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  1. Shaddex

    Proud Newbie In Need Of Advice!

    How dare no-one mention Corys !!   nice shoal of 6 would be great in a 90l :D
  2. Shaddex

    What To Feed Pygmy Corys?

    Hungry Corys are happy corys. I feed my main cory tank (see sig) with 2 Cubes of frozen blood worms in the evening every day. I miss Sundays, and just give them high protein sinking pellets.   Bloodworms are gone in about 30 seconds.  They LOVE them. Maybe a little over kill on the blood worms...
  3. Shaddex

    Maidenhead Aquatics

    MA in Lincoln is very good also.  although a thought a little pricey ?
  4. Shaddex


    Bio load will be the same on the new tank as the old one as long as the fish numbers stay the same. I would use the new filter, and put the old filter media into it.   No need to cycle new filter then
  5. Shaddex

    My Homemade Filtration System With A Sump Tank

    How and what media have you put into the sump ? Any chance of a Sump Close up piccy as Im looking to do the same.
  6. Shaddex

    What Is This Creature?

    Get a net and scoop it out.   Not a CLUE what that is.   Giving me the creeps lol :S
  7. Shaddex

    Need Help Setting Up Fish Tank.

    I would go for a large shoal of Corydoras (Stick to 1 type) maybe sterbia x 12, and a 20+ Cardinal Tetra shoal also :) But saying that, Im Cory-bias :D   Welcome to the forums, and make sure you read up on Cycling your tank BEFORE adding fish. (Link in my sig)
  8. Shaddex

    Ongoing Heat

    I haven't changed my 8hours a day lights on routine with the weather etc. Just keeping my lids off and curtains closed. Tanks are hitting 27 by sun down, and drop to 25 over night.
  9. Shaddex

    Hot Weather And Ammonia Spike.

    0.0.0 this morning. looks like its past strange
  10. Shaddex

    Hot Weather And Ammonia Spike.

    my tap conditioner does not neutralise ammonia. tested again tonight and getting 0.1ppm ammonia so looks like its levelling out again. must have been one of those strange coincidences. ill keep checking and see what happens over the next few days.
  11. Shaddex

    Hot Weather And Ammonia Spike.

    good read. thanks for taking the time to post. the strange thing is that I recently added another filter to help just incase I was under filtered. split media from another filter. still getting 0.5ppm tonight though. the only thing that has changed is I've bought a new API test kit as other ran...
  12. Shaddex

    Exchange Loxozonus Cory's (2 Months Old) For Other Cory's

    Update:   All fish are now approx 1 inch long.  Eating me out of bloodworms :D
  13. Shaddex

    Will Corydoras Eat Cherry Shrimp?

    Old post is alive !!!   Just as a record, my main cory tank (about 30+ corys) "Had" 3 shrimp in (about 50mm long). Now there are only 2 :D
  14. Shaddex

    Fish Stocking On A 35 Litre Tank

    Can you get a small air pump and sponge filter ?  Cheaper on the lekky :D
  15. Shaddex

    Plants That Don't Require A Nutrient Substrate

    Vallis grows well in sand :) no ferts etc.
  16. Shaddex

    Cory And Gourami Questions...

    Most cory's are easy going and quite hardy fish. If you want to actually see them in the day then I would go for a shoal of Peppered or Albino's. (Also they are cheaper) If you want more colour and have more money, go for Green or Gold lasers. Sterbia are very nice looking fish, as are...
  17. Shaddex

    Hot Weather And Ammonia Spike.

    Tested this morning.....   Ammonia NH3/NH4 = 0.5ppm Nitrite NO2 = 0ppm Nitrate NO3 = 40ppm ish PH 7   I know that most of the NH3/NH4 reading is NH4 (Non toxic) at PH 7, but im still concerned that I have any reading after years of 0ppm.   50% water change tonight !  YEY !
  18. Shaddex

    Hot Weather And Ammonia Spike.

    update. tanks hit 27 today so this evening I did 75% water change, vac and stripped down my 4 filters for a clean. filter were not to messy. filled up tanks and will wait til morning to test again.
  19. Shaddex

    Hot Weather And Ammonia Spike.

    its a strange one. after 75% water change and removing all plants, wood etc, I gave my sand a good vac. tested again this morning and my ammonia is .5ppm, nitrite 0, nitrate is about 10ppm above my tap water. tap water is 0,0,20 so no issues there. going to 50 water change tonight and strip...
  20. Shaddex

    Hot Weather And Ammonia Spike.

    No change in fish behavior at all. 2 tanks with a total of about 350 ltr water. Running 3 Canister filters.  Aqua 2450, Aqua 1000 and Aqua 750.  Plus have a 350lph box filter also. Filtration Overkill !   Ill keep up with the water changes morning and night until I can get it under control.
  21. Shaddex

    Hot Weather And Ammonia Spike.

    well the plot thickens...   Got my tank temps down to about 25c and tested morning and evening for ammonia. All back to 0ppm. Today, Very hot day, tanks went back up to 27c and tested tonight and ammonia is now 0.5ppm   Are we sure that heat has nothing to do with ammonia spiking ??   Any who...
  22. Shaddex

    Tank Temps

    2 liter Bottle of Frozen water in the tank twice a day. Lid off or sliders open. I have a room fan blowing over the tanks also. My cory tanks usually sit at about 23.5, but with the weather they are all at 26-27. Doing the above on a daily basis has bought it down to about 25ish.
  23. Shaddex

    Fish Staying Near Bottom?

    When you filled up the tank with water, did you use any water conditioner to remove Chlorine etc ? If not, you could have killed off the Bacs in the filters. You may have to start a "Fish-in-cycle" (Link in my sig) if this is the case.
  24. Shaddex

    Fish Staying Near Bottom?

    Did you cycle your aquarium ? (Beginners guide in my sig). If not, you could have huge amounts of ammonia in your water which will make your fish very sick, very quickly. Do you test your water ? Ie, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate etc ?
  25. Shaddex

    Temp Rising

    Well over the past few weeks I found that leaving my window open, tank lids off, and running a fan in the room during the day has kept my tanks at about 24. Usually at 23 so not too bad
  26. Shaddex

    Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

    Never seen a cory eat its fry. Eggs all the time but not the lil fellas..
  27. Shaddex

    Pregnant Bronze Corydoras

    Cory breeding guide link in my sig.
  28. Shaddex

    Hot Weather And Ammonia Spike.

    Going to "Re-scape" while Im at it Been looking for an excuse
  29. Shaddex

    Help With Filter Flow.

    Drill holes small, and one at a time until you reach your desired flow. Bigger holes and more of them will dramatically change the flow rate.
  30. Shaddex

    Help With Filter Flow.

    add a "Duck Bill" end to your filter pipe. Not sure if you can get on for your filter EBAY ! You could always add a tap to the pipework.
  31. Shaddex

    Hot Weather And Ammonia Spike.

    Prob just one of those things. Heavy water changes here we come ! lol
  32. Shaddex

    Corydoras Wanted (Most Types)

    any pics ?
  33. Shaddex

    Hot Weather And Ammonia Spike.

    Has anyone every had a small .25-.5 ammonia spike due to the recent hot weather ? Fully cycled tank for 12 months+, .25-.5 ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite, 50ppm nitrate. Tank went from 23 to 27 in a day !
  34. Shaddex

    Need An Id

    Peppered 100% Sure ;D
  35. Shaddex

    Peppered Cory Juvenile's - St8

    No prob Just dont like posting fish sorry
  36. Shaddex

    Temp Rising

    Also. I left my tank sliders off and added a fan to my fish room. Temp of tanks get to 25 today, yesterday was 27.
  37. Shaddex

    Peppered Cory Juvenile's - St8

    Not ship, but maybe I can Drive and meet you ? Let me know.
  38. Shaddex

    Friends For Peppered Cory Catfish?

    If you are in the UK and close to the Staffordshire / Cheshire border, I have Loads of Peppereds for sale
  39. Shaddex

    .25 Ppm Ammonia In Established Tank

    My main concern is that you "Cleaned the filter". Did you clean it with Tap water or Tank water ? If you used Tap water, this may have harmed your bacterial colony in your filter. Using API Master kits, I sometimes get a "False" .25 on ammonia. (Even after a water change). Just keep your eye on...