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    Difference in sand?

    what is pool filter sand?
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    Sand or Gravel

    im going to have both in the same tank
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    Leveling an aquarium

    my tank was about 5mm lower at one end and its only 1m long. So i raised the one side with bits of card, but over the past month its squashed down a bit and there is a slight difference again.
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    Leveling an aquarium

    definitely level from the floor. Placing something between the tank and the stand may cause a slight unnoticable bend in the tank which may cause the tank to break or crack. and you dont want that to happen
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    Bubbles at Top of Tank

    i used to have bubbles when i first set my tank up, but they dont appear any more. maybe you should try not adding so many chemicals to the water.
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    QUESTION FOR smithrc

    yeh, i have the duo deep 1000, and it shines straight in the eyes.
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    QUESTION FOR smithrc

    I would have thought you would have put it on the front part of the hood, as there is more space available there. thanks for the pics.
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    QUESTION FOR smithrc

    could you post a pic of the underside of the hood so i can see what you have done? cheers
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    Im currently using 1 x Life-glo2 30W and 1 x Sun-glo 30W. I have a planted tank and was after some opinions on what would be good lighting for my plants and to show my (non existant) fish at their best. does anyone have any recomendations for lighting for my setup? My tanks is 40 (UK) gallons...
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    T8 tubes

    the power-glo has a high kelvin temperature i must admit, but it is still a good source of light, and can bring out the colours of fish really well
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    T8 tubes

    If your wanting to stick with the hagen lighting (aqua-glo, sun-glo etc etc) i would recommend using either power-glo or life-glo. I say that because im currently using aqua-glo and sun-glo, and my plants aren't doing very well. So i did a little research into the subject and found out that...
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    Quick question about setting plants in

    I would advise leaving the pots on for a week or so, until they get used to the new water conditions. Also, the material in the pot will contain a lot of nutrients which will be helpful while the plants get acclimatised. Edited to say: Its not greatly nessesary to use fertilisers or root tabs...
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    plants and sand.

    if you use laterite under sand wouldn't that also make it's way to the surface? and isn't that a bad thing because your not supposed to let it be absorbed into the water.
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    plants and sand.

    besides, wouldn't the gravel eventually move to the top over time due to the larger grain size?
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    plants and sand.

    does anyone know? :/
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    plants and sand.

    ok, thanks people, thats nice to know. does anyone know of anywhere i can buy fertile substrate to put under the sand,over the internet????
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    plants and sand.

    I recently read somewhere that it is not advised to put live plants into a sand substrate. is this true? what problems could it cause?
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    didn't think there would be. :/
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    what is 'the right balance' ??
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    anyone else got any info?
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    anyone know?
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    What are good plants for out compeating algae? also, ive heard that some plants excrete toxins that destroy algae, which plants do this?
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    Ive just added some plants to my tank, and the tips of the leaves have a slight browny colour to them. are they dieing? or is this normal?
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    thats not gravel size cheeky. 2mm is tiny compared to gravel. the gravel i currently have must be atleast 5mm
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    yeh, my lfs sells sand that looks like it has been took off the beech. It is quite fine grained in my opinion, must be around 0.8mm. is there any type of sand that is about 1.5 - 2.0mm??
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    ive heard of people using 'large' grain sand as a substrate. what would be classed as a 'large' grain size?? also, what sand has a large grain size?
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    thanks for all your replies. and yes, ive got real plants, just put them in today, well about 15 mins ago.
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    My tank gets direct sunlight for about 1-2 hours per day, is this bad? what problems might this cause?
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    thanx, i'll have a look
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    do u still have the info? if you do could you send it to me. i would really appreciate it.
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    Im looking into buying sand for my tank, and remembered a post that showed all the different types of sand available and also had pictures. does anyone know where this is? as i cant seem to find it. or does anyone know of another website that has this on? all help welcome.
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    planted tank

    aww, shame it has to go. but i suppose you can fit a lot more fish in the 95 gallon.
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    i dont have any guppies at the moment, i was just wondering if id be able to get rid of them if needs be.
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    rare catfish?

    ah, i understand now. can you think of any that are as showy as the zebra plec?
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    rare catfish?

    what is with the L-numbers thing? ive seen them before, what do they mean?
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    rare catfish?

    apart from Zebra Plecs (Which are amazing) what other rare or beautiful catfish are available?
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    hey chali, you get around abit on this site dont ya
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    yeh, i know what your saying
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    the devider has holes in it, but i doubt the fish could mate when not being able to touch.
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    lol, cruel