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  1. B

    29 Gallon Startup Help Needed

    Ok so I have a new 29 gallon tank starter kit I bought from petsmart. I know I need to replace the filter and I was going to go with an aquaclear 70 and keep all the other equipment for now. I also have a running 10 gallon tank with sand and a few wisteria plants in there along with one lonely...
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    The Beginning Of Dwarf Platies

    I have a platy...fry I guess you could call him, who hasn't grown in a long time. He is at least 3 months old is still a little under an inch long. All my other platy fry grew up by now. Both the parents are normal sized, so is he a genetic fluke and does that make him a dwarf? I should also...
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    2.5 G Questions

    I have an 2.5 gallon minibow and have heard that a trio of Endler's or guppies would work in the tank (males only to prevent population explosion). Is this true and if so,would they need anything special to live in a smaller tank?
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    Adding To A Ten Gallon

    It has a couple of artificial plants and two small aponogeton(sp?) plants growing. I was kinda looking to stay to stay away from any more livebearers too.
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    Adding To A Ten Gallon

    I currently have a 10 gallon tank with 3 platies in it. The tank has been running for months without incident so sensitive fish shouldn't have any problems. What would be some good fish to add to it? Thanks in advance.
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    Sorority Tank

    Thx, I made sure when I fed them that they had ample enough food to reduce the chance of fighting over it. I also may have overdone it with the plants ( I was expecting the worse so I provided many hiding places in the tank).
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    Sorority Tank

    Today I set up my 5 gallon sorority tank with three females. It's been about 8 hours and so far, and much to my suprise, there has been no nipping, chasing, fighting or anything of the sort. They will occassionally flare up at each other then go their seperate ways. Hopefully it will remain this...
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    Male Or Female?

    Here are some pics I managed to take.
  9. fish2.jpg


  10. fish.jpg


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    Male Or Female?

    I recently purchased a betta from a LFS. I am aware of the obvious differences between the male and females. My betta's sex is in question though. It was labeled as a female but has a longer more pointed anal fin than most other females I have seen, and it's caudal fin is larger than I would...
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    Neons: Fighting, playing, or breeding?

    I have recently moved my 5 neons to a new tank and they are now chasing each other back forth across the tank. They all got along fine before. There doesnt appear to be any physical damage on any of them but I'm worried. Any help is appreciated.
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    I have a 10 gallon aquarium with 5 neons, 5 guppies(fry not a problem as i have a grow out tank for them), a male platy and a peppered cory. Would I have have room for another cory or perhaps 2-3 more tetras? Thanx in advance!
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    Thinking about java moss

    I have a 5 gallon aquarium currently housing guppy and platy fry. The light is an 8 watt. Would java moss grow? If so, would I need anything special (CO2 or fertilizers)? Thanks in advance!
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    Cherry barb and guppy fry help

    Would a cherry barb eat newborn guppy fry? Thanks in advance!
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    Females in 5 gallon

    Is it possible to put 2 female bettas together in a 5 gallon? Or would they just constantly fight?
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    10 gallon stocking question

    I was thinking of putting in 2 dwarf gouramis and a small schooling species. Would this work and if so, what schooler should i put in?
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    5 gallon tank

    I am getting a 5 gallon tank soon and i was wondering what to stock it with. I'm thinking about getting some live plants but i dont know for sure yet. Anybody have any suggestions?
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    Getting rid of fry?

    My female guppy had 14 fry a month and half ago and they are getting quite large. I'd like to keep them but i just dont have room in my 10 gallon tank. SO my question is, what do you do with the fry? I have no friends who want any and I don't really want to give them to pet shops who may end up...
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    10 gallon tank

    Thanks for the response. About the nostop fry though, wouldnt the adult guppies and/or platies eat them? And how many fish would you recommend putting in there?
  21. B

    10 gallon tank

    I am getting a 10 gallon starter kit and was wondering what fish to put in. I was thinking along the lines of some guppies, a platy or two, and maybe some neon tetras. What would you suggest? (This is my first 10 gallon tank although i have 2 one gallon tanks with a betta in each)
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    Pregnant guppy?

    I recently bought a male and female guppy from a local fish shop. They were in a community tank and I believe the female may be pregnant but I'm not positive. Does anyone have a picture of what a pregnant guppy looks like?