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  1. V


    Really?.. they get that big?? Oh man.. Like how much space do you need for the chihlids? -_- Oh well, I'll just get smaller fish. The goldfish has a pretty big appetite, because my Ghost shimp i think really turned into a ghost. I don't know how these fish live with themselves...... What is...
  2. V

    how do u know

    I think you should. I think breeding fish would be cool. I have a shrimp, just laid the eggs, but there is no male to fertilise them.. BOOOHOOO. Ahh well, good luck...... [sighs] :-(
  3. V


    Yea.... -_- what kind of tank do you have? I have 10 gallon, 5 gallon, the ten one is empty, and I want to put some life into it. Thinking about chihlids. :fish: :band: i just love these emoticons
  4. V

    Barbs with my tetras

    I don't know what this cycling thing is all about. Three weeks ago I got a fishtank. I left the filter running for two days, I put in gravel from lowes, which I had to wash consistently, a plant, a goldfish, and rosy reds. Ammonia levels became "mind blowing high", I still left the fish...
  5. V


    :look: Thanks, i thought so too. I put in a huge seashell. It's doing pretty well hiding. Hope he get used to the other fishies. What do you think is the most effective combination of different species of fishes?
  6. V


    Hey, I have two aquariums in my house, one is a five gallon and one is a ten gallon. I got a ghost shrimp for the small one. I had a goldfish in it, and some feeder comets. The fish don't hurt it or anything, he just gets real scared and sits on the leaves of a plant. Is he supposed to be...