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  1. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    When I was thinking of setting up a tank I thought I would like some bottom feeders and a beta -I was going to leave at that but a pet shop lady suggested Neon Tetras so I got them. Then tonight other people suggested about Catfish liking a faster current than Betas and Neons ~it's so...
  2. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    Ok sucker fish are going back and hopefully they will take them back!! What is KH and GH?? And how do you find out how much chlorine is in my tank?? I don't have a water testing kit myself yet but I'm going to get one. Which one should I get? The more you people give advice, the more...
  3. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    Thanks for the advice about the plants!! I can't paint the back as its not really my tank. About the light it's not often on because I got told from the pet shop that I was giving my plants too much light so I turn it on 2-4 hours a day. Do those plant need the light?? I so want to keep my...
  4. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    Would the pet shop take them back?? What plants would you suggest?? I originally wanted a green covering for the back wall but the baby tears aren't doing the job and also possibly dying. I have flourish tabs in my tank but it didn't change the plants much with it!
  5. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    I only have the light on for a few hours at night and I have noticed the Neon tetras seem happier without the light. Would another type of catfish work better?? Should I take the Borneo back to the pet shop??
  6. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    Oh that doesn't make me happy!! Actually it makes me a little annoyed. I was only going to have a beta and a few catfish. It took my water ages to be ready for fish and I was so excited I bought the tetras after the pet shop lady suggested it. Grr so it really won't work?? What fish possibly...
  7. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    Thanks for the feedback!! Do you think I need more plant coverage for the other fish if I do add a beta?? And any recommendations to what?? My plants aren't doing so well, I think the baby tears are dying from the roots up...
  8. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    I'm a novice so why am I pushing my limits with my catfish?? And why is it not fair to the beta -tell me more!! I told the pet shop I wanted catfish and a beta. They suggested the tetras and also 2 catfish rather than one. I'm a novice, I don't really know what I'm doing that's why I'm asking...
  9. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    Just wondering if anyone had put a fighter in with any other fish before and how did it go?? I have a 34L tank with 6 Neon Tetras and 2 Borneo Catfish. A friend came over last night to visit and was very sceptical that my other fish would survive with a fighter and if it was possible I would...
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