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  1. L

    Lowering Ph For Angels And Rams

    Sorry I meant to say GH not KH
  2. L

    Lowering Ph For Angels And Rams

    My ph is about 7.8 to 8.0 and kh very hard. I know that stable ph is better so I want to know if using peat in the water will stay constant or will it fluctuate with that. The people that raise these angels don't mess with the water too much and say that they are used to hard water but their...
  3. L

    Lowering Ph For Angels And Rams

    Hey everyone, I have set up a 75 gallon tank to keep Angelfish and possibly one pair of rams and of course a school of cardinals. My problem is the ph and hardness of the water from my tap. Untreated my tap water is very hard and high ph and I want to know if I can safely lower both with peat...