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  1. A

    Put too much salt into the tank

    the fish are dying, any solution? thx.
  2. A

    My fish keep dying, help please.

    It's a 10 gal tank. I have the tank of fish for about half year, and every thing doing well. it has two green cory, 2 catfish. the others are guppy. I put the bag of the new fish in the tank for about half an hour and add some tank water to the bag, then I let the new fish into the tank...
  3. A

    My fish keep dying, help please.

    Recently my male guppy keep dying. I have lost four of them. What i notice is their tail become smaller and smaller, the tip of the tail finally become a point. The shape of their tail is like a triangle. And after a few days they died. This happened after i bought some yellow guppy and put...