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  1. F

    Restocking A 15 Gallon Community.

    I would keep what you have, and add a dwarf gourami or maybe a pearl gourami.
  2. F

    Rummy Nose Losing Colour

    Rummy noses go super pale in the dark and play dead in bags. They think it's funny to scare people. Mine also lost their color when the heater malfunctioned, so if they seem more pale then usual, you might want to check the temp to be safe.
  3. F

    Oh No!

    In my experience, rummy noses always play dead when caught or bagged!
  4. F

    Stocking Ideas (Edited: Now With Pics)

    If I'm not mistaken, gold, blue, & opaline gouramis are all just different color morphs of the same species.
  5. F

    Peppered Cories Changing Color?

    After moving a group of 5 peppered cories out of quarantine and into my main tank, I noticed that they were paler than they had been before. The main tank has white sand as a substrate, while the quarantine tank has blue/green gravel, and I've noticed that my otocinclus is paler while he's over...
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    Plant Effects On Bioloads

    Maybe, but the nitrate did still go up a lot higher without the plants :fun:
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    Plant Effects On Bioloads

    According to, my tank is 88% stocked with 104% filtration capacity. I just checked my water before doing my weekly 25% water change, and nitrate is 0ppm. The tank is lightly planted. Before it was planted, I only had about half as many fish, and nitrate would be 5-10ppm by water...
  8. F

    If You Could Have Any Specialist Fish What Would It Be?

    Redtailed catfish. And the biggest plecostomus I can manage to grow!
  9. F

    20G Stocking

    I haven't tested after I added the new tetras a few days ago, but usually 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and maybe 5-10 nitrate. I change 25% of the water weekly or slightly more often. I want to get a new tank once I figure out a spot! Contemplating which piece of furniture is least necessary right...
  10. F

    20G Stocking

    Okay, so I should just hold off for now and maybe re-examine my stocking in a few months? I might have the livebearers in another tank by then, anyway. Do you think the current filtration is adequate for the current stock?
  11. F

    20G Stocking

    I actually did rehome a couple fish before I got the tetras, but I'm pretty attached to the ones I have now. I'm definitely not planning on getting any more livebearers. They are eating and pooping machines! It might be a possibility to move one of the mollies to my 10G tank, but I'd rather...
  12. F

    20G Stocking

    My community tank is a 20G long tank, dimensions 30"x12"x12". It's running a Hagen Aquaclear 50 filter that is fully cycled and has been running for about 4 months. It has a sand substrate, with a big piece of driftwood, with java moss, java ferns, and anubias. I'm also hoping to get more...
  13. F

    Popped Into My Lfs This Afternoon...

    Rummynoses do tend to "play dead" when they're stressed. I would think that would be all the more reason to be gentle, though!
  14. F

    Rummynose Sudden Death

    I moved them into my main tank a few days ago, and they were doing great, but one jumped out of the gap in the lid during the night and now the smallest one keeps getting "lost" from the school :-(
  15. F

    Suggestions For A 10-gallon Tank?

    I like cherry barbs, but I thought a 10-gallon tank might be too small for them? I already have platies and mollies in my other tank. The sparkling gouramis look cool, but I think I'm looking for a more peaceful schooling fish. I was planning on having a group of cherry shrimp, but now I'm...
  16. F

    Suggestions For A 10-gallon Tank?

    I'm looking for suggestions for a 10-gallon tank. Ideally I'd like a small, colorful schooling fish. I'm not interested in guppies, and I'm looking for an alternative to neon tetras. The tank has an open top, which I'm planning on having covered by floating plants, with a lighting fixture...
  17. F

    Rummynose Sudden Death

    Okay, sounds like I should just leave them alone and try not to startle them until I can move them into the main tank.
  18. F

    Rummynose Sudden Death

    Right now, I just have the 3 rummynose tetras by themselves in a 10-gallon tank. I'll try finding information on tetras + salt. Thank you for your help. I feel a lot better about this now. I don't think I could handle another Mysterious Fish Disease.
  19. F

    Rummynose Sudden Death

    Unfortunately, I don't know the pH of the water at the LFS. It might be a good deal lower than mine, but I gradually acclimated them over an hour. Next time, I'll be sure to test the water they came in. Would it be normal for it to not show for 4 days? I had a rummynose die from pH shock...
  20. F

    Rummynose Sudden Death

    On Sunday, I bought four rummynose tetras. I set up a 10 gallon quarantine tank with a fully cycled extra filter from my other tank, and acclimated them slowly. They seemed a little shy, but their noses were red and they were eating, and everything seemed fine. This morning, I found one of...