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  1. H

    Stocking Ideas!

    Its 240 litres, or 65us and 55uk gallons
  2. H

    Stocking Ideas!

    Hi I just bought a juwel rio 240, 48" x 16" x 20", which works out at roughly 65gals us/55gal UK. I'm interested in doing a "peacefull" new world cichlid tank, and I was wondering what people thought about the stocking i'm thinking of. It will be filtered by the internal juwel filter (1000lph)...
  3. H

    Used Tank

    Cheers for the tips everyone. Im picking the tank up tomorrow evening, but can't get on with it for a couple of weeks as I have final year exams throughout january :S I'm sure I'll be looking for advice when the time for cleaning does come though! C
  4. H

    Used Tank

    I will be moving over my ex1200 from my current tank as the main mode of filtration, but I figured buying some new sponges for the juwel internal would be worthwhile, as it would give me ~10x turnover. The substrate I was planning on binning aswel, but I'm not sure what to do with this tank -...
  5. H

    Used Tank

    a bit of bleach and scrubbing, with thorough rinsing with hot water then? and then new substrate/filter media etc? is it worth replacing any of the equiptment to be on the safe side? any bulbs etc? or just clean and run it asap?
  6. H

    Used Tank

    I will be picking up a used tank at the end of the weak, recently emptied by the current owner. It is a rio 240 and I was wondering what would be the best way to clean it for use? The only thing I have planned so far is to buy some new filter media for the internal to run along with my tetratec...
  7. H

    40 Gal Long

    So i'd be better off looking for something ~75 gal, 48 x 15 size? Apart from cost I don't see any down side in the bigger tank, after all it takes up only 3 inches extra of floor space and the increase in volume is massive between a 40 long and a 75. Thanks for everyone's advice Ceri.
  8. H

    40 Gal Long

    The cookie cutter section at says a 55gal is 48 x 13 x 20, with a 40 gal long being 48 x 13 x 16. I know theres a 25% ish increase in volume but is that such a big difference?
  9. H

    40 Gal Long

    I've been offered a very cheap 40gal long tank, 48 x 13 x 16. are these tanks any good? I notice the surface area is the same as a 55 gal, with it just being shorter. Would this affect what species I can keep, as I have read that its floorspace/surface area thats important for cichlids? I'm...
  10. H

    New 4 Foot Tank

    Hi - sorry to bring back up an old post, but i've been searching ebay to see if I could pick up a 2nd hand tank similar to what Ive been looking at (rio 240, roma 240 and rio 300) On ebay there is a rena aqualife 120 x 50 for sale just around the corner from my house. It has a buy-it-now of 350...
  11. H

    Stand/support For Tank

    Thanks for the reply, I figured DIY would be the only other option. My skills however are "incompetant" at best! I found this link today which looks plausible for even my skills but does anybody have an opinion on it? Does it look...
  12. H

    Stand/support For Tank

    Hi While deciding on which tank I'm looking to get in the new year (4ft ~ 75gal), I've been wondering about the stands/cabinets that come with the tanks. Are the supplied cabinets any good? Obviously they can support the weight but how about the quality etc? I'm wondering because they are...
  13. H

    Tetratec Ex1200

    Adam, I bought an ex1200 for my tank months ago and it keeps the water absolutely clear and it is virtually silent. Got it up and running with no problems - certainly a bargain at the price it's sold for. C
  14. H

    New 4 Foot Tank

    I have a tetratec ex1200 which I'm going to move over to the new tank, but I was probably going to run the juwel internal aswel to get some extra turnover. I have experience of the juwel internals and they're not the best but i figure having some extra turnover will be an advantage by letting me...
  15. H

    New 4 Foot Tank

    Thanks for all the reply's ,seems the rio 300 is the best option then! Does anyone know how much extra I could stock in the 300 over the 240's - volume calculator on this website says i get an extra 20-25 gals. (exact measurements are in the first post.) Thanks again for all your help. Just...
  16. H

    New 4 Foot Tank

    I havn't actually seen the rio 300 up close yet, only the rio 240 but was impressed with that. However, I did like the neat cabinet on the fluval 240. As it only takes an extra 4inches of depth (footprint wise) compared to the fluval, i think the rio 300 is the best option, as its only about...
  17. H

    New 4 Foot Tank

    Well, what I decide to stock depends on weather I get the larger rio or not i think. If I got either of the 240's I'd probably go with malawi mbuna, if I get the larger rio 300, I think I'd like to keep some severum. I dont think theres enough room in the 240's for any severum? I think the...
  18. H

    New 4 Foot Tank

    Hi everyone! I'm a little stuck as to which tank I want to pick up in the new year. I've narrowed it down to the following but am stuck for my final decision! Tank------------------------------Juwel Rio 240------------------------------Fluval Roma 240------------------------------Juwel Rio 300...
  19. H

    Juwel Size Discrepancies?

    Thanks for all the quick replies. I thought it might be something to do with the full measurements so people can measure up accordingly. Shroob, you say you have a rio 180 and vision 260 - whats your opinion on the shapes i.e. rectangle vs. bow? As i mentioned I'm a bit torn between the rio...
  20. H

    Juwel Size Discrepancies?

    Hi everyone I recently decided to start looking for a bigger tank than my current 3ft 30 gal, but have some questions regarding the larger juwel tanks. When I do the capacity calculations for the Juwel rio 240/300/400 and 260/450 visions, i get different capacities to the suggested name, i.e...
  21. H

    2 New Nano Tank Keepers Take Up The Nano Challenge...

    Looks like an awesome project! Where did you get the tank? I'm from south wales 2 and was thinking about starting something similar in the new year. C
  22. H

    My 3 Footer

    Spot on DE! well almost, there is a 2 inch blue acara in there too. Looks a bit bare at the mo to be honest! C
  23. H

    My 3 Footer

    Just thought I'd load up a picture! C
  24. my_tank1.JPG


  25. H

    24g Nano Cube

    Hi - complete newbie to SW, and am only really doing some "background research" lol Have always been tempted by the nano reef set ups and have seen quite a few at different LFS. I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on this type of tank...
  26. H


    I'd hope so too! As the guide and kit is set up for beginners it's hardly teaching good stocking as it's written!
  27. H


    60 litre about 15 gallons?? 1 Pair angelfish 1 Pair gourami School neon tetras School phantom tetras 2 ram cichlids 2 suckermouth catfish group of corydora catfish This is off the top of my head now though i'm on a different computer and the link won't load! Just seemed a bit overstocked when...
  28. H


    Was at my LFS today and picked up a tetra aquarart leaflet and saw their stocking suggestions for a 60litre tank - does it not sounds excessive to you? Here's the suggestions in full (it's on page four of the PDF) Compared to this my...
  29. H

    External Filters

    Thanks for the video, will save a bit of time with the instruction manual! Can anyone tell me would it be better to have the spray bar along the back (I can fit the whole bar along the back) or to just have part of the bar on the side or does it realy not matter and is just up to preference? And...
  30. H

    External Filters

    Thanks for the advice, decided to go with the ex1200 eventually because as soon as I get a bigger room than my student one i will be upgrading. So it's arrived today and it's huge! What's the best way to position the spray bar etc, do I want the intake pipe and spray bar on opposite ends of the...
  31. H

    New 3ft Tank, Help!

    Thanks for the advice I've been reading some of the fish profiles etc on this site and it seems a few max out at about 4 or 5 inches in length. Taking some general stocking calculations (1fish per gallon etc) this would seem to give me some room, considering I have an oversized external...
  32. H

    External Filters

    hi, was looking to pick up a tetratec ex700 today from but they're out of stock. is the ex600 a big step down, because it seems to only cycle a 100less litres per hour (600 instead of 700), would this realy be a big drop for a 100 litre tank (i want to replace the internal...
  33. H

    New 3ft Tank, Help!

    Hi everyone Wondering if you could help a relative newbie at this. Owned a 2ft tank for the past 6 months or so and kept it as a succesful community. Last week was at my lfs and picked up a new 3ft tank (36 x 12 x 16") and have decided to set it up as a cichlid tank (i think!) My current tank...