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  1. L.Iorin

    Just realized that my Cherry Shrimp had babies

    I swear I didn't notice before lol. Now I'm worrying if I sucked up some of them when cleaning, but I don't recall seeing anything moving. They're all small, but I don't think they could be called "fry" anymore. The smallest I could see is 2 ml? Maybe 3? With orange colouring. Sooo, I wasn't...
  2. L.Iorin

    Aquaforest Testpro Magnesium Water Turns Dark Blue When it Should be Dark Pink

    I just got that and the calcium test. The Calcium test seems to have worked right, but the Magnesium one has some problem. I couldn't find an answer from searching, but I did see some comments reporting something similar in a youtube video. Anyway, after adding regent C, the water sample should...
  3. L.Iorin


    We seem to be in the same situation, only I've just added fish yesterday. Good luck with your tank!
  4. L.Iorin

    Hiya :) First time with a planted aquarium, finally after 2-3 months

    Thanks everyone 😄 I appreciate the warm welcome. Happy to report the barbs look fine today.
  5. L.Iorin

    Hiya :) First time with a planted aquarium, finally after 2-3 months

    Hello 😄 Since I finished cycling and introduced fish, I thought I'd introduce myself to hangout with people. I should have probably joined earlier, but I tend to procrastinate 😅 A little background. I have a primo 110, some plants, rocks, and wood from a store. I started looking around stores...