Search results

  1. S

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    I have, :deep breath: 6 pygmies 6 pandas 5 sterbai 4 metaes 4 arcuatus 4 davidsansi 3 albino paleatus longfins 2 aeneus 2 gold laser aeneus 2 atropersonatus 1 aeneus longfin the odd balls I have are two spotted rapheal fish, two siamese algae eaters, two male plakat bettas one red taile...
  2. S

    Female Plakats Bettas For Sale?

    I was wondering if anyone have any female plakat females in the color varieties platinum, blue, black, green, red or orange? I have two males and one of them was building a bubble nest !!!!! :D If you have any to be sold contact me @ [email protected] Thanks!