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  1. sawmy

    Not Sure If Im In The Right Place But..

    If there is a way of sexing normal lampeyes? Samx
  2. sawmy

    Help Please

    It's 27 because of my beta. I generally have it around 26. But unfortunately come home today and she's died :( Will have to get some more females, she was my last. The males are moping and not eating. Could that be because of loosing the female?
  3. sawmy

    Help Please

    Yeah we just have plants, a log (which none of the fish can get in because the cory chases them out), a large shell and 1 piece of coral that is fanned wide enough for even the cory to fit in so we left that. The temperature of the tank is 27, is that good enough for her to heal??
  4. sawmy

    Help Please

    We thought that the fry had already been eaten, but if that is a possibly reason for her getting stuck in the coral, maybe not. She's being treated. Just hoping it works and she doesn't try squeezing into anymore small spaces!
  5. sawmy

    Help Please

    There are fry. She gave birth to them at the beginning of the week. We caught a glimps of one on tuesday.
  6. sawmy

    Help Please

    I put some treatment in the water as soon as we managed to get her out. The only problem with using a makeshift tank with no heater is im not home every day to do the water change and my house is rather cold to be honest lol. Will get my mum to keep an eye on her whenever im not about. And put...
  7. sawmy

    Help Please

    Thanks matt. Yeah she is being a bit dopey. She's changed to sitting on the bottom of the tank now which is good. Surprisingly enough my siamese fighter is stopping any of the other fish going near her, but im keeping an eye on him too. Unfortunately i dont have another tank for her. I've...
  8. sawmy

    Help Please

  9. Picture_32.jpg


  10. sawmy

    Help Please

    We woke up this morning at checked the tank as we always do. Our female platy was stuck in a piece of the coral that we had in the tank. We had to break the coral to get her out and her scales are pretty badly damaged. She keeps sitting on the top of the filter at the top of the tank. Whats the...
  11. sawmy

    My Platies

    She's finally 'popped' :D Been gone for 2 days, came home and caught sight of a fry swimming past my log :D Hopefully some will survive and not get eaten by the males, catfish or fighter :P
  12. sawmy

    My Platies

    My orange platie still hasn't managed to give birth to her fry, and she's getting extremely large now. She seems to be having some trouble swimming to the top of the tank to eat, and spends most the time resting on the bottom now. Does this mean that she's extremely close?
  13. sawmy

    My Platies

    Yeah. My other male looks completely different. But that's how he was when we got him, and he hasn't changed at all except his anal fin. Still waiting for my two females to give birth to their fry. Orange one is near enough there i would say :] Cant wait
  14. sawmy

    My Platies

    This is the best that i could get at the moment The little one with the blue eye is my Lampeye :D We call him Norman :D
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  16. sawmy

    My Platies

    I will get one as soon as i can. Its really hard to get good enough images of them though. Still waiting for the other 2 to give birth though :(
  17. sawmy

    My Platies

    The yellow is deffinately male :D The black one does look rather fat in the pic tho, hes not really that fat :D Can females turn to males??? As when we bought the black one we could have sworn it was female, but now it deffinately has the bit that is noticably different in the genders.
  18. sawmy

    My Platies

    Thanks :] Its good to know what im looking for now. I can prepare for the next pregnancies now. I dont have the money to keep the fry from these ones :( Shall buy a little tank for them next time :D Just managed to get a side shot of the silver platy. But unfortunately, the orange one is...
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  20. sawmy

    My Platies

    My other one is Orange, cant see any dark patch on her. But she is spending a lot of time away from all the other fish, hiding in the plants. She looks a lot bigger than when i got her and she hasnt been eating a whole lot over the last few days, so im thinking she's not just fat. The silver one...
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  22. sawmy

    My Platies

    I have 2 male platies and 2 female platies in my 60L tank. Both the females have got bigger around the stomach area and my silver 1 has a dark patch where a pregnant guppy would. Is this to say that my females are pregnant?? :)