast company to show games was anticompetitive and allowed a monopoly holder to charge whatever they felt the market would tolerate. So they insisted that at least two broadcasters...
  21. ClownLurch

    What are you doing today?

    Staring out of a caravan window on the Isle Of Wight at torrential rain. Tonight’s our last night before returning home. If on the mainland we’d just pack up and drive home but Ferry is booked for tomorrow and non transferable. Looking for indoor stuff to visit and The National Poo Museum is in...
  22. ClownLurch

    Advice on which fish to buy.

    Tank dimensions and Water Hardness & PH reqd before any sensible suggestions can be made.
  23. ClownLurch

    Fish Food

    I’m away from home atm but I’ll answer properly when I get back next week. Though off the top of my head Im sure my dry foods are a mixture of three of the OPs recommendations in a previous thread fed on four days a week. Frozen twice a week and live once.
  24. ClownLurch

    Suitable home for rescued rainbow shark a last?

    Clowns overrated! You’ll not be getting any bottles of wine from me young lady.
  25. ClownLurch

    Suitable home for rescued rainbow shark a last?

    Well this has taken a bit of a turn.
  26. ClownLurch

    2022-2023 NFL Discussion

    The Lions have won a game and it’s not even anywhere near the end of September. Excuse me while I sit down for a while.
  27. ClownLurch

    Aquariums buy uk Fish n equipment in seperate sections. Searchable by county as well.
  28. ClownLurch

    Cuban Limia

    I’m currently staring out of the pub window at the English Channel*. It’d be nice if @emeraldking could fish whisper some into forgetting theyre freshwater fish and getting them to swim over here in time for me to bagvem up and take em home next Friday. *What is it known as in the Netherlands?
  29. ClownLurch

    2022-2023 NFL Discussion

    Lions only lost by three points. We’re BACK!
  30. ClownLurch

    Solar pump/water fountain recommendation reqd (U.K.)..

    For MrsLurchs 80L patio pond. It’s a plastic whisky barrel type thing. My WCMMs may be going in there next Easter time.
  31. ClownLurch

    Hate suction cups that won't hold!

    I’ve a double barelled sponge filter that works loose within minutes of being stuck. It’s driving me garratty.
  32. ClownLurch

    Introduction :)

    Welcome. It’s good here, they’re very helpful on almost every fish related subject. Have fun. BTW Corys like to be around other Corys. They get very stressed when they aren’t. Others on here far more knowledgeable than me would be able to explain why.
  33. ClownLurch

    Going on vacation, recommendations?

    The Med is a bit dicey on the weather front this time of year. You can’t go wrong weather wise with the Canaries. I’m going to the Isle Of Wight in a couple of weeks as I’m a bit of a 1950s enthusiast.
  34. ClownLurch

    Why don't corys like black sand?

    Just one Cory? Nnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooo.
  35. ClownLurch

    Adopted blue gourami - M/F? Community tank?

    Take em to the LFS first thing tomorrow. Next fish rescue time take whatever you don’t want to the LFS on your way home from the rescue tank. It sounds like you’ve a good LFS and a good relationship with the. Keep em informed of your plans in advance and I think you’ll be ok. Next time take no...
  36. ClownLurch

    Bring Back the rotating spray bars..and bring back 1986 too...

    1986. Year I moved to London. Can you tell me to keep out of the pub during the week. Every week.
  37. ClownLurch

    Fish rescue rainbow shark

    Maidenheads don’t buy fish back anyway. They have a policy of accepting unwanted fish though. They must be getting sick of bag after bag of MrsLurchs unwanted juvenile endlers by now though.
  38. ClownLurch

    New tank, new adventure. Glowlight Danio help

    Turns out you knew what to do all along.