Search results

  1. M

    Hello From West Wales

    Thanks for the welcomes !!! Freedom fighter , my "inheritance " ? The 4ft tank has a single Angel ,a Sailfin plecostomus (spelling ?) ,4 neon and 3 glowlight tetras,two platys and a bunch of little snails that burrow in the gravel... this one has an undergravel filter and various...
  2. M

    Where Can I Purchase Large Cobbles Or Pebbles?

    If anyone would like a pound or two (thats gives away my age a bit,doesnt it ? :lol: )of purple/blue welsh slate,my gardens full of it - happy to post if recipient is happy to pay the postage !!!
  3. M

    Hello From West Wales

    :good: Thanks for the welcome,everyone ! ( I am about half-way between Cardigan and Carmarthen,just outside Drefach Velindre .)
  4. M

    Hello From West Wales

    Title says it all,really ......big HELLO from wet,windy west Wales ! Having just "inherited " my sons fish (his logic being that I would miss them -true - and his new flat had room for a bigger tank anyway.........also true)I am sure I shall soon be pelting you all with really silly questions !!!
  5. M

    Hello From Wet,windy West Wales.....

    Good morning everyone ! I have just been trawling through various forums and this seemed a nice,friendly place,so here I am,one very new member! We have a 50 gallon tank in the kitchen with various guppies,mollies,tetras and 1 large Angel that has been my sons pride and joy but he has just set...