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  1. D

    Time to try

    Thats an intersting story CFC. I think I read something similar to that. It said to try to simulate the same conditions the fish would experience in the water. Things like light, food, and water quality. During the wet season, there is a lot of rain and food. So that would be what most of our...
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    Do you use Carbon all the time??

    Carbon can remove additives to the water such as heavy metals, medicines, and plant fertalizer. i keep on small pack in my fluval and change it once a month. But im thinking about not using carbon because it removes my plant fertilizer. Since i do water changes often, i don't think it would be...
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    Time to try

    Wow... very ambitious project. But it sounds great. Good luck with it, and i hope you can pull it off.
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    Got 3 ottos to replace my CGAeaters

    otos are great little fish to have around. too bad that some of them can die rather easily/randomly :( I like your icon ps... i haven't seen that show in ages ;_; the blue one was the best :P
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    How long do plants need to anchor?

    Thanks smithrc. I cut off the elastic band this morning and it stayed on the driftwood.
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    Top-Dwelling Fish

    Zebra danios would be a good choice for a top dweller. they are very active too.
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    How long do plants need to anchor?

    I've had a java fern attached to a piece of driftwood (with an elastic) for about 2 months now. I can see that some of the roots have anchored themselves to the driftwood, but a lot of roots are still floating around. About how long does it take for the roots to anchor themselves??
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    beta fish

    Bettas can be kept in communities. Make sure that there are no long finned fish (ie guppies) because the betta might kill it. There are exceptions like PT's betta. Make sure that there are no fin nipping fish either, like tiger barbs or serpae tetras. i didn't realise serpae tetras were fin...
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    watts per gallon for smaller tanks

    wow thats pretty intersting... it provides a lot of excellent information about planted aquariums. nice find )
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    Agressive Acts Only Thread

    :cool: great pics vip. your blood parrot looks really evil in one of those pictures :shifty:
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    Super noob!

    You can take the plant out of the pot if you want. if there is still rockwool, you can remove that from your plants too. However, some people like to leave their plants in the pots and wool because it makes them easier to move. So if you ever want to redecorate your tank it'll be a breeze. I...
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    What to do with $100 Dollars

    bio-wheels are a form of biological filtration. since it is not fully submerged in water, the de-nitrifying bacteria can use oxygen from the air instead of the water. this will help keep oxygen levels up in the tank. i think theres a post in the hardware section about biowheels...
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    What to do with $100 Dollars

    i think the 300 refers to the gallons per hour the hour the filter will turnover. so for an aquaclear300... 300 gallons of water would have passed through the filter. i think for aquaclears it is adjustable, so you can reduce the flow rate. i think thats right... but feel free to correct if im...
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    sorry man. guess i just sorta got caught up in the moment?? can't wait for you to get a digicam to take some pix :D
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    My 2 Oscars, Tiger and Red

    I'll second the FOTM nomination on the first picture. Great looking oscars vip :cool:
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    I went to the websites and it looks like the second Discus was for sale. However... You stated that it was 7cm, but the site selling said it was 15cm :dunno: where did the other 8 cm go?? For the rosered discus, the site did not state the discus was for sale, or anything else for that matter...
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    MUSTARD GAS CT BETTA!!!!! By Daylight!

    wow that is one nice looking betta Arashi :D :D :thumbs: :thumbs: !! The blue and orange make it look really cool I nominate it for BOTM for sure :)
  18. D

    What is fish poo??

    i've actually already cycled my tank and have fish in. i used liquid ammonia. cycle didn't really help at all (if it did, then i couldn't tell the difference). i was just wondering because it didnt really seem like a good idea :X
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    Foreground Plants

    I have an anubias nana and a cryptocoryne wendtii "green". they are both relatively small, and are very easy to care for. I have pretty low lighting in my tank (1.25watts per gallon), and they are both doing fine. There are one or two special needs for each plant, but it is not that difficult to...
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    What is fish poo??

    Does anybody know what fish poo is?? Is it mostly just vegetable waste passed through the fish? The reason i ask this is because somebody told me that it is mostly proteins. I told her that i used ammonia to cycle my tank, but she told me to use a can of clams or mussles since they are protein...
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    Over stocked....... My views

    clown loaches can get very big, but they take a long time to grow. most people who have them will tell you that they've only grown a little bit each year. but if you put clowns in smaller tanks, you risk stunting their growth. I would have loved to put 3 clown loaches in my 32gal, but was afraid...
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    Feeding otos in a busy tank

    thanks for all the input. I'll try to add some zuchini slices in tonight, so that hopefully the barbs/danios won't pay as much attention (hopefully). thats a good idea snowyzmom. I have a spare tank that seems to grow a lot of algae, so i'll try that. thanks! :thumbs: :)
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    Feeding otos in a busy tank

    anybody?? please?? -_- -_-
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    The Lamest fish store advice you've gotten was....

    I was buying my fish after my cycle had just completed lfs person: the water quality in your tank is going to deteriorate quickly me: but i just did a fishless cycle and water change... lp: it doesn't matter. you'll probably need to start doing 50% water changes to bring down your nitrite...
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    Oto not looking good...

    well i took the two sick otos back to my lfs. the woman there insisted it was my tank's fault. its newly cycled with one water change, and another one coming soon. anyways... i got store credit so i can hopefully buy more when things settle in more
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    Oto not looking good...

    yeah i've read about using cyanide to catch them. pretty scary stuff :crazy: . The oto isn't actually dead... its just really lethargic and barely moves. its belly has gotten bigger though, and there is red all over it. another oto was afflicted by this :X i found it this morning lying down...
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    Oto not looking good...

    i just checked him and he died :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( so sad i'll go back to my lfs and get a replacement hopefully. i bought 3, and now the 2 are left. do you think i should get another one :/ ?? thanks
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    heh... thats half the fun of setting up an aquarium. personally, i find it more enjoyable researching every single aspect of my tank before i set it up. it took me over 2 months of planning and research to set up my first one (just got fish sunday :D )
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    Oto not looking good...

    i just bought the otos two days ago... so would the stress from being accimilated to the store, moved to my tank, then accimilated again be a cause?? the other two are very active and feed on algae. :S oog
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    Oto not looking good...

    Parameters are NH3 : 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: dont have a test kit for it pH: 7.6 Temp: 26 C edit - read through the common disease section. i think it has gill flukes, but that still doesn't explain the buldge. could it be a bladder problem??
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    Oto not looking good...

    On sunday i purchased all of my fish (finished fishless cycle). i bought 3 otos, and one of them does not appear to be doing very well. the first thing i noticed was that it couldn't stick to the glass... it would sort of fall down. the other two otos have been pretty active. they usually swim...
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    Feeding otos in a busy tank

    I have 8 tiger barbs 5 zebra danios, and 2 otos (the third one is really sick in quarentine... i think he's going to die :byebye: ) there is beginning to be less and less algae in my tank, so i want to add algae wafers and veggies into their diet. but the tiger barbs and danios are too fast and...
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    Order of adding fish

    thanks sky! I'll try that and hopefully everything will work out. planning on getting them this friday/saturday :D :D :) Drunkenmonkey :)
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    Order of adding fish

    My 32gal tank is coming very close to ending its fishless cycle. I plan on adding about 5 zebra danios at the start. The other two types of fish i would like to add are tiger barbs and otos(was rtb shark previously, but changed my mind :rolleyes: ). After I add the zebra danios, should i add the...
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    plants and lighting??

    so do you think that cryptocoryne and anubias plants would be able to survive :unsure: ?? i think that hornwort and java fern and moss would be able to survive? :) Drunkenmonkey :)
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    Flaring Bettas! Three of My Boys Showing Off!

    wow... very nice looking betta fish arashi :D kakashi <-- are you a naruto fan?? :) Drunkenmonkey :)
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    plants and lighting??

    Oh hmm... well I bought a hood that has two slots for lights, so I doubt that I can add another light :/ any recomendations?? :dunno: :) Drunkenmonkey :)
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    plants and lighting??

    thanks elgecko! my hood has reflectors, but I doubt it'll raise the light output by THAT much. I'll just leave my lighting the way it is now, and follow your plant recomendations :D :) Drunkenmonkey :)
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    plants and lighting??

    i have a 32 gal tank with two flourescent lights. one is a hagen power glo (20watts) and has a light spectrum of 18000K, and the other is a hagen flora glo (also 20watts) with a light spectrum of 2800K. What kind of lighting is this, and what kind of plants do you recomend? I plan on keeping...
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    Setting up a new tank, 500L

    Wow... beautiful tank rain :thumbs: :D :) Drunkenmonkey :)