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  1. C

    A Very Quick Question

    11000K refers to the color temperature of the light produced. Higher tends to be blueish light, lower tends to be reddish. Taking from a chart I turned up quickly with google: 1500 K Candlelight 2680 K 40 W incandescent lamp 3000 K 200 W incandescent lamp 3200 K...
  2. C

    5ppm Of Ammonia = How Many Fish In Inches?

    Sounds like rubbish, IMO. The PC plugs into a UPS just like it would into a wall socket - if the power coming out of the UPS wasn't the same as the wall socket, you'd burn out your power supply and wreck your computer. They'll run anything you plug into them, but the insurance policy on them...
  3. C

    Is This Ok For Stocking A 55 Gallon

    I'd drop the convict. Some of your fish should be able to stand up to one, but I think the rams and corys would stand to be terrorized. A firemouth is about the same size, but not as ornery. A pair of kribensis would also be tough guys without being terrors. Keyhole cichlids have a similar body...
  4. C

    Ideas Needed For Using 'old' Tank Water From W/changes

    Works wonders on plants - I use tank water on any dry spots in my lawn and it sorts them out better than running the sprinklers for an hour every day.
  5. C

    How Do I Setup Quarantine Tank For New Fish?

    Bacteria will grow on both just fine - not all of the ammonia is removed at once, water has to go through the filter several times to get cleaned up completely, so there'll be some "leftovers" making it to the second piece of media. Some canister filters will have six or eight compartments of...
  6. C

    A Very Quick Question

    Usually it'll be stamped on the tube near one end or the other. If it doesn't say specifically, you can find whatever it does say and search on google, there's a few sites with indexes of what the codes on bulbs translate to.
  7. C

    Chnaged Which Is Better?

    What's on the other side of the background? Mine is black on one side and landscape on the other, I use the black side. But either way a black background would look great. IMO it's better than blue, seems to be a more neutral color, and there's very few fish that wont' show up in good contrast...
  8. C

    Cycling With Fish Food

    It is progressing reasonably fast, sometimes that first bit of nitrite takes forever to show up in any kind of fishless cycle. Hard to say just how quickly, though, since it's hard to tell how quickly ammonia is entering the water when using fish food. If I remember right, 1 ppm of ammonia...
  9. C

    4.6g Tank,how Many Dwarf Puffers?

    If you say so. I have mine, and I know their size and behavior. There's just no way a shoal be able to do any of the things they do when they're happy in that size tank. They may well have survived, but what kind of activity did you actually see in them?
  10. C

    Tiger Barb Question...

    Nitrifying bacteria live on surfaces, not freeswimming, so even 100% water changes aren't too much provided the filter is turned off and water is kept in it to keep the media wet, but they create all sorts of logistical problems like disturbing substrate or decor when refilling and what to do...
  11. C

    4.6g Tank,how Many Dwarf Puffers?

    In a 5 gallon, I wouldn't go with tetras. Definitely not the black/white/etc skirts at least, as they get a bit big by tetra terms.
  12. C

    How Do I Setup Quarantine Tank For New Fish?

    I keep my quarantine filter running on my community tank. You can also keep the quarantine filter's media in your main tank's filter if the filter itself doesn't fit or looks bad. Once it's been there a month or so, it's pretty reliable to pull it out at a moment's notice and get the quarantine...
  13. C

    New Tropical Fish Tank- Dying Fish?! :(

    Plants will use ammonia, but not enough to make a meaningful difference in a cycle except in heavily planted and lightly stocked tanks. However, if you have access to a cycled tank, filter media from it will help immensely. A mature tank - that is, one that's been stable for 6 months - can...
  14. C

    Can You Put Rocks From A River In Yr Tank If U Clean?

    This is an old thread, but it was something that got asked recently. I'd avoid soap, personally. I'm also paranoid, and don't want residues anywhere near my fish. I boil and scrub with chlorine bleach, then rinse it in clean water with a super dose of dechlorinator, and leave it to soak in that...
  15. C

    Python To Fill Tank

    Some people add it all beforehand, some add it in phases - half at the start, half at the end or partway through, etc, and I've heard at least a few people add it afterwards. Pretty good bit of flexibility. A mature tank can stand a bit of chlorine - it's not toxic enough to nuke your biofilter...
  16. C

    Angel Fish Growth Rate?

    I'm going to bump this, I'd be interested in the answer, as well. I've read that many cichlids reach ~80% of their final size in about a year, but while my keyholes are pacing about like that, my angelfish are growing quite slowly.
  17. C

    Help Get Fish Out

    Since other fish are dying, get ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate readings. Could be an illness, could be poor water quality. It's possible the neon was already dead when it got stuck. While it does happen, it's unusual for healthy fish to get stuck or sucked into filters.
  18. C

    5ppm Of Ammonia = How Many Fish In Inches?

    I have a 75 minute UPS on my big tank - it's lasted through 5 hour power cuts more than once, and if my math is right, it should be able to handle 24-48 hours before the red light turns on. People have also suggested using car or deep cycle batteries. You can buy a converter that attaches to a...
  19. C

    1 Month ? Old Tank - Cloudy Water -no Nitrite Or Amonia Readings

    Yep - that's about right. These bacteria process solid waste rather than nitrogenous waste - fish poop, dead bodies and dead plants. These bacteria usually live on surfaces out in the open in the tank (rather than high flow areas in the filter like nitrifying bacteria) as part of the biofilm -...
  20. C

    Cycling-suspect Results.

    Yep - it's an unusual case, but a couple months back I accidentally gave somebody the go-ahead without considering it, and they appeared to have a massive nitrite spike after adding the fish as nitrite fell back into the readable range. I remember that any time somebody has readings they think...
  21. C

    1 Month ? Old Tank - Cloudy Water -no Nitrite Or Amonia Readings

    It's likely a bacterial bloom. BTT might happen along and correct me, but hopefully this time I've got the details right: The bloom itself is harmless, but usually results from excess organic waste breaking down, and can lead to an ammonia spike because of the jump in rate of break down. Do...
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    I love those hatchetfish. What kind of shrimp is that? I also wish I could find good bogwood like that - I'd be willing to rescape a good chunk of my tank to fit a couple pieces in.
  23. C

    Planted Community Pictures

    Was bad today, after dropping so much on the second petricola, I said no more this month, but I added some acora and wisteria today - couldn't pass up such a big bunch of wisteria for only $1.49.
  24. C

    Most Under Rated Fish.....

    Keyhole cichlids. They've got the big cichlid look and personality in a smallish, community-friendly package. Good bit bigger than rams or apistos, and while they're not stunning fish, they have the ability to drastically change their color in moments. There was a thread like this a while back...
  25. C

    Where Can I Buy Ammonia

    Try dollar stores (or rather the UK equivalent), too. They sometimes carry cheaper cleaning products than supermarkets, which usually means leaving out the fancy additives that make it clean better or not suffocate the user.
  26. C

    Questions Answered - Thanks Guys!

    It should be good. They are more comfortable in numbers, and aren't at all high on bioload, so you can pack them in like you can't with fish.
  27. C


    Only that they are fairly big and I think they're fan feeders.
  28. C

    How Many ?

    Dwarf cichlids, if you can get a m/f pair, that would be best. Failing that, get a male - they're often the flashier of the genders (for the apistos I'm familiar with, the male has a "mohawk" of extended rays at the front of his dorsal fin - if you look in the store tank for the one with the...
  29. C

    How Many ?

    Well, that does negate a good chunk of my advice, lol. I'd bump the neon tetra and danio up to 5-6 each, get a couple more loaches. You could still consider a dwarf gourami or dwarf cichlid or something similar sized as a centerpiece at that point, I think. That plan would leave you with 4...
  30. C


    Young and small fish become big and old fish. Plecos will grow about an inch a month if they're adaquately cared for, up to about a foot - they'll be tankbusters in a matter of months. Angelfish, somewhat slower, but before too long, they won't have enough vertical space for their fins. If you...
  31. C

    How Many ?

    Do you know what kind of plecs? Common plecs will far outgrow the tank, as will a number of other commonly sold species. 12-18 inches is a conservative estimate. Clown plecs, bristlenose, bulldog plecs, and some others are small enough to be ok, though. Anyway, first off, since you recently...
  32. C


    Mine ate ghost shrimp, and I'd assume anything smaller like cherries would be doomed. Some people have suggested amano shrimp, but others have said there's still the chance they'd get eaten after a molt.
  33. C


    60 l is about 15 gallons. Definitely too small for angelfish, and the pleco. Rehome the angels, pleco and about half the platys and you'll be quite well stocked, but sustainable. Assuming it's cycled, that is.
  34. C


    Are you testing ammonia and nitrite? It sounds like you're having a chain of diseases, which sounds like poor water quality. Possibly still in your cycle? The behavior, particularly perking up in the bucket (Which I assume was new conditioned water and not tank water?) could be water quality...
  35. C

    Cycling With Fish Food

    It'll be better than nothing. It's harder to gauge than ammonia, but any progress is good progress. Are there any Aco hardware stores near you? That's where I found mine. Any hardware store's worth a try, for that matter. Try dollar stores, too. They often carry bargain brand cleaning products...
  36. C

    New To Tetras- Can You Put More Than One In A Tank

    No, not headstanders. They're small guys, book says 5 cm, the few sites I turned up on google say 4. Name is Poecilocharax weitzmani. Other common names are apparently Morpho tetra and Weitzman's predator tetra. Googling sites gives pretty wild variations in information - one site says they're a...
  37. C

    New To Tetras- Can You Put More Than One In A Tank

    Not just you, My black skirts will jump at my fingers sometimes. On the subject of fighting tetras, one of my books has a "black darter tetra" (I'll have to find the book and find the species name) that it says isn't shoaling, and is actually a territorial cave dweller, complete with male brood...
  38. C

    Cycling Help

    Depends what time you're on - you seem to be posting when I'm on but people like Waterdrop and Miss Wiggle aren't, so you get more replies from me:) Most of my advise is basically theirs repackaged, anyway. I just remembered you're the one I replied to with the flicking tiger barbs? I'd chalk...
  39. C

    Cycling Help

    Do a 50% water change now, and test again in a couple hours. If ammonia is still above 0.25, do another big water change. This will get the current levels under control. Once it's down, test twice a day for now, and do water changes to keep ammonia (and later nitrite) under .25. After a few...
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    Planted Community Pictures

    Borrowed a camera from a relative since I don't have a decent one myself, and tried to get some shots of my tank. Practice pictures A few that actually came out a bit ok from the dozens I deleted. Not my community, just one of my first pictures. P. clarkii crayfish still in quarantine...