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  1. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Could do, but decided not to get the 45L long aquarium. The current tank (30 x 30 x 45cm, 41L) I have is a good size for the betta, but has the tetras in it currently.
  2. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Can't tell you why, sorry. Another change of plans. Due to the long tank having a gap in the lid on the back side, and that a betta can jump from here, the tank wasn't a suitable choice for them. The only plan is to do it in the current 10 gallon, move the remaining cardinals into the 45cm cube...
  3. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    It's Wednesday. The tetras are doing fine at the moment. I might do a water change this Saturday. Just waiting until the weekend for the new 45L long betta aquarium project to begin. I'm not at school for the rest of the week.
  4. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    The tetras are doing okay at the moment, will check on them tomorrow.
  5. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Unfortunately I'll let them stay in the tall tank because I'm placing a betta in the long tank and nothing else. Sometimes it's the best way to do it due to a change in the betta project. But it will happen in a larger tank in the future. I should've got them a larger tank than the 10 gallon I...
  6. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Yes, but tetras need 20 gallons to actually thrive. Mine is not thriving for over a year now. :(
  7. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    30 x 30 x 45cm.
  8. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Still too small for the tetras, but would be a nice betta aquarium. More room compared to the 21L.
  9. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    60 x 30 x 25cm.
  10. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Unfortunately, the 21L project didn't happen and changed the aquarium size to an 11.8 gallon long, shallow aquarium to provide more horizontal space for the betta. The 21L is being kept in the shed for now until it's ready for use.
  11. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Today's Sunday, Mother's Day. I hope I get the important stuff I need for my 5 gallon aquarium today with my dad because he isn't going to golf today. I will keep you updated when I get the stuff.
  12. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Oh, I see now.
  13. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Oh. There is a journal section on the Betta splendens subfourm under Bettas, so I posted it here since people haven't posted it for a year.
  14. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    None in Perth, but the eastern states do have them. So I have to find a filter similar to the one you mentioned. I have found a plant similar to Anubias barteri, but a bit smaller than that, Schismatoglottis prietoi. A Phillippine native, and underrated epiphyte in the aquarium hobby. The...
  15. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    It would do actually, now to find them in some LFS's around Perth to see if they have any in stock.
  16. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    @Colin_T I will upload a journal in the Betta splendens subforum probably tonight because there is a journal section and that people haven't uploaded them in over a year now, so stay tuned. :)
  17. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    That could be a good idea, but I'm doing a hang-on-back filter as the lid has a gap for it.
  18. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Today's Saturday. Cleaned the dirt out of the Splish & Splash 21L aquarium with warm water so I can prepare it for the aquascape tomorrow. Lid also got cleaned as well. Looking for good quality filters and heaters for this sized aquarium.
  19. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Today's Friday. Had a normal school day today. Have been watching a lot of aquascape videos lately and wanting to display some sloping substrate depth in the 21L aquarium. Since it's a small aquarium, very few plants would do. Leptochilus pteropus grows somewhat large and Anubias barteri, even...
  20. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    The 41L aquarium has natural coloured gravel at the moment. The fake plants are the problem. But I have to wait first. Got another aquarium the same size as the one I found weeks ago, same brand, but different model (Tropical starter kit), with permission with the science department from my...
  21. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    It's Thursday. The tetras are doing okay at the moment. I just don't like rainbow gravel and ornaments because it ruins being underwater. I prefer natural gravel and real plants over these things that appeal to kids.
  22. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Today's Wednesday. It's a normal day today, nothing special.
  23. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Today's Tuesday. Have to do a lot of schoolwork this week. Plus a full-day work day on Thursday. I'm still doing my traineeship until next year, 2025 at least. I just hope I get the aquarium after I complete my schoolwork. The tetras are doing okay in the 41L. No causalities after the filter...
  24. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    It's Monday. I'm learning as I go when I do the 41L tall aquarium. So I'm closer to doing a found 21L (36 x 22.3 x 26.5cm) aquarium. The filtration only consists the pump and filter sponges in a Petworx tank kit.
  25. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Did a water change and hosed out the filter sponges because they were mostly clogged with fish waste and food remains stuck in the sponges. I tried to do it like my dad did with the previous hosing (many months ago) and flicked out all the water out before putting the sponges back into the tank...
  26. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Today's Sunday. I have cleared the homemade bedside table and put the empty 21L aquarium on it. Getting there on getting the green light for the aquarium. I'll be a first time betta owner and I know that because I never kept domestic Betta splendens before. HBF Run for a Reason is coming up. My...
  27. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Maybe. If anyone from the Perth CBD or in suburbs near it want to do some sort of project on doing natural looking fish tanks (not puke coloured rainbow gravel, fake plants and ornaments) with real plants and hardscape, I'll count you in. And I think you're perfect for some good aquarium...
  28. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Today's Friday. @Colin_T, I came by to see if everything's okay. I wanted to see if you're okay today and if there are some improvements on what's happened to some stuff. I know it's hard, and I get that. It sucks that some terrible things have happened since over a decade ago. Days come and go...
  29. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

  30. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    It's Wednesday. Days come and go. The tetras are doing okay. The difference between a 30L Classica aquarium and an Aqua One Splish & Splash aquarium the same size is that the Classica one have a glass base, not a plastic base, while the other one has. Both of them have a similar starter kit.
  31. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Today's Tuesday. Hopefully me and my younger sister get a Classica (discontinued brand that my LFS sells as 'manager's specials') 30L aquarium starter kit (41 x 25.5 x 29cm) together in a weekend day. Costs $120, which is a good price for this sized tank. We did get along with one another since...
  32. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    I wish, but it's better off being a betta tank.
  33. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Freeze dried, yes the tetras did enjoy some bloodworms. And in other news my younger sister got another male betta after the previous one died probably a month ago. He was acting calm at first then started getting aggressive at the pygmy corys. Dad believes he's feeling 'hungry' in which I told...
  34. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Not really in terms of interesting stuff. They had bloodworms last night.
  35. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Today's Saturday. Just a normal day today. Fed the tetras for the second time (first time was in the late morning). I have to experiment an aquascape for the 5.4 gallon aquarium online.
  36. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    I've been reading a lot of info about saltwater tanks but my parents believe they're harder to look after than a freshwater aquarium. Freshwater first, then saltwater for me. :)
  37. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    It's Friday. The tetras are doing okay at the moment. I'm a fan of fishkeeping books, especially old ones, can't believe I borrowed the coral reef book from 1989 for more than a month from my high school. As I learn more on the cycle process, and some other stuff for a nano saltwater tank, it...
  38. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    When was the last time you went to an Anzac Day dawn service/breakfast?
  39. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    Yes, it's for students from my school only. I hope you feel better... :( I could try and cheer you up because I'm planning to do something special for a betta and the 5.4 (approximately) gallon I found a week ago at school. It's not all doom and gloom in your world. You can make it, and you can...
  40. elephantnose3334

    Today's a new day.

    It's a four day weekend due to Anzac Day and a pupil-free day on Friday. Just thinking about the 5 gallon I found a week ago and need to get a strong lid in case a betta may jump out of the tank. I was originally not interested in small tanks like that, but curiosity hit me in the back and I...