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  1. F

    Kribensis breeding behaviour?

    Hi Yes I believe they have partnered up. I posted a previous thread doccumenting their behaviour. They have shimmered at eachother for the last month, but strangely never at the same time. The male is aggressive to the dither fish in the tank but not the female and vice versa. She went into her...
  2. F

    Kribensis breeding behaviour?

    Thanks so much for getting back to me. After 2 days of the continued aggressive behaviour, not allowing anyone in the cave, I woke up this morning to find her outside and back to shimmering as they were before I took the cave out and couldn’t see any eggs. I assume she ate them. However, is it...
  3. F

    Kribensis breeding behaviour?

    Hi everyone, my Kribensis pair have continued to show strange versions of mating. They shimmer at eachother but never at the same time. As of this morning the female has only left her chosen cave twice which is highly unusual. When she was out she darted very quickly and stopped very quickly...
  4. F

    Kribensis breeding trouble

    Hi All, I’m having some issue trying to get my Kribensis to breed. I have a pair which are showing signs i would traditionally say would suggest breeding. I.E. “shimmering” at eachother and flaring colour. Oddly, however they seem to be doing it singularly. By that I mean I only ever see the...