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  2. G


    yes they are anemone's but i would leave them in i like the look of them. I have anemones in my tank and i love them. none of mine have repoduced. by the way were did you get your live rock it is so nice. the stuff i get isnt half that nice looking and i pay 10.00 a lb for mine.
  3. G

    Tanks at Wal-Mart

    fishnewbie, you live in charlestown right? well go to martinsburg to aqu. unlimited and ask for greg. he has some used tanks with all you need to set them up for a little bit of nothing i just traded him my 55gl and my 90gl for a 125gl so i know he has some used setups there. he will give you...
  4. G

    the addiction....

  5. G

    live rock?

    live rock is for saltwater only it is rock from like fuji that has things living on it like bacteria, little wormes, feather dusters, barnicals. and other interesting creatures. it is cool to get a new peace for your tank and then watch for what craws out of it or see what new life is growing on it.
  6. G

    great find but

    sorry i forgot to say the cloudyness is on the inside of the tank :(
  7. G

    great find but

    bought a 10 gl tank at a yard sale, stand filter air and air stone. for a bargen price of $15.00 yes only $15.00 well one prob. i filled it with water to cycle and the front glass is very clowdy looking. i have tryed wiping it and using a tank sponge to clean it no luck it dont look scrached...
  8. G

    FishNewbies Tanks!

    very nice :thumbs: one of the best small tanks i have seen in a while and i seconed the nomonation for STOTM! :wub: looks very nice on your desk it fits perfect.
  9. G

    my new 125gl

    oh and as for filters. i use an Americal wet/dry sump with the bio balls and a protein skimmer.
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    my new 125gl

    not only did i use the water from my 55gl i used the live rock and all the gravel and then used my old filters that were full of bactera in my new filter. pluss got more live rock. so my tank cycled just fine. it was no different than doing a 50% water change. i checked my levels every day and...
  11. G

    my best pics

    hey love the slug i want one,what is the name of it and is it reefsafe?
  12. G

    Best Filter System

    i have an Americal wet/dry with a protein skimmer for my 125gl saltwater tank
  13. G

    Dwarf Puffer fish dying

    what are you feeding your puffer's? puffers need more than just flake food they need brine shrimp and kirll is good eather frozen of freze dried. i like frozen best and so does my puffer.
  14. G

    Frozen Food

    i sware i have more frozen fish food in my freezer than human food. we have brine shrimp we have krill, we have VHP and we have something elece i cant keep track. well all i do is drop it right in the tank except for the VHP and you have to thaw it and mash it up a little. i have a 125 marine...
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    lighting for a 125 marine

    i have a 125gl marine tank bought it and transfured everything from my 55gl into it. The lfs told me that the lighting that came with the 125 would be enough but i dont think it is. it is what looks like a home made balister system with 4 long balister lights. it's not quite as long as the tank...
  16. G

    the addiction....

    Love the stories! and of course i am addicted too. i started out with a 20gl that was my husbends when i moved in but became mine soon after :lol: . then beleave it or not went to a 250gl saltwater wow that was a chore! i had a nurse shark she was huge. and man could she eat. so much that i sold...
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    Blue spotted puffer

    thanks everyone i just love my puffer he does have the most pretty colors i have ever seen. :wub:
  18. G

    Blue spotted puffer

    i have heard that they can be aggressive but mine is not he is a big scaredy cat. he and my tang are best buds but the tang kinda rules the tank. he did do something stange this morning, i was setting across the room and looked at the tank and saw this big floating thing i thought one of my...
  19. G

    October Nominations

    this is puffy he was nomonated for FOTMpuffy for FOTM
  20. G

    Amazing Tank

    was this pic taken atRipley's Aqu? i have the same pic of my son at the one in tennesee. we had the best time!
  21. G

    Blue spotted puffer

    WOW thank you feline how did you do that??? i need that program it realy brought out puffy's colors thank you once again :fun:
  22. G

    cruelty to fishes!?

    :no: omg that sounds terrable. so sad :-( pore fishies. i have never seen one of these and i think i am lucky not to. i would prob think about way to much and make myself crazy worrying about those pore fishies. :-(
  23. G

    hi there!

    :hi: you have found the best fourm around i promise! everyone here is great and most friendly.
  24. G

    Blue spotted puffer

    :wub: ok i am going to try to put my blue spotted puffer on again hopefully this is a better picture. he doesnt stay still for very long. so it's hard to get a clear picture
  25. puffy_only.jpg


  26. G

    someone please help

    one more thing what do you mean keep the stroking density low ? now i feel stupid :*) and what side do i put the live rock on the one with the bio balls or the side with the pump?
  27. G

    someone please help

    so i should get more live rock to put in the filter? ok. and no i dont have a proten skimer i didnt think i needed one with the trickle filter i have gess the lfs was wrong again (imagin that) :/ what exactly does the proten skimmer do anyway how big should it be i dont have much room left in my...
  28. G

    someone please help

    this is my filter i was wondering if it was enough for my 125gl saltwater tank. have never used this type of filter and realy dont know how it works or if i am useing it right :*) . it is all hooked up and i am useing a 700gl pond pump in the filter someone please give me some info on this type...
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  30. G

    my new 125gl

    i sure do love my new tank. and so do my childern i havent watched tv in 4 days i just set and watch the fishies. it is so cool to have a little peace of the ocean in the livingroom. (even if it does take up most of the livingroom :P lol) as for size shock well i still cant beleave it i only...
  31. oct_6.jpg


  32. G

    Puffer Species

    my puffer(saltwater) is the sweetest thing in the world. i had always heard about there beak but never realy knew what it looked like untill last night when my tang made him mad and i sware he rolled back his lips and showed his beak i was shocked :hyper: . it was the weardist thing i have ever...
  33. G

    October Nominations

    my new 125gl saltwater tank I love my new tank i'm glad everyone likes it thank you for all the positive comments :rolleyes:
  34. G

    It's a start......

    personaly i never had much luck with plants my fish always ate them and they looked nasty in a few weeks keep up the good work freshmike :thumbs:
  35. G

    my new 125gl

    no post is complete with out a pic of puffy. he love the new tank :wub:
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  37. G

    my new 125gl

    actually i used my water from my 55gl to cycle my tank and then i got a great filter. it cleared up in a few hours.
  38. G

    my new 125gl

    :wub: my new anemone jsut got him today
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    my new 125gl

    tonight :thumbs: