That’s just the front yard, the backyard is 3x bigger.
we used to have 6 acres, but decided our land and built a new much larger house, now we have 3.5 acres. With all this grass we need a a big mower so we bought this one last year. I love it...
i have 24 tomato plants and my family doesn’t even like tomatoes.
i give them away to friends and relatives, but the bulk of them will be grown for the chickens.
a blowtorch
I forgot to mention, so far I have planted carrots, peas, potatoes, onions and pansies outside and have started cucumbers, peppers, celosia, violas, alliums, ground cherries, tomatoes, black eyed Susan’s, Shasta daisies, and purple coneflowers.
Here in the us our garden is where we grow vegetables.
so here are some pics of my gardens and flowers so far this year!
ill try to get some more soon.
There are SO many sites, but not all are the best. maybe Find the fish you want on a few different sites and we can tell you if those sites are reputable. Also do you have a big enough tank for an arrowana?
I agree not with the BA tetras, if you were to chose a different tetra or other schooling fish get a trio of pearl gourami because they are a more social fish and like to be in groups.
I think it will look great once the plants fill in!
and FYI you should either upgrade the tank or rehome the red tailed shark, he looks like eh is already too large for your tank.
they require at least 55 gallons.