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  1. F

    Got A New Female Betta

    Thanks everyone! As for the tetras they honestly dont pay her any attention, they just stay together and every now and then all three can be seen swimming together. So far, all is well! Ill try and get a pic!
  2. F

    Got A New Female Betta

    Hey everyone!!! Just thought I would join this forum as the proud owner of a female betta. I got her from petsmart, and she is really pretty a white body with short dark and light purple fins :hyper: . She is in a nice, planted 5 gallon eclipse tank with 2 neon tetras as I will be getting a few...
  3. F

    What Fish To Go In A 65 Gallon Tall?

    Hey everyone! Well for my birthday my significant other got me a 65 gallon tall tank that was already established, so it came with a mature filter and everything. Its been up and running for about two weeks, and so far the fish it has in it are in my signature, and I am thinking about adding...