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  1. mhancock

    Angels, Rams, And Dwarf Gouramis?

    I've had those species together in the same tank (albeit a big one) before with no problem other than the MDG iridovirus issue.
  2. mhancock

    Mating Angels

    I've got 4 angels, 3 definitely breeding size, and no mating.  I know that one is male from previous antics with previous tank mates!   One possibility is that I have a tank of males, but otherwise what else could be stopping them from breeding?
  3. mhancock

    Astroturf / Artificial Grass

    I'd like to see some pics if you do it please!
  4. mhancock


    How do get "grass" coverage like that!?  I love it :)
  5. mhancock


    I could not get bricks today but did find some terracotta pot legs - holding up the wood seems to work well as the fish like going underneath, but I'd still like to play with some bricks.   Apologies for the rubbish photo:  
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  7. mhancock


    OK thank you! Will take some pics when done ;)
  8. mhancock


    I've a tank at work where I've re-homed some malawis and catfish for a friend whos tank was about to break (bracing gone) and needed a quick solution.     The set up was never intended for malawis though, so the plants are looking a bit worse for wear and there are no rocky hiding places which I...
  9. Facing-Brick_large.jpg


  10. mhancock

    Fish Dying Everyday!?!?!?

    If you're running it under the tap water then there's the problem - the water contains chlorine which is killing the bacteria!  You must clean the filter sponge etc in water you've taken out of the tank before you dispose of that water.
  11. mhancock

    Fish Dying Everyday!?!?!?

    I agree it's hard to answer without more info, but people on here will try to help. My first thought is was the new 75% water dechlorinated but that's just a guess...
  12. mhancock

    Power Cut

    After about 12 hours the power was back on, fish seem fine ;)
  13. mhancock

    Power Cut

    Thank you! 225l is external and hood, 85l is internal.
  14. mhancock

    Platys In Filter

    Try putting a big sponge round the filter intake, you may need to cut the shape. This is often done by breeders to stop fry getting sucked up. I'd also be inclined to get a couple of platties from somewhere different as they are normally lively enough to cope with high flow and yours may have...
  15. mhancock

    Power Cut

    We've no power due the storms, been off for a few hours at least. Tanks down to 22oC, thankfully we have a gas cooker so I'm mixing boiling water with tank water to add to tank. Will stop when temp high twenties. Really worried about bacteria in filters though. Any thoughts!? Mark
  16. mhancock

    Confused Cory

     I wish I had!!!  It was very quick! Hi,   Tank pretty stable so I'm not doubting parameters, the only change was that I added some cherry barbs earlier that evening, and fed some frozen bloodworm and daphnia which the fish have not had for a while.
  17. mhancock

    Confused Cory

    I've just witnessed the most bizarre thing - after feeding my fish, while the front of the hood was still open, one of my albino corries danced around the top of the tank with almost all of it's body out of the water standing up on its tail.  It was like a dolphin at a sea-life show!   How...
  18. mhancock

    Filter Rates & Flows

    Great endorsement for Eheim :)
  19. mhancock

    Drip Irrigation System

    Has anyone in Kent/London done a project like this?
  20. mhancock

    My New Dwarf Gourmani Is Really Ill

    I agree, they are often kept in antibiotic conditions (or given food that contains antibiotics) then as soon after they are moved into normal water it all goes horribly wrong.   I love Male Dwarf Gouramis but have given up keeping them as they never last very long.....
  21. mhancock

    Drip Irrigation System

    Hi,   I'm moving house and thinking of installing a drip system with automatic overflow to my tanks, using a fridge/freezer style inline filter and 1/4 inch tubing to take water to the tank.   I've two concerns with using 1/4 inch piping to do it though: With living in London, would it get...
  22. mhancock

    Making My Own Fish Food Out Of Human Food?

    Would white kidney beans be OK? Less hassle than shelling peas ;)
  23. mhancock

    What Angels Are This

    maybe they were together a while before shipping?
  24. mhancock

    Clown Loach Behaviour

    I couldn't see the photo, but agree that they need to be kept in a group!
  25. mhancock

    Filter Rates & Flows

    will be interested to follow this thread!
  26. mhancock

    Making My Own Fish Food Out Of Human Food?

    If you blend the peas can you leave the outer casing on?
  27. mhancock

    Compost And Slate

    I'm leaving the filter in as I have relatively normal stocking and stable conditions - understand why the stocking in a pure Walstad would be much lower than possible with forced filtration.   Hopefully the compost will be a good substrate for my plants to flourish growing their roots into!
  28. mhancock

    Moving Tank Help

    I've moved 60l tanks with fish and substrate still in them by putting a board underneath the tank so it is fully supported at all times, also leave the sponge from the filter in the water whilst doing this.  Only a few cm of water, and protected in the car by old towels, which also keep it dark...
  29. mhancock

    Compost And Slate

    Afternoon all,   My tank did have a sand substrate but I was fed up of the waste showing up on it so easily and the plants were not not doing great.   Inspired by the Walstad method, I've replaced the sand with compost, re-planted the best of the old plants, and used plum slate from a hardware...
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  31. mhancock

    Angels Behaviour

    Ah - the tank has some platties, mollies, glass cats, clown loaches, gouramis, two rainbows and corries.  Also a couple of plecs but I doubt the angels notice them!
  32. mhancock

    Angels Behaviour

    Thanks Rob, what are dither's?
  33. mhancock

    Angels Behaviour

    Morning,   Is there an easy way to tell whether angels are pre-mating or just being aggressive when they lock mouths?  (other than waiting for eggs!!)   Thanks,       M
  34. mhancock

    Looking For A Bottom Feeder! 125G Community

    Sterbai courts deco!! Stupid auto correct.....
  35. mhancock

    Canister Filter.

     I agree!!
  36. mhancock

    Water Dispenser Filter

    sounds good!
  37. mhancock

    Water Dispenser Filter

    Evening,   I am moving house next month and am going to take the opportunity while we are redecorating and replastering to plumb in mains water to drip into the tanks, then an overflow to remove excess water.  This should give me constantly good water.   If I can adjust the flow, maybe using a...
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  39. mhancock

    Mdg Concern

    Thanks, he's still eating well. Had also wondered about hole in the head.
  40. mhancock

    Mdg Concern

    Bump ;)