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  1. AtomicFish

    How Much Guppys Will Fit In My 10 Gallon Tank

    The rules for guppies is that there should be one male for 2 females. I also think guppies like to be in groups.
  2. AtomicFish

    Name that fish??

    If that's a red devil its got a lot of coloring up to do. I never seen one that was white they are mostly all orange. sometimes red.
  3. AtomicFish

    The Difference Between Neon & Cardinal Tetras???

    The Cardinal Tetra is usally a little bigger than the neon and has red going all the way across the fish.
  4. AtomicFish

    Holy Moley....

    for those of us not using the metric system how many US gallons is that? It is huge.
  5. AtomicFish

    20 Gallon coming soon

    Ill be sure to upload some pictures somehow once everything is good.
  6. AtomicFish

    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Angelfish are not angels.
  7. AtomicFish

    20 Gallon coming soon

    I believe it’s a 20 gallon H it looks a lot like my 10 shape wise.
  8. AtomicFish

    20 Gallon coming soon

    Hello y’all. I thought I was downsizing but I am aquiring a friends 20 gallon with some fish that he does not want anymore. I’m Also going to be transferring the fish I currently have in my 10 gallon to the bigger tank as well.
  9. AtomicFish

    now i'm confused on what i have

    I don’t know anything about apistogrammas but they do look interesting.
  10. AtomicFish

    Pregnant or fat platy

    I haven’t had platies in a long time but as all Live bearer fish go that is definitely pregnant.
  11. AtomicFish

    It Was Meant To Be!

    You could of named him Jack Frost. Anyhow that is one awesome betta you got there.
  12. AtomicFish

    Why is my (soft) tap water becoming hard in the tank?

    Depending on where you live some cities water is naturally hard or soft. Where I am we have very hard water. For soft water to become hard like you described you would have to have something in your tank making it do that.
  13. AtomicFish

    Plecos are very hard to catch...

    I don’t think its just plecos. I think all fish are hard to catch. It’s a sign of a healthy fish if they take a while to be caught.
  14. AtomicFish


    I’m finding this to be a good forum so far. I also have been on one called fish lore.
  15. AtomicFish


    Well right now I have down sized to a ten gallon I currently have a guppy 5 cherry barbs and a angel. In the past I have had goldfish I have gone through a few bettas. I one had some Jack Dempsey’s and a few firemouths.
  16. AtomicFish

    Compatible Aggressive & Semi-Aggressive Species

    Angelfish are one of the most unique shaped fish in the freshwater hobby.
  17. AtomicFish

    Aggressive fish

    I just have to say both of those fish look awesome. I never really got in to too much with Cichlids.
  18. AtomicFish


    Hi AtomicFish here I’m new to this forum but not to fish keeping. I am almost 42 years old. I love aquariums and fish keeping.