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  1. Colin_T


    TURNING LIGHTS ON AND OFF Stress from tank lights coming on when the room is dark can be an issue. Fish don't have eyelids and don't tolerate going from complete dark to bright light (or vice versa) instantly. In the morning open the curtains or turn the room light on at least 30 minutes (or...
  2. Colin_T


    Lots of people have cardinal and rummynose tetras together and they get along fine. ------------------- TDS meters are useless for aquariums because they measure everything dissolved in the water and give you a number. You need to find out what the GH (general hardness) and KH (carbonate...
  3. Colin_T

    Is my tank ready?

    If you are doing a plant tank, don't bother cycling it. Just fill the tank with plants and fertilise them and give them light. After a couple of weeks add some fish or shrimp. The plants will use the ammonia produced by the fish and shrimp and you won't need to cycle the tank.
  4. Colin_T


    Don't touch dwarf gouramis (Colisa lalius) because they are regularly infected with the Gourami Iridovirus and or Fish Tuberculosis (TB), neither of which can be treated and once those diseases are in the tank, they are there until you disinfect everything, including the fish. Don't leave...
  5. Colin_T

    Today's a new day.

    The white worms appear on driftwood sometimes and are harmless but kind of gross. Normally you just hose them off, which is what you did. :) You will be fine with plants. Add some aquarium plant fertiliser, give them light and buy beginner plants. In 6 month's time you will have a tank full of...
  6. Colin_T

    Hi I'm looking to start my own business eventually named family aquatics I'm just trying to learn as much information as I can about fresh water fish Most tetras need soft acidic water to successfully breed and for the eggs to develop and hatch. The GH and KH should be as close to 0ppm as possible and the pH below 7.0. They also breed more readily and successfully...
  7. Colin_T

    Betta fish quick breathing and less active

    FIRST AID FOR FISH Test the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH. You have done this and it appears fine so do the stuff below. Wipe the inside of the glass down with a clean fish sponge. This removes the biofilm on the glass and the biofilm will contain lots of harmful bacteria, fungus...
  8. Colin_T

    Tank is getting depleted, what to do next?

    What are the tank dimensions (length x width x height)? What is the GH (general hardness), KH (carbonate hardness) and pH of your water supply? This information can usually be obtained from your water supply company's website (Water Analysis Report) or by telephoning them. If they can't help...
  9. Colin_T

    Forgot the name of these guppies.

    pandas? @emeraldking
  10. Colin_T

    Help: My bichir has contracted a rare disease.

    Excess mucous on a wound. Add salt for a few days and if no improvement use a broad spectrum medication that treats fungus and bacteria. ---------------------- Before you treat the fish do the following. Test the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH. Wipe the inside of the glass down...
  11. Colin_T


    That doesn't look like breeding behaviour to me. It looks more like a sick fish being eaten. Move the fish into a separate tank or get a breeding net and put it in there. But they have to be kept apart or they are going to kill it. The smaller fish is breathing heavily and is being hammered...
  12. Colin_T


    It's fine to use driftwood found in the ocean or at the beach. You don't have to boil it. Sunlight kills lots of things. Drying the wood out kills anything aquatic that might be living on it. Coming from saltwater means there is nothing that will survive in freshwater. Just find a few pieces...
  13. Colin_T

    Under appreciated fish

    @Bamf Comics, can you set up some water holding containers for water changes? Then you could make sure the new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine and has a more appropriate temperature for the fish.
  14. Colin_T

    Imagitarium wide range pH kit instructions mismatch

    Contact the manufacturer. One of the test kits we got years ago had different numbers of drops from each bottle for the same test. You ran out of one solution before the other and had to buy a replacement kit with 2 new bottles. It's usually a sales ploy to take more of your money.
  15. Colin_T


    Not really when you consider the bacteria chicken have in them that multiplies rapidly when the bird is dead. They blow up like a balloon and when someone is silly enough to touch them they let rip. OMG it fuplie stinks.
  16. Colin_T

    Adding Fish To An Already Established Tank

    Yoyo loaches have a pecking order with a dominant female in charge of the group. If you add another mature female, especially one that has been on its own, you could end up with bloodshed in the tank as the original female tries to dominate the newcomer and one or both get seriously injured or...
  17. Colin_T


    You could also do another test just to make sure it's reading high. If it is, then Lake Tanganyika has fish suited to water with a GH around 400ppm. The only other way is to dilute it with rain, distilled or reverse osmosis water.
  18. Colin_T

    Newly setup fish tank ammonia not dropping?

    It takes 2-3 weeks before you see a change in ammonia or nitrite.
  19. Colin_T

    Pruning swords question

    Don't prune Echinodorus (sword) plants, they don't like it. Just leave them alone.
  20. Colin_T

    600L Heater options?

    I would stay with two x 300 watt heaters. As Malok said, if one fails you still have the other one to keep the water warm enough until you get the broken one fixed. If you insulate the base, back and sides of the tank with 1 to 2 inch thick polystyrene foam sheets, that will reduce the load on...
  21. Colin_T

    Fish room complete

    That's not a fish room, there's no triple tier stands there :) Someone likes sword plants. The coral red platies look good, they contrast well in that tank. :)
  22. Colin_T

    Americans, stockpile some food now

    Fill your car's gas tank up with fuel and maybe get a couple of jerry cans worth of fuel too. Do water changes and gravel cleans to keep the tanks clean. Clean your filters now just in case. Get some batteries and back-up power to run the tanks if you lose power. Maybe ring a relative that...
  23. Colin_T

    Americans, stockpile some food now

    We are the same in Australia with the supermarkets selling more food that comes from Africa, China, India and various other countries that don't have good quality control or much control over what might be used on or in the crops. Having said that, they have found glyphosate (roundup herbicide)...
  24. Colin_T

    been a while but I have a question

    Soak them in bleach overnight then rinse well with tap water. Cover the container that has the bleach with a decent lid to stop the fumes leaking out. Wear rubber gloves and safety glasses when handling bleach or removing the phials from the bleach and rinsing them. Use bleach in a well...
  25. Colin_T

    Americans, stockpile some food now

    With the American election in a few days time, I would like all of our American forum members to go shopping and buy food and water now. I have serious concerns about what is going to happen this week and it could be the start of a civil war. Whatever happens, you lot and the rest of the world...
  26. Colin_T


    Is the green stuff in the gravel cleaner tube coming out of the sand? Is it solid or green liquid? The picture in post #2, is that underneath the aquarium? Is the aquarium on a glass table with a light under it? If yes, put a piece of black card under the tank to stop the algae growing on the...
  27. Colin_T

    Lily pipes ànd hose

    Clear hoses can be hosed out and if it gets really gross, you can shove a bottle brush down there. And if it's really really bad, take the hose off and pour some bleach in it, put something in the ends and slosh it about, wait an hour then rinse it out.
  28. Colin_T

    Poorly Molly

    The biggest cause of diseases in established aquariums is a dirty filter and dirty substrate. Keeping those clean significantly reduces the chance of the fish getting health problems. And if there is a problem, cleaning those can usually help.
  29. Colin_T

    Lily pipes ànd hose

    What's a lily pipe? I would take the joiners into a hardware store and match up the hose with the joiner. Then use the Fluval hose clamps or a normal metal hose clamp.
  30. Colin_T

    Firemouth Cichlid, bloated, breathing heavy, breeding tube protruding. Egg Bound? Infection of some kind?

    Is the fish eating normally or at all? What does its poop look like? When fish suddenly bloat up, breath heavily and stop eating, they have a major internal problem (usually organ failure caused by bacteria, quite often TB). There's no cure if it has organ failure and has stopped eating and the...
  31. Colin_T

    Discus mafia and pricing fish way beyond their worth

    Well at $6.83 a pr you got an absolute bargain. That's about $3.42 per fish and that is way less than what we paid for them when we brought them in from the Asian exporters. We used to pay $20.00 per fish (about 3 inches in diameter) for common basic brown discus and the prices went up from...
  32. Colin_T

    Poorly Molly

    I'm not sure if you are, but you don't have to clean the filter every day. The filter should be done just in case it's dirty. After that a normal established filter should be cleaned at least once a month. When you gravel clean the substrate, leave an inch or two of undisturbed substrate around...
  33. Colin_T

    Sand in the Tank

    Don't mix different types of substrate because they end up blending in together and it looks crap and makes a mess. Use sand or gravel or a plant substrate but do not use more than one type of substrate in the aquarium. Unless you have 6 inches or more of sand on one side of the tank and 1/2...
  34. Colin_T

    Angelfish Tank mates

    How big is the angelfish? What are the tank dimensions (length x width x height)? What is the GH (general hardness), KH (carbonate hardness) and pH of your water supply? This information can usually be obtained from your water supply company's website (Water Analysis Report) or by telephoning...
  35. Colin_T

    Plant conundrum

    I would also increase the lighting period a couple more hours each day. You have a lot of plants and I didn't see any algae so you could potentially increase the time a bit. You can have the lights on for up to 16 hours a day but the fish and plants need 8 hours of darkness. You probably won't...
  36. Colin_T

    Poorly Molly

    Make sure you gravel clean the substrate whenever you do a water change, and clean the filter too. Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank. Make sure any buckets and hoses are free of chemicals and only used for the fish. Make sure you don't have...
  37. Colin_T

    Poorly Molly

    Do a water change and gravel clean each day for a few days and see how it looks. If it has improved a lot, don't bother adding the salt. If it's still bad after a few water changes, post another picture and add some salt and leave it in there for 1 to 2 weeks. If you get someone to feed the...
  38. Colin_T

    Poorly Molly

    It's excess mucous produced by the fish in response to something bad in the water that is irritating it. It's a water quality issue or something toxic in the water because the excess mucous is covering the entire fish. If the mucous only covered one area it would be a wound or external protozoan...
  39. Colin_T

    Plant conundrum

    Pictures of the plants? What sort of light is above the aquarium? How long is the light on for?
  40. Colin_T

    Mrs. Pictures from tonight…

    It's a daddy longlegs spider :) I got a unit full of them and used to get them in the tanks sometimes. They drop in and the fish drag them under and swim around with them for a few hours before leaving them to rot.