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  2. mhancock

    Overstocked Or Not?

    Hi, When I started reading about tropical fish and the end of last year (got my first tank in late November), I read several pieces recommending an inch of fish per gallon, one website that recommended an inch per half gallon, and several that said it was possible to go to an inch per litre...
  3. mhancock

    What Would You Guys Think.....

    Look forward to seeing the pics :)
  4. mhancock

    Assassin Snails

    Actually ended up buying two kribenses instead, male in one tank and female in the other so they may possibly be introduced in the future sometime! No signs of any snails and think the kribensis look great :)
  5. mhancock

    Gourami - Close To Euthanizing

    It may be worth looking into Dwarf Gourami Disease (if it is a dwarf), if that is the problem then there is little that you can do about it other than not replacing the fish with more dwarf gourami as the disease may be in the tank. I lost mine for this reason by buying an infected fish from...
  6. mhancock

    Restocking Disaster

    I was told it reduced stress by someone in the LFS who seemed to know more than I did when my mollies were not doing too well. The product says this: The proper use of this all natural Aquarium Salt can reduce fish stress, add natural electrolytes and improve gill function. An all natural...
  7. mhancock

    Sudden Mollie Death

    Hi, Although most fish from LFS are young, with the smaller fish that don't normally grow to more than a couple of inches you've no idea how old the fish are that you are buying. Maybe it was just old age? If your parameters are all good and the other fish are healthy then that may be an...
  8. mhancock

    Restocking Disaster

    Salt can definitely help reduce stress, it says on the packet how much to put in, I think it would be worth it. It's not expensive and it's not as if you are putting meds or anything unusual in the tank!
  9. mhancock

    Tank Ideas

    Thanks, I do have an airstone and am looking forward to seeing it with the black gravel!
  10. mhancock

    Restocking Disaster

    If damage is on most fish EXCEPT the original male diamond, maybe you do have your culprit there and when pecking order established it will be OK? I'm not an expert at all but it may be the reason.....
  11. mhancock

    Tank Ideas

    Thank you, will look into the plants you have suggested. When I change the gravel, would it be OK to put the fish and some tank water into a big bucket, and leave the stuff in the external filter so that the bacteria are OK? Do you know how long the bacteria would last in the sealed external...
  12. mhancock

    Tank Ideas

    Bump - has anyone any thoughts? Thanks, M
  13. mhancock

    Tank Ideas

    I'd appreciate some creative advice please! I have two tanks, and am happy with the smaller one which has red+black gravel (there is some sand underneath for the plants), white rocks and a mixture of plants: The larger one, I put white and black gravel in on top of the sand, and am really...
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  16. mhancock

    Sick Platy

    Overnight she has discharged a whole load of gunk, is now back to normal shape and swimming calmly. I am so pleased I put her by herself, she is now back with the others. Some of the gunk was a similar colour to her, so I wonder if it was a miscarriage, and the bloating and upside down caused...
  17. mhancock

    Sick Platy

    It is the only one like it, no white poop that I have noticed. I have put her in a tub by herself so she has warmer water than the main tank and some peace.
  18. mhancock

    Sick Platy

    It may be, to be honest I don't know. She is still wriggling around and most of the time is upside down.
  19. mhancock

    Sick Platy

    Here's a pic:
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  21. mhancock

    Sick Platy

    I have a platy with a big belly, it is behaving very oddly - swimming upside down or laying on it's side breathing heavily. She looks sick rather than pregnant. It looks like a white pipe is coming out by the anal fin. I currently have her in an isolation/birthing tank. Trying to get a pic...
  22. mhancock

    Catfish Query

    Great, thank you
  23. mhancock

    Assassin Snails

    Thanks, that's really helpful :P
  24. mhancock

    Catfish Query

    One of my glass catfish has lost one of its "whiskers". Does this mean that they are being aggressive (they seem peaceful from what I can see) or can this happen from time to time, and will it grow back? Thanks, M
  25. mhancock

    Assassin Snails

    Since buying some new plants I seem to have gained lots of small snails in both tanks. From reading this thread it would seem that assassin snails are the best solution. Are the assassins likely to breed and give me the same problem again, and what is the best number of them to buy - are they...
  26. mhancock

    Tank Mates

    PS - just realised that the stress could have been me with a camera on the side of the tank! Many of the german blue rams on google image search also have black..... Where do you live? I could maybe swap for platties if you want some red in your tank!?
  27. mhancock

    Tank Mates

    Thank you, The rams are now in my bigger tank, which is 28 degrees (warmer than the smaller tank). Will keep an eye on them to check that the back goes as they were definitely darker in the small tank than when I purchased them. It seems that with each fish there's something new to learn, and...
  28. mhancock

    Tank Mates

    Thanks for your thoughts. Currently only 0.67 inches of fish per half gallon there is plenty of capacity. Not sure which species of ram, pics here: The swordtails are currently 2" long, obviously if they do get as long as suggested then they would need moving into my larger tank. LFS...
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  32. mhancock

    Tank Mates

    I have a 55l tank that is a little empty as I had to remove the dwarf gourami due to the dreaded disease.... The tank now has two tiny corys, two honey gourami, a tiny female guppy, two rams, one betta and three swordtails. What else could I add to it (that I can buy in the UK) that would look...
  33. mhancock

    Tank Upgrade

    My 225l was about £100 on ebay, brand new! It is on my pic but not thebest picture. The price difference between online and LFS is huge.
  34. mhancock

    Best Schooling Fish

    I have cardinal and neon tetras that both school a bit, however the ones that school the most are the harlequins.
  35. mhancock

    Breeding In Your Main Tank?

    I've tried the floating pen but not successfully - either the fish was not pregnant in the first place, or the stress of the pen was too much. It was helpful when I got a female guppy fry by mistake from the LFS with some males, the fry was tiny and would almost certainly have been eaten by the...
  36. mhancock

    Angelfish Discharge

    Thank you so much, I was really worried that it may be something serious.
  37. mhancock

    Angelfish Discharge

    No replies yet - would really appreciate it if anyone could help! Thanks, Mark
  38. mhancock

    Angelfish Discharge

    Yesterday, for the first time I fed my fish with some bloodworm from the LFS. There was some other stuff that came out of the bag which I was not too concerned about, although I was surprised at how slowly it was eaten - from other threads I thought that the fish would eat it very quickly...
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