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    Cycle order??

    I'm about to start to filter my 32gal tank. I'm going to be adding live plants to it later, so should I add them before or after i cycle the tank?? also, i have two 20w lights. they are both hagen flourescent lights, one is the flora glo (2800K spectrum) and the other the power glo (18 000K...
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    If money were no object, what wud u buy?

    wow that is one huge tank....... :D Drunkenmonkey :D
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    Penguins in Ontario?

    Big Als online is way too overpriced for canada. A penguin 330 is more than 3 times more expensive than the penguin 330 from the American site. I was thinking about getting one on e-bay... but its hard to find a cheaper one =\ :) drunkenmonkey :)
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    RTB Shark question

    Thanks for all of the advice :D I actually got a 33 gallon, which was cheaper than the 25 gallon. It has an undergravel filtration system, but I'm going to replace that. I plan on having some live plants and use an emperor 280 filter, so it shouldn't be too bad if it is overstocked. Right...
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    Penguins in Ontario?

    For all of those in Ontario out there.... I live about 40minutes west of Kingston. I'm in the process of setting up my new tank, and am looking for Penguin filters. There aren't any stores here that sell them, so do you know any around this area that does?? thanks!!
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    RTB Shark question

    I'm currently setting up a planted 25 gallon tank(32inch long). I will probably put some tiger barbs and some other fish (undecided, but probably tetras, danios, etc...). Will my tank be big enough to hold a RTB shark?? I know that they can grow pretty big, and can get aggressive, so I am unsure...
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    :D :D Thanks a lot!! :D :D
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    Hey, I stumbled on this place looking for a good fish site. I've been browsing for a few days, and it looks like this is a great and friendly place :D right now, i'm currently setting up a long 25 gallon tank, upgrading from a 10 gallon. see you around on the forums ;)