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  1. A

    Need help identifying white “bugs” in aquarium.

    Looks like free food for your fishies :P
  2. A

    Need help identifying this disease!

    Thanks! The only reason why I suspected velvet was because the top of his head and top portion of his body is all coated orange when he was initially blue. He does not glow yellow/gold when shining a light on him or rub against objects.
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    Need help identifying this disease!

    Thanks a lot. I'm going to use all of your tips. I have already taken a break from using medications and he seems even more active than usual. I appreciate it!
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    Need help identifying this disease!

    I've done some more research and it's looking more and more like it might be Velvet or Spironucleus. I am purchasing some metronidazole in the form of API General Cure and am hoping this will help.
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    Need help identifying this disease!

    Hi everyone, I have been trying to figure out what disease is afflicting my betta for over a month now. A little backstory - I adopted this Betta when COVID-19 began. It was our "office fish" and unfortunately, lived in a 2.5 gallon, without a heater or filter, for close to a year due to lack...
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